Alot of people did assume that since some staff was at the event it would entail S2, but that was not the case. TT is a business there's more to them than just Twd and Twau. I understand the frustration with people not seeing info last night, but 2 new games instead. You just have to understand its likely those games will be worked on near the completion of Twd and Twau seasons, so as we know @puzzlebox stated over and over again S2 is on track for release within the next few weeks lets just look forward to that for now.
@FreddeN93 wrote:
I don't know about you, but yesterday night I lost completely all fate in Telltale Games as my former favorite game devel… moreoper. I'm well aware that nothing should be said about The Walking Dead: Season Two during the VGX show, but what made me angry is that Telltale shows up and starts talking about two entirely new games we don't know anything about. A big slap in our faces. And still they say nothing about The Walking Dead which is probably the most anticipated game this month. What makes me annoyed is that they take other things ahead of our favorite games, which really should be addressed before anything else under the circumstances. We're not interested in knowing about games that apparently will be released later in 2014, what is important right now is the game we waited for a whole year. Telltale, get your priorities straight...
And don't get me started on their ways to advertise new games. We're fed up with thei… [view original content]
Everybody chill out! We are getting restless and it's understandable but we will get Season 2 this month and it will be amazing. Telltale will deliver!
Everybody chill out! We are getting restless and it's understandable but we will get Season 2 this month and it will be amazing. Telltale will deliver!
You just need to believe in the you who believes in Telltale. I know waiting sucks but they'll pull through as a studio. I've seen Telltale grow so much over the years, they keep evolving with every release and they won't stop until they reach the heavens !
People are so freaking impatient these days. Telltale has reeled us all in like fish with TWD and TWAU because the quality is THERE. Even from the first episode I knew The Would Among Us was going to be spectacular. Telltale isn't EA. They can't pop out games on the fly with sub par story line and "cutting edge graphics". They could but they take pride in their product. I would GLADLY pre-order a game and have it delayed because they didn't feel it was ready for release. I /WISH/ more companies would do that, but they don't. I don't care when there is news, but I'll wait and so will all the people who understand Telltale is a small team dedicated to quality. I'm excited for Monday!
INB4 Massive downvotes because of unpopular opinion
Of course you are right and TellTale is an exceptional good game producer but still, the customers technically have the right to complain about everything and anything, because they are the ones that buy their stuff and recommend it to their friends.
People are so freaking impatient these days. Telltale has reeled us all in like fish with TWD and TWAU because the quality is THERE. Even from… more the first episode I knew The Would Among Us was going to be spectacular. Telltale isn't EA. They can't pop out games on the fly with sub par story line and "cutting edge graphics". They could but they take pride in their product. I would GLADLY pre-order a game and have it delayed because they didn't feel it was ready for release. I /WISH/ more companies would do that, but they don't. I don't care when there is news, but I'll wait and so will all the people who understand Telltale is a small team dedicated to quality. I'm excited for Monday!
INB4 Massive downvotes because of unpopular opinion
Sure but this isn't new behavior from Telltale. If they are recommending it to their friends they should be warning them let alone expect it themselves.
Of course you are right and TellTale is an exceptional good game producer but still, the customers technically have the right to complain about everything and anything, because they are the ones that buy their stuff and recommend it to their friends.
You lost me when you talk about female gamers, are you saying that female gamers do not like medieval wars or sci-fi shooters?
I freaken LOVE that shit personally, a big medieval nerd right here and sci-fi
TT hasn't released TWD, yet - I am not dissappinted and try to be patient.
TT delays the 2nd ep. Of TWAU (3-month gap!) - I still try to st… moreay calm and relax.
But for now I am really pissed: GoT and Borderlands? Seriously?! I know it's a popular franchise - good for you - but it is just so dissapointing there will be nothing to play for me after TWD and TWAU. I am a female gamer and have no problems with gore, violence and stuff, but I do hate Fantasy-stuff like Lord of the rings with medieval atmosphere, and Borderlands hasn't convinced me as well. I really hope I am so wrong and TT is going to make the best out of these franchises, especially for female gamers with emphasis on the story rather than medieval wars and sci-fi-shootings.
Please, I never say this kinda stuff and I don't care if I get a warning or thumbs down but please stfu. You make it sound like just goths or NOT alot of female games due to ur llittle circle of female friends means that most f gamers don't like those settings, while I am trans I physically AM still female so I think I have a right to speak up here.
While you may NOT have alot of female friends who enjoy these settings think of all the females who do and honestly this post right here makes you seem sexist to not only males but to females as well so please stop.
This isn't true. You're right: fantasy settings are not exclusive to male gamers, but I've noticed in my circle of friends and acquaintances t… morehere is more affection for this genre by male people (I have two female friends who enjoy fantasy, though. They are both goths). I can just make a guess where the aversion for this genre by female players might come from:
* The grungy and cold environment
* Many battles with an unclear amount of fighters
* Most important reason: Male characters are more dominant and play an active and major role compared to female characters which are mostly passive and reduced to their looks (at least this is the way it used to be in middle ages). Women feel like they don't have much influence aside from the fact they can use their body, which has a negative vibe)
I know GOT deals more with character interactions and that there are lots of female characters which explains the femsle audience. I just hope TT can manage to make it enjoyable for everyone with the use of strong female characters.
...And my friend circle of females are the complete opposite. They adore Telltale and games like The Walking Dead, Heavy Rain, Beyond Two Soul… mores. Thise strong well written emotional stories. They would never open up a fast-action, shooting, sci-fi, or any game that involves shooting and killing for fun.
Yeah, let's not make too hasty on assumptions...
There's a lot of work before Christmas and TWD is one of the things I'm really looking forward to. It's just like being a hungry bird and there's this nice piece of bread in front of you but everytime you try to pick it up some douchebag named Telltale draws it back with his fishing pole and then laughs at you.
Steam support said that they already have the first episode on their servers and that they will unlock it on 17 december. They have the date from Telltale Games so the date is correct. The game will unlock in approximately 1 week, 2 days and 4 hours.
your right. Tell tale fans are pretty much the only fans that actually want games every year. For COD, and most other very popular games all I see is people saying stuff as "same old shit". Just be glad that Telltale wants to make 4 games(maybe more, who knows). And these 4 games will all have unique stories for their respective universes, and with 4 different game universes Telltale will bring in much more fans.
What is so bad about waiting ONE YEAR for a game. Telltale games should not be treated as EA sports game or rehashed Call of Duty trash.
T… morehey should take the time(which they are doing) and creating a great game(which I hope they are doing) and people like you should just wait. I'll wait another year if it means I'm getting quality.
They didn't say that they were showing TWD or TWAU, they said that they were going to it, but they didn't say why(although fans of TWAU have every right to be pissed off with it being delayed by 3 months!).
They did, and I'm very happy with that. Still it feels like a slap in the face for most of us who have been waiting for The Walking Dead: Seas… moreon Two for a year, when they skip The Walking Dead, and put other news ahead of it. In my opinion the The Walking Dead and The Wolf Among Us fans deserve better under the circumstances.
I didn't know Telltale had to hold your hand, mate. If they let ya know what was going on 24/7, "Just wrote a line of dialogue for Clem!" or... "Just put another line of pixels to Omid's face!" The game would never get done. Yeah, info would be nice, but info doesn't come out of thin air. Telltale isn't just sitting around; They could be making the second episode, or finishing TWAU's second episode, or making a trailer, or getting ready for an interview, etc etc. When you say you are impatient for an update, when they have been giving MANY updates for the last month, you are impatient on waiting for the game. Especially when they say, "Info next week." Or... "It's coming soon!" That is not leaving someone in the dark. Not the best of info, but it is something.
You lost me when you talk about female gamers, are you saying that female gamers do not like medieval wars or sci-fi shooters?
I freaken LOVE that shit personally, a big medieval nerd right here and sci-fi
I didn't know Telltale had to hold your hand, mate. If they let ya know what was going on 24/7, "Just wrote a line of dialogue for Clem!" or..… more. "Just put another line of pixels to Omid's face!" The game would never get done. Yeah, info would be nice, but info doesn't come out of thin air. Telltale isn't just sitting around; They could be making the second episode, or finishing TWAU's second episode, or making a trailer, or getting ready for an interview, etc etc. When you say you are impatient for an update, when they have been giving MANY updates for the last month, you are impatient on waiting for the game. Especially when they say, "Info next week." Or... "It's coming soon!" That is not leaving someone in the dark. Not the best of info, but it is something.
We'll get to really complain if they don't respect the "Before Christmas", till then, we can be impatient. We had a picture just a week ago, and the less we know the better it will be, especially on a 2hours episode...
Just let's keep in mind that TTG is not evil and not trying to piss you off by not showing things. They have reasons..
Your right, they have every right to be mad and more. The fact that it keeps on being delayed is just a part of why they are mad. But aswell as not telling us if they are having struggles. But you guys should credit them more often at all this hardwork and preparation it takes for games which is why they pre-planned borderland and game of thrones.
They didn't say that they were showing TWD or TWAU, they said that they were going to it, but they didn't say why(although fans of TWAU have every right to be pissed off with it being delayed by 3 months!).
We'll get to really complain if they don't respect the "Before Christmas", till then, we can be impatient. We had a picture just a week ago, a… morend the less we know the better it will be, especially on a 2hours episode...
Just let's keep in mind that TTG is not evil and not trying to piss you off by not showing things. They have reasons..
Please, I never say this kinda stuff and I don't care if I get a warning or thumbs down but please stfu. You make it sound like just goths or … moreNOT alot of female games due to ur llittle circle of female friends means that most f gamers don't like those settings, while I am trans I physically AM still female so I think I have a right to speak up here.
While you may NOT have alot of female friends who enjoy these settings think of all the females who do and honestly this post right here makes you seem sexist to not only males but to females as well so please stop.
You know guys... as far as I'm concerned, let them go. If someone isn't able to understand the work a company has to put into making a product, EVEN the worst of video games, then they shouldn't be a gamer.
None of you people own Telltale, so what you want, and what you complain about really doesn't mean anything. Purchasing the pre-order does not give anyone the right to command them to make the product sooner. You get it when it comes out, is what it means, and there have been products that were never released but people paid in advance for them. It happens.
They have been giving info left and right, keeping us updated quite well, and if some people weren't on every hour and writing, "I want Season 2 to come soon." then maybe, just maybe, one would see that. It's been on twitter, it's been in the forums, it's been on Steam, it's been in interviews, trailers, etc! What more do you REALLY want? Telltale can't just give you the script for your pleasure. And simply because two new games get announced, and no word comes to TWD or TWAU, everyone starts complaining.
This company is not titled, 'The Walking Dead games', but TTG. They will work on other products, with or without others' consent. They did not say information would be released at VGX, and of course they'd be introducing new games. It's what a GAMING company does.
@vainamoinen, you should get paid to have to deal with stress like this on a daily basis xD I couldn't do it for free lol, even though it seems that way...
I get it, really! But let's not forget that the Steam announcement was apparently not planned.. I guess TTG had their schedule and they're just gonna respect it, even though e basically all know that there's 99% of chances for it to be released on monday. TTG has always announced the release date for theuir games at the very last moment, the only difference here is that it has been leaked and we know about it.. If we didn't, we'll still be freaking out but we'd be so happy when they'd announce it!
Heh... Erm. I kinda thought that BttF sucked (which sucks, because those are amazing movies), and the things before it, worse, but I understand your point.
Wow. You two are REALLY scrambling over each other's backs to get into Telltale's good books, aren't you?
Is that what you think?
I… more'm not defending them by any stretch of the imagination. I'm saying that Telltale could care less that you feel you're being neglected or ignored. Way they look at it is you're replaceable.
Like I said, I was drawn to Telltale back in the day when they literally were a very small company where everyone in the office was helping pack and ship orders and watched them grow to where they could maybe do two "series" in a year (one in the fall and one in the spring/summer).
I was a part of the fan base that gave Telltale the acclaim and resources that they were able to pursue BttF, Jurassic Park, The Walking Dead and Fables.
That base of support was grown on the back of the fantastic episodic adventures Telltale was producing from beloved franchises resurrected after LucasArts decided they just wanted t… [view original content]
Alot of people did assume that since some staff was at the event it would entail S2, but that was not the case. TT is a business there's more to them than just Twd and Twau. I understand the frustration with people not seeing info last night, but 2 new games instead. You just have to understand its likely those games will be worked on near the completion of Twd and Twau seasons, so as we know @puzzlebox stated over and over again S2 is on track for release within the next few weeks lets just look forward to that for now.
But there are people that DO care about those games and DON'T care about the walking dead or TWAU, Telltale isn't gonna make games just for you.
Everybody chill out! We are getting restless and it's understandable but we will get Season 2 this month and it will be amazing. Telltale will deliver!
They. Better.
You just need to believe in the you who believes in Telltale. I know waiting sucks but they'll pull through as a studio. I've seen Telltale grow so much over the years, they keep evolving with every release and they won't stop until they reach the heavens !
Cool fanart
People are so freaking impatient these days. Telltale has reeled us all in like fish with TWD and TWAU because the quality is THERE. Even from the first episode I knew The Would Among Us was going to be spectacular. Telltale isn't EA. They can't pop out games on the fly with sub par story line and "cutting edge graphics". They could but they take pride in their product. I would GLADLY pre-order a game and have it delayed because they didn't feel it was ready for release. I /WISH/ more companies would do that, but they don't. I don't care when there is news, but I'll wait and so will all the people who understand Telltale is a small team dedicated to quality. I'm excited for Monday!
INB4 Massive downvotes because of unpopular opinion
Of course you are right and TellTale is an exceptional good game producer but still, the customers technically have the right to complain about everything and anything, because they are the ones that buy their stuff and recommend it to their friends.
i kinda want to watch that thing he is talking about now XD
Good god, you people need things to do. I'm the most impatient person I know, and I have NO trouble waiting for TellTale to release.
Sure but this isn't new behavior from Telltale. If they are recommending it to their friends they should be warning them let alone expect it themselves.
You lost me when you talk about female gamers, are you saying that female gamers do not like medieval wars or sci-fi shooters?
I freaken LOVE that shit personally, a big medieval nerd right here and sci-fi
Please, I never say this kinda stuff and I don't care if I get a warning or thumbs down but please stfu. You make it sound like just goths or NOT alot of female games due to ur llittle circle of female friends means that most f gamers don't like those settings, while I am trans I physically AM still female so I think I have a right to speak up here.
While you may NOT have alot of female friends who enjoy these settings think of all the females who do and honestly this post right here makes you seem sexist to not only males but to females as well so please stop.
So glad to see someone else loves Heavy Rain and Beyond
There's a lot of work before Christmas and TWD is one of the things I'm really looking forward to. It's just like being a hungry bird and there's this nice piece of bread in front of you but everytime you try to pick it up some douchebag named Telltale draws it back with his fishing pole and then laughs at you.
Would it kill Telltale to at least tweet anything about S2?
Meh even if it dont I personally have plent of games to play till its release
(Corpse Party series)
Finally got my love child back
Best picture ever!
your right. Tell tale fans are pretty much the only fans that actually want games every year. For COD, and most other very popular games all I see is people saying stuff as "same old shit". Just be glad that Telltale wants to make 4 games(maybe more, who knows). And these 4 games will all have unique stories for their respective universes, and with 4 different game universes Telltale will bring in much more fans.
Would it kill you to be patient?
No. I don't care about waiting for the game. I'm patient when it comes to that. I get impatient when they don't give us an update in the slightest.
They didn't say that they were showing TWD or TWAU, they said that they were going to it, but they didn't say why(although fans of TWAU have every right to be pissed off with it being delayed by 3 months!).
I didn't know Telltale had to hold your hand, mate. If they let ya know what was going on 24/7, "Just wrote a line of dialogue for Clem!" or... "Just put another line of pixels to Omid's face!" The game would never get done. Yeah, info would be nice, but info doesn't come out of thin air. Telltale isn't just sitting around; They could be making the second episode, or finishing TWAU's second episode, or making a trailer, or getting ready for an interview, etc etc. When you say you are impatient for an update, when they have been giving MANY updates for the last month, you are impatient on waiting for the game. Especially when they say, "Info next week." Or... "It's coming soon!" That is not leaving someone in the dark. Not the best of info, but it is something.
You are not a women anymore... you are a guy now. Rejoice!
They don't even say soon anymore. They don't have to do it 24/7, just update us. They said info next week or sooner by the way.
We'll get to really complain if they don't respect the "Before Christmas", till then, we can be impatient. We had a picture just a week ago, and the less we know the better it will be, especially on a 2hours episode...
Just let's keep in mind that TTG is not evil and not trying to piss you off by not showing things. They have reasons..
Your right, they have every right to be mad and more. The fact that it keeps on being delayed is just a part of why they are mad. But aswell as not telling us if they are having struggles. But you guys should credit them more often at all this hardwork and preparation it takes for games which is why they pre-planned borderland and game of thrones.
hahaha thankz
Then it is just "It's coming!"
Eek, sounds nasty.
I get that. I do. But the game is supposed to be coming within a week. We need an update on the release.
Having waited a whopping 3 years for Animal Crossing: New Leaf with hardly any information from Nintendo, I understand this. A lot.
I always thought you were a dude... oh well.
You know guys... as far as I'm concerned, let them go. If someone isn't able to understand the work a company has to put into making a product, EVEN the worst of video games, then they shouldn't be a gamer.
None of you people own Telltale, so what you want, and what you complain about really doesn't mean anything. Purchasing the pre-order does not give anyone the right to command them to make the product sooner. You get it when it comes out, is what it means, and there have been products that were never released but people paid in advance for them. It happens.
They have been giving info left and right, keeping us updated quite well, and if some people weren't on every hour and writing, "I want Season 2 to come soon." then maybe, just maybe, one would see that. It's been on twitter, it's been in the forums, it's been on Steam, it's been in interviews, trailers, etc! What more do you REALLY want? Telltale can't just give you the script for your pleasure. And simply because two new games get announced, and no word comes to TWD or TWAU, everyone starts complaining.
This company is not titled, 'The Walking Dead games', but TTG. They will work on other products, with or without others' consent. They did not say information would be released at VGX, and of course they'd be introducing new games. It's what a GAMING company does.
@vainamoinen, you should get paid to have to deal with stress like this on a daily basis xD I couldn't do it for free lol, even though it seems that way...
Still no news on Season 2
I get it, really! But let's not forget that the Steam announcement was apparently not planned.. I guess TTG had their schedule and they're just gonna respect it, even though e basically all know that there's 99% of chances for it to be released on monday. TTG has always announced the release date for theuir games at the very last moment, the only difference here is that it has been leaked and we know about it.. If we didn't, we'll still be freaking out but we'd be so happy when they'd announce it!
But I totally understand your point of view!
lol, "a whooping 3 years"? I waited 14 years for Duke Nukem Forever. How's that for patience?
I'd be the younger bro of Father Xmas... But would be worth it.
Great picture, but Clem hair looks nothing like that. 1. Her hair is dark black 2. Her hair Is really curly.
Heh... Erm. I kinda thought that BttF sucked (which sucks, because those are amazing movies), and the things before it, worse, but I understand your point.