Sorry, I can understand wanting Kenny to be alive, but to have this guy be his brother would be way too cheap. The people who like Kenny likes Kenny, not his brother.
Let's just say the "pregnant lady"(I really don't think she's pregnant though) is not Christa , why would they have two pregnant women in season 2. If Christa is still alive that would take her spotlight and It would be wack too.. LMC if you agree!
And let's not forget that Felix Arvid Ulf Kjellberg (PewDiePie) is a suspected child mol ester.
It was a joke
I actually just checked the statistics, and there are more than two pregnant women out there right now.
Real life is pretty wack.
Anyone else think the pregnant woman is Anna? It surely can't be Christa/Katjaa
Really? -_-
Is either Anna or a new character
Damn I hope not, I wouldn't be able to stand his constant ranting and raving, he would be like a walker magnet.
In that case, I am sorry that I misunderstood your joke
Or Christa.I mean comon,just look at how happy Omid is on the image.That's not a face he would have after Christa would be dead.
It can't be her. Pregnant Christa is enough, who needs her pregnant clone. It'd suck.
That wasn't Omid on the vine. Unless they changed Christa's race, it's not Christa. Sorry dude... :P
i think he mean screenshot of Omid with Clem
You're faced with a descision, who do you save: pregnant Christa or unknown pregnant lady ?
Oh! Sorry dude!
This made my day!
Aye,the screenshot.