Except put an axe in the back of the guy's head who was choking you to death
lol, if you think he was anywhere close to killing Bigby then you're delusional. Let me know when you get around to reading the comics.
If you would have said something like "except put an axe in Woody's head to relieve Bigby's frustrating situation", not the right argument and everything changes.
I get WHY this did too.. because he wants to focus on a very unimportant point to try to turn the attention elsewhere, and it's a point i'm no… moret even arguing against and he isn't even talking about the whole reason we started this discussion either.. Look no offense but unless you see our early comments and you know what we're actually talking about (or supposed to be talking about) please stay out of this.
Staffevie may have got a few things wrong because she hasn't read the comics but her points still stand and Prince Charming is being a douche, beating her over the head with comic references that are probably not relevant to the game and belittling Faith because of her profession. What a waste of half a page.
Except if you would have said what FiachSidhe said the thread wouldn't end up being a mess. Woody was miles away from chocking Bigby to death.
Prince Charming is right that you should read the comics.
Comic references will always be relevant in the game, Telltale even confirmed this. Prince Charming is right when it comes to comics. Whether Faith was saying through action "Thank you Bigby" or "I need my revenge" should be opinion. Staffevie said saved Bigby, Bigby never needs saving. Now the conversation should be fixed to a matter of opinion instead of who's telling the truth and who's lying.
Thank You. No, thank you. No, thank you.
No one messes with me. Thank you. No problem. I'll kill you. Looking for more asshole. Stop it. I'm not done.
That should clear up the conversation on thought and action.
Staffevie may have got a few things wrong because she hasn't read the comics but her points still stand and Prince Charming is being a douche,… more beating her over the head with comic references that are probably not relevant to the game and belittling Faith because of her profession. What a waste of half a page.
Did you see my comment after that?? Obviously not. So try again, read more of what we said and tell me how I am wrong when I say Faith helped him out in some way shape or form.. By the way, your "except put an axe in Woody's head to relieve Bigby's frustrating situation", and my "except put an axe in the back of a guy's head that was choking you to death" are the exact same argument, just presented differently. Even If I exaggerated it, that doesn't change my argument that she still helped you out. Also you were replying to why prince changed the subject to Bigby in wolf form yes?? The reasoning you gave wasn't good at all.. If he really did change the subject because of that... Then that just reinforces my reason which you said was "not the exact reason", which was to turn away from what this discussion was about: Has Faith ever helped Bigby or not?... Because i'm sure after what I've told him, he can't give me any good reason at all why she hasn't helped him, and I still haven't heard any.
That's not the exact reason.
Except put an axe in the back of the guy's head who was choking you to death
lol, if you think he wa… mores anywhere close to killing Bigby then you're delusional. Let me know when you get around to reading the comics.
If you would have said something like "except put an axe in Woody's head to relieve Bigby's frustrating situation", not the right argument and everything changes.
OMG kid READ ALL OF OUR COMMENTS ABOVE. I'm starting to think you are prince on another account or his little friend or something. THE COMICS HAVE LITTLE, IF NOTHING AT ALL TO DO WITH ME AND PRINCE'S DISCUSSION. Whether Bigby was in trouble or not is IRRELEVANT at this point in our conversation. READ ALL OF THE ABOVE COMMENTS BETWEEN HIM AND I. And maybe this thread wouldn't be such a mess if I didn't have to reply to all of your false-directed statements that have NOTHING to do with my discussion with Prince. Which I guess I don't HAVE to reply, but I feel obligated to, because you are obviously missing something.
Except if you would have said what FiachSidhe said the thread wouldn't end up being a mess. Woody was miles away from chocking Bigby to death.
Prince Charming is right that you should read the comics.
Thank you for seeing things clearly Tbm.. This whole thing started with Prince referring to Faith as a "hooker who hasn't done anything for you." All I'm trying to do is say that she did in some way.. He has YET to give me any good reason why she hasn't, and because he probably DOESN'T have a good reason and KNOWS he's wrong.. He's trying to throw other crap out there that has little to do with his original comment, trying to throw me off which is failing.
Staffevie may have got a few things wrong because she hasn't read the comics but her points still stand and Prince Charming is being a douche,… more beating her over the head with comic references that are probably not relevant to the game and belittling Faith because of her profession. What a waste of half a page.
OHHHH MY GOODNESSSS! I wouldn't picture you coming off as ignorant as Prince, but I'm starting to think differently now. AND AGAIN WHETHER BIGBY WAS IN REAL TROUBLE OR NOT HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH WHETHER FAITH HELPED HIM OR NOT. READ OUR FREAKIN COMMENTS. This discussion is not about if Faith saved Bigby's life or not, that isn't what I'm trying to prove, and you would know that if you had read into more of the comments above.
Comic references will always be relevant in the game, Telltale even confirmed this. Prince Charming is right when it comes to comics. Whether … moreFaith was saying through action "Thank you Bigby" or "I need my revenge" should be opinion. Staffevie said saved Bigby, Bigby never needs saving. Now the conversation should be fixed to a matter of opinion instead of who's telling the truth and who's lying.
Thank You. No, thank you. No, thank you.
No one messes with me. Thank you. No problem. I'll kill you. Looking for more asshole. Stop it. I'm not done.
That should clear up the conversation on thought and action.
Did you see my comment after that?? Obviously not. So try again, read more of what we said and tell me how I am wrong when I say Faith helped … morehim out in some way shape or form.. By the way, your "except put an axe in Woody's head to relieve Bigby's frustrating situation", and my "except put an axe in the back of a guy's head that was choking you to death" are the exact same argument, just presented differently. Even If I exaggerated it, that doesn't change my argument that she still helped you out. Also you were replying to why prince changed the subject to Bigby in wolf form yes?? The reasoning you gave wasn't good at all.. If he really did change the subject because of that... Then that just reinforces my reason which you said was "not the exact reason", which was to turn away from what this discussion was about: Has Faith ever helped Bigby or not?... Because i'm sure after what I've told him, he can't give me any good reason at all why she hasn't helped him, and I still haven't heard any.
The sad thing is, he probably does know he's contradicted himself.. He just won't admit it. I've caught him in two already. He's an internet warrior that acts like a douche to everyone and gets uncomfortable when someone disagrees with him about something, and gives good reason for it.
I may regret getting involved but the only difference between "choking to death" and "frustrating situation" I see is perspective. It is clearly Woody's intent to choke Bigby to death, but Bigby may only see it as a frustrating situation with no real danger of death. I agree with staffevie that Faith does help Bigby. It may not have been her motivation because she seems to know Bigby and since Woody had been beating on her maybe she just wanted to get revenge by lodging that axe in his skull, but her actions, regardless of motivating factors, helped Bigby. At the very least she helped by ending the fight early and not allowing it to go on causing more damage.
However, all that being said, it's really up to Bigby to decide if Faith helped. Since this is a game wherein the player controls Bigby, it's ultimately the player's call as whether or not she was helping. Personally I feel she did help, but the scene is open for and allows for different interpretations.
Did you see my comment after that?? Obviously not. So try again, read more of what we said and tell me how I am wrong when I say Faith helped … morehim out in some way shape or form.. By the way, your "except put an axe in Woody's head to relieve Bigby's frustrating situation", and my "except put an axe in the back of a guy's head that was choking you to death" are the exact same argument, just presented differently. Even If I exaggerated it, that doesn't change my argument that she still helped you out. Also you were replying to why prince changed the subject to Bigby in wolf form yes?? The reasoning you gave wasn't good at all.. If he really did change the subject because of that... Then that just reinforces my reason which you said was "not the exact reason", which was to turn away from what this discussion was about: Has Faith ever helped Bigby or not?... Because i'm sure after what I've told him, he can't give me any good reason at all why she hasn't helped him, and I still haven't heard any.
AHHH!!! FINALLY SOMEONE WHO KNOWS WHAT THE DISCUSSION WAS ACTUALLY ABOUT!! Thank you my friend. And please, don't regret stepping in at all. I will politely disagree with you a little on that last part.. I believe you can be helped even if you DON'T want to be, or DON'T perceive it as help though I know that could be debatable. But unless you want to discuss that, I'm not going to try to argue with you much because of how calm, composed and understanding of the discussion your post was, unlike Prince and perhaps a couple of others. Thank you again.
I may regret getting involved but the only difference between "choking to death" and "frustrating situation" I see is perspective. It is clea… morerly Woody's intent to choke Bigby to death, but Bigby may only see it as a frustrating situation with no real danger of death. I agree with staffevie that Faith does help Bigby. It may not have been her motivation because she seems to know Bigby and since Woody had been beating on her maybe she just wanted to get revenge by lodging that axe in his skull, but her actions, regardless of motivating factors, helped Bigby. At the very least she helped by ending the fight early and not allowing it to go on causing more damage.
However, all that being said, it's really up to Bigby to decide if Faith helped. Since this is a game wherein the player controls Bigby, it's ultimately the player's call as whether or not she was helping. Personally I feel she did help, but the scene is open for and allows for different interpretations.
Woody's intent is said by Woody. "Come on out Wolf". He knows he can't choke Bigby to death, because he already said Bigby survived being thrown into a river with rocks in his stomach. Faith did help Bigby, but from something else. I gave a hint and few people noticed. It has to do with money.
I may regret getting involved but the only difference between "choking to death" and "frustrating situation" I see is perspective. It is clea… morerly Woody's intent to choke Bigby to death, but Bigby may only see it as a frustrating situation with no real danger of death. I agree with staffevie that Faith does help Bigby. It may not have been her motivation because she seems to know Bigby and since Woody had been beating on her maybe she just wanted to get revenge by lodging that axe in his skull, but her actions, regardless of motivating factors, helped Bigby. At the very least she helped by ending the fight early and not allowing it to go on causing more damage.
However, all that being said, it's really up to Bigby to decide if Faith helped. Since this is a game wherein the player controls Bigby, it's ultimately the player's call as whether or not she was helping. Personally I feel she did help, but the scene is open for and allows for different interpretations.
1) I have no idea why you're still talking about whether Woody can kill Bigby or not, AGAIN THIS IS NOT WHAT THE DISCUSSION IS ABOUT FOR CHRIST SAKES.
2) You said Faith DID help Bigby. OK.. THAT is what the discussion is about, and THAT is ALL you need to say man. Not trying to be rude dude but Woody being able to kill to Bigby or not was deemed irrelevant too many posts ago. Just trying to save you a few words of typing...
Woody's intent is said by Woody. "Come on out Wolf". He knows he can't choke Bigby to death, because he already said Bigby survived being thro… morewn into a river with rocks in his stomach. Faith did help Bigby, but from something else. I gave a hint and few people noticed. It has to do with money.
No, you see, I really shouldn't read the comics, to judge what is happening in the game, that takes place years before them. You have no idea how much of the world, and lore, may change between this game's time period and the time of the comics.
Basing my judgement on how this game plays out, based on external lore, that won't occur for years, is hindsight bias. You've taken all context out of both events in making them equal.
Bigby may run rampant years from now, and the witches may blah blah blah, but none of that has ANYTHING to do with what happens in this game,
and it certainly has little to do with Faith's motives, or Bigby's appreciation. You see, this game is a prequel. Bigby is new to the job, and people fear him. He's trying to overcome that. Its more than just exposure, its trying be a good person too. Faith helped.
Except if you would have said what FiachSidhe said the thread wouldn't end up being a mess. Woody was miles away from chocking Bigby to death.
Prince Charming is right that you should read the comics.
You have a gift of speaking clearly. I have the burden of trying to explaining things a few paragraphs per post; probably due to trying to nit pick every problem I see with Prince and Lukasz's posts.
I agree. I did start reading the comics because of this game and they are quite excellent. However, I am left with some questions which I don't want to get into because they might be spoiler territory so right now even though I am reading the comics I don't feel as though they've enhanced the game as of yet.
If you truly love the comics and think everyone should read them, just be glad that this game has cause at least one person to go out and buy a few them. I plan on buying more because they are really good, but I'm not sure if I would have if I hadn't played this game. But now I'm off-topic. FiachSidhe has expressed my same feelings very well when it comes to the "must read comics" debate.
I think we're stuck on whether or not Woody can kill Bigby because that appears to be central to the argument of whether or not Faith helped at all. As LukaszB has pointed out, however, there are mulitple interpretations of what constitutes "help". So while he may disgree that Faith helped Bigby by saving his life, he does agree that she helped him, albeit in a different fashion. Still supporting your original argument that Faith helped in some way.
And LukaszB is correct in Woody's intentions. It has been some time since I've played and was only remembering the image of Woody choking Bigby and not the dialogue. I should not have said "it is clearly his intent". It was a poor choice of words on my part.
1) I have no idea why you're still talking about whether Woody can kill Bigby or not, AGAIN THIS IS NOT WHAT THE DISCUSSION IS ABOUT FOR CHRIS… moreT SAKES.
2) You said Faith DID help Bigby. OK.. THAT is what the discussion is about, and THAT is ALL you need to say man. Not trying to be rude dude but Woody being able to kill to Bigby or not was deemed irrelevant too many posts ago. Just trying to save you a few words of typing...
You just said it yourself perfectly in your post. "So while he may disagree that Faith helped Bigby by saving his life, he does agree that she helped him," So I'm curious as to why is he still trying to prove that Woody can't kill Bigby, an argument that has previously been used to show that Faith HASN'T helped him, (which obviously I disagree with) when all along he DOES agree that she has helped in some way, and on top of that no one on this thread has argued that Woody CAN kill Bigby. Again I sound like a broken record, deeming that topic irrelevant.
I think we're stuck on whether or not Woody can kill Bigby because that appears to be central to the argument of whether or not Faith helped a… moret all. As LukaszB has pointed out, however, there are mulitple interpretations of what constitutes "help". So while he may disgree that Faith helped Bigby by saving his life, he does agree that she helped him, albeit in a different fashion. Still supporting your original argument that Faith helped in some way.
And LukaszB is correct in Woody's intentions. It has been some time since I've played and was only remembering the image of Woody choking Bigby and not the dialogue. I should not have said "it is clearly his intent". It was a poor choice of words on my part.
Actually it has very little to do with the original path of the conversation, but will always lead to strong arguments. Bigby is not new to the job, he has been sheriff 300 years before the game's timeline (that is only mentioned in the comics). The majority of the comics, not all the comics, Beauty's actions are really close to proving this. Based on the weather report through the radio the time between episode 1 of the game and issue 1 of Fables comic is roughly 10 years.
Timeline however is not relevant here. To make things short Faith helped Bigby not have to waste millions to billions of dollars that he would get from the goose that lays the golden eggs causing her pain on one spell by striking an axe into Woody's head.
Very true. And I think we've all lost sight of the original post, about which I'm conflicted. I feel like it's not something that will matter, but then again why would TTG include that in the summary if it was important in some way? So I guess we'll just have to wait (hopefully not too long) for the next episodes to see.
You just said it yourself perfectly in your post. "So while he may disagree that Faith helped Bigby by saving his life, he does agree that she… more helped him," So I'm curious as to why is he still trying to prove that Woody can't kill Bigby, an argument that has previously been used to show that Faith HASN'T helped him, (which obviously I disagree with) when all along he DOES agree that she has helped in some way, and on top of that no one on this thread has argued that Woody CAN kill Bigby. Again I sound like a broken record, deeming that topic irrelevant.
You are probably right when you say it won't matter lol. The reason this little discussion got out of hand is because Prince was being rude, stubborn, and tried to focus the discussion elsewhere to hide his absence of a valid argument, and Lukasz is just.. well... saying things quite off topic... when he thinks he's proving a point about something, and I still have no clue what he's trying to prove or argue against. Anyway I agree with the vibe of your last sentence. Let's just enjoy the next episode (Soon hopefully) LOL
Very true. And I think we've all lost sight of the original post, about which I'm conflicted. I feel like it's not something that will matte… morer, but then again why would TTG include that in the summary if it was important in some way? So I guess we'll just have to wait (hopefully not too long) for the next episodes to see.
yes buy you never know with TellTale. I'm just suggesting that if TellTale did use a plot twist involving someone seeing only Bigby give money to Faith, then there could be pretty big repercussions for Bigby. Everything on the forums is mostly just speculation right now
Except there is a loose hole, Woody. If someone noticed the incident than they would have seen it from the beginning. And that would mean the idea to not give Faith money pretty idiotic.
Bigby gets money whenever he needs it. He donates steadily to the Fabletown government which he regains by doing cases every so often. Bigby ain't greedy. The best option when getting whiskey is charge Crane
I get where you're coming from. like, the woodsman gets axed, then he crawls away. then bigby gives faith the money. what if someone was walking along and all they saw was bigby taking the money out of his wallet and giving it to faith. or it could be someone who saw the whole scene but lied because they hated bigby. so yeah, I see what you're saying.
yes buy you never know with TellTale. I'm just suggesting that if TellTale did use a plot twist involving someone seeing only Bigby give money… more to Faith, then there could be pretty big repercussions for Bigby. Everything on the forums is mostly just speculation right now
That's not the exact reason.
If you would have said something like "except put an axe in Woody's head to relieve Bigby's frustrating situation", not the right argument and everything changes.
Except if you would have said what FiachSidhe said the thread wouldn't end up being a mess. Woody was miles away from chocking Bigby to death.
Prince Charming is right that you should read the comics.
Staffevie may have got a few things wrong because she hasn't read the comics but her points still stand and Prince Charming is being a douche, beating her over the head with comic references that are probably not relevant to the game and belittling Faith because of her profession. What a waste of half a page.
Comic references will always be relevant in the game, Telltale even confirmed this. Prince Charming is right when it comes to comics. Whether Faith was saying through action "Thank you Bigby" or "I need my revenge" should be opinion. Staffevie said saved Bigby, Bigby never needs saving. Now the conversation should be fixed to a matter of opinion instead of who's telling the truth and who's lying.
Thank You. No, thank you. No, thank you.
No one messes with me. Thank you. No problem. I'll kill you. Looking for more asshole. Stop it. I'm not done.
That should clear up the conversation on thought and action.
Did you see my comment after that?? Obviously not. So try again, read more of what we said and tell me how I am wrong when I say Faith helped him out in some way shape or form.. By the way, your "except put an axe in Woody's head to relieve Bigby's frustrating situation", and my "except put an axe in the back of a guy's head that was choking you to death" are the exact same argument, just presented differently. Even If I exaggerated it, that doesn't change my argument that she still helped you out. Also you were replying to why prince changed the subject to Bigby in wolf form yes?? The reasoning you gave wasn't good at all.. If he really did change the subject because of that... Then that just reinforces my reason which you said was "not the exact reason", which was to turn away from what this discussion was about: Has Faith ever helped Bigby or not?... Because i'm sure after what I've told him, he can't give me any good reason at all why she hasn't helped him, and I still haven't heard any.
OMG kid READ ALL OF OUR COMMENTS ABOVE. I'm starting to think you are prince on another account or his little friend or something. THE COMICS HAVE LITTLE, IF NOTHING AT ALL TO DO WITH ME AND PRINCE'S DISCUSSION. Whether Bigby was in trouble or not is IRRELEVANT at this point in our conversation. READ ALL OF THE ABOVE COMMENTS BETWEEN HIM AND I. And maybe this thread wouldn't be such a mess if I didn't have to reply to all of your false-directed statements that have NOTHING to do with my discussion with Prince. Which I guess I don't HAVE to reply, but I feel obligated to, because you are obviously missing something.
Thank you for seeing things clearly Tbm.. This whole thing started with Prince referring to Faith as a "hooker who hasn't done anything for you." All I'm trying to do is say that she did in some way.. He has YET to give me any good reason why she hasn't, and because he probably DOESN'T have a good reason and KNOWS he's wrong.. He's trying to throw other crap out there that has little to do with his original comment, trying to throw me off which is failing.
OHHHH MY GOODNESSSS! I wouldn't picture you coming off as ignorant as Prince, but I'm starting to think differently now. AND AGAIN WHETHER BIGBY WAS IN REAL TROUBLE OR NOT HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH WHETHER FAITH HELPED HIM OR NOT. READ OUR FREAKIN COMMENTS. This discussion is not about if Faith saved Bigby's life or not, that isn't what I'm trying to prove, and you would know that if you had read into more of the comments above.
I'll tell you something Prince Charming won't see. Prince Charming even contradicts himself twice, even in one post.
The sad thing is, he probably does know he's contradicted himself.. He just won't admit it. I've caught him in two already. He's an internet warrior that acts like a douche to everyone and gets uncomfortable when someone disagrees with him about something, and gives good reason for it.
I may regret getting involved but the only difference between "choking to death" and "frustrating situation" I see is perspective. It is clearly Woody's intent to choke Bigby to death, but Bigby may only see it as a frustrating situation with no real danger of death. I agree with staffevie that Faith does help Bigby. It may not have been her motivation because she seems to know Bigby and since Woody had been beating on her maybe she just wanted to get revenge by lodging that axe in his skull, but her actions, regardless of motivating factors, helped Bigby. At the very least she helped by ending the fight early and not allowing it to go on causing more damage.
However, all that being said, it's really up to Bigby to decide if Faith helped. Since this is a game wherein the player controls Bigby, it's ultimately the player's call as whether or not she was helping. Personally I feel she did help, but the scene is open for and allows for different interpretations.
AHHH!!! FINALLY SOMEONE WHO KNOWS WHAT THE DISCUSSION WAS ACTUALLY ABOUT!! Thank you my friend. And please, don't regret stepping in at all. I will politely disagree with you a little on that last part.. I believe you can be helped even if you DON'T want to be, or DON'T perceive it as help though I know that could be debatable. But unless you want to discuss that, I'm not going to try to argue with you much because of how calm, composed and understanding of the discussion your post was, unlike Prince and perhaps a couple of others. Thank you again.
Woody's intent is said by Woody. "Come on out Wolf". He knows he can't choke Bigby to death, because he already said Bigby survived being thrown into a river with rocks in his stomach. Faith did help Bigby, but from something else. I gave a hint and few people noticed. It has to do with money.
1) I have no idea why you're still talking about whether Woody can kill Bigby or not, AGAIN THIS IS NOT WHAT THE DISCUSSION IS ABOUT FOR CHRIST SAKES.
2) You said Faith DID help Bigby. OK.. THAT is what the discussion is about, and THAT is ALL you need to say man. Not trying to be rude dude but Woody being able to kill to Bigby or not was deemed irrelevant too many posts ago. Just trying to save you a few words of typing...
No, you see, I really shouldn't read the comics, to judge what is happening in the game, that takes place years before them. You have no idea how much of the world, and lore, may change between this game's time period and the time of the comics.
Basing my judgement on how this game plays out, based on external lore, that won't occur for years, is hindsight bias. You've taken all context out of both events in making them equal.
Bigby may run rampant years from now, and the witches may blah blah blah, but none of that has ANYTHING to do with what happens in this game,
and it certainly has little to do with Faith's motives, or Bigby's appreciation. You see, this game is a prequel. Bigby is new to the job, and people fear him. He's trying to overcome that. Its more than just exposure, its trying be a good person too. Faith helped.
You have a gift of speaking clearly. I have the burden of trying to explaining things a few paragraphs per post; probably due to trying to nit pick every problem I see with Prince and Lukasz's posts.
Very well said about the game.
I agree. I did start reading the comics because of this game and they are quite excellent. However, I am left with some questions which I don't want to get into because they might be spoiler territory so right now even though I am reading the comics I don't feel as though they've enhanced the game as of yet.
If you truly love the comics and think everyone should read them, just be glad that this game has cause at least one person to go out and buy a few them. I plan on buying more because they are really good, but I'm not sure if I would have if I hadn't played this game. But now I'm off-topic. FiachSidhe has expressed my same feelings very well when it comes to the "must read comics" debate.
I think we're stuck on whether or not Woody can kill Bigby because that appears to be central to the argument of whether or not Faith helped at all. As LukaszB has pointed out, however, there are mulitple interpretations of what constitutes "help". So while he may disgree that Faith helped Bigby by saving his life, he does agree that she helped him, albeit in a different fashion. Still supporting your original argument that Faith helped in some way.
And LukaszB is correct in Woody's intentions. It has been some time since I've played and was only remembering the image of Woody choking Bigby and not the dialogue. I should not have said "it is clearly his intent". It was a poor choice of words on my part.
You just said it yourself perfectly in your post. "So while he may disagree that Faith helped Bigby by saving his life, he does agree that she helped him," So I'm curious as to why is he still trying to prove that Woody can't kill Bigby, an argument that has previously been used to show that Faith HASN'T helped him, (which obviously I disagree with) when all along he DOES agree that she has helped in some way, and on top of that no one on this thread has argued that Woody CAN kill Bigby. Again I sound like a broken record, deeming that topic irrelevant.
Actually it has very little to do with the original path of the conversation, but will always lead to strong arguments. Bigby is not new to the job, he has been sheriff 300 years before the game's timeline (that is only mentioned in the comics). The majority of the comics, not all the comics, Beauty's actions are really close to proving this. Based on the weather report through the radio the time between episode 1 of the game and issue 1 of Fables comic is roughly 10 years.
Timeline however is not relevant here. To make things short Faith helped Bigby not have to waste millions to billions of dollars that he would get from the goose that lays the golden eggs causing her pain on one spell by striking an axe into Woody's head.
Very true. And I think we've all lost sight of the original post, about which I'm conflicted. I feel like it's not something that will matter, but then again why would TTG include that in the summary if it was important in some way? So I guess we'll just have to wait (hopefully not too long) for the next episodes to see.
You are probably right when you say it won't matter lol. The reason this little discussion got out of hand is because Prince was being rude, stubborn, and tried to focus the discussion elsewhere to hide his absence of a valid argument, and Lukasz is just.. well... saying things quite off topic... when he thinks he's proving a point about something, and I still have no clue what he's trying to prove or argue against. Anyway I agree with the vibe of your last sentence. Let's just enjoy the next episode
(Soon hopefully) LOL
yes buy you never know with TellTale. I'm just suggesting that if TellTale did use a plot twist involving someone seeing only Bigby give money to Faith, then there could be pretty big repercussions for Bigby. Everything on the forums is mostly just speculation right now
Besides, billing Crane was plain satisfying.
I get where you're coming from. like, the woodsman gets axed, then he crawls away. then bigby gives faith the money. what if someone was walking along and all they saw was bigby taking the money out of his wallet and giving it to faith. or it could be someone who saw the whole scene but lied because they hated bigby. so yeah, I see what you're saying.