Quotes from TWD Season 1
Can you guys give me some memorable quotes from the game? Thanks a lot!
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Can you guys give me some memorable quotes from the game? Thanks a lot!
Lee "Did you lick it?"
Clem "I don't know..."
Kenny- I could've been a better husband, a better father.. could have been a better friend my wife what she did I forgive her but.. it dont make it any less wrong. You don't' just give up. you stick it out and help the folks you care about
Lilly- Look my Dad can be an ass sometimes... I know that but, hes not a bad guy its he's got a lot of pain he's been through so much and lost pretty much everything and its hardened him you know? Yeah he's bitter and hateful but its all to protect himself and me all he's got left in the world is me and that goes both ways so don't judge him and don't judge me for sticking by him... he's my dad and I love him
(there more serious ones but I think there quite nice really)
Chuck: "Then she'll die a little girl if you treat her like one. You gotta consider her a living person. That's it. You're either living or you're not. You ain't little, you ain't a girl, you ain't a boy, you ain't strong or smart. You're alive."
Clem: "Like shit, right Lee?"
Lee : ...
So many laughs with this single option.
"Because you're, well... you know... urban?"
-Kenny, 2012
"Its no big deal. Another arm would just get in the way."
"EEEEEEEEEEEEI!" Clementine after firing a gun for the first time.
"He's always blaming me for stuff."
"Like what?"
"Putting a bug on his pillow."
"Did you?"
1) Kenny: "... We calling him Duck,"
Lee : " Dodging or Quacking?" (I don't think that, i write correctly Dodging XD )
Kenny : "Quacking"
Duck: "DAAAAD"
Kenny: "See?"
"Hey Ben..."
"...See ya."
Larry: "I got charm coming out of my ass"
Doug: "I miss my robots" Lee: "Your a strange guy Doug" Doug: "I know"
Duck; "It smells funny in here" .
Clem; "Like sh!t , right Lee?"
You ruined that dude's face - Omid
"You ruined that dudes face."
edit-I see someone already posted this
"Come back here you crazy bit!h !"
-Kenny, Long Road Ahead.
Wasn't it Manure?
Depends on what you describe the smell in the barn in Episode 1.
Keep them coming guys, thanks a lot! Do you have those quotes when they say their final goodbye for Duck?
"Where'd you get the bottle? Found it" and "who's the fossil?"
"Keep that hair short"
Lee: "I got the feeling she takes care of you."
Omid: "Please. I've saved her ass hundreds...tens...some times."
Lee looks at dog food "I'm not desperate enough to eat that."
"I'll miss you."
"There are no batteries in this thing."
(Quote not very exact) St. John: We've got a farm up the road. Lee: We're starting to develop a good vibe here at the motel. We stay. Larry: Good vibe? Well I'm sorry that the fls with defenses and food supplies didn't tickle your pretty pink ass!" - This one made me laugh hard.
Lee: "Ben is young and stupid, and I think, harmless."
Oh Clem is hilarious with the swearing thing.