Could this help save lives in TWD?
Remember at the end of season one when Lee and Clem were covered in walker blood and stuff?
What if Clementine would still use that as a way to avoid walkers and maybe told other people about doing that too? o:
Just a thought I had after replaying xD.
P.S First post (new to forums ^^)
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I think it's good as a short term solution, but in the long run it probably wouldn't be healthy for survivors.
Also, welcome to the forums.
Yeah, like a last resort kinda thing xD
And thanks c:
In the comics I think they are too lackadaisical about this. They only do it a few times even know they found this out in one of the first issues.
I watch the Walking Dead ever since season 1 and this is very long. (Spoilers!!!)
When Glenn and Rick used the coats to hide their smell, it started to rain and it washed off and in episode 5 you could even hear thunder in the background if you listen carefully. So even if Clem used it after lee died it probably washed off and its really disgusting and probably unpleasant so I don't think she would want to use it all the time. But also like Blind Sniper said it would most likely infect the survivor because what if they had a cut on a door or something and that person was surrounded by walkers so they cover themselves in zombie guts. the cut would probably get infected and they would turn. Even though Glenn and Rick had trench coats, come on! Do you really think that during the apocalypse every one would trap their 1950's large detective jacket from their favorite detective movie? No. So they would act like Lee and Clem and just rub it on their clothes and get infected. Wow I made this way too long....
Its a tactic that survivors would probably only use on occasion or out of desperation. I'm sure some people could endure it for longer periods though. It would bring up hygiene and possibly medical problems. Not to mention the smell of putrefying flesh always with you and the bugs that will feast on said flesh is not the most attractive option. I agree with XyzLewis though, the survivors rarely ever use this to their benefit.
Yeah, I guess it's kind of game breaker to write around. It makes sense in Telltale's version, where they only realize it by chance at the story's climax, but in the other versions they just guess about it at the start and then usually forget about it as an option.
I realize that people wouldn't want to drench themselves with gore unless they had to, but still, it should be thought of more if it's going to be used at all.
Well they can hardly use it all the time. The group admit in both medias that the technique is gross and really quite dangerous to get so close to them. Not to mention someone may mistake you for one
The smell alone is not sufficient, because they will still attack you if they notice that you act different than them.
Like in the comic when a little boy was attacked for breaviing too heavily, even though he was covered in zombie guts.
Could you tell me pls wich issue that was CannibalCarl?
Issue 83
Many thanks.