Might start over with the TV series now when there is a gap until 2014. One episode per day would only kill around 40 minutes though. Gonna watch one season per day in that case.
yeah worked for me but after it finished i felt lost for a while haha so now i am watching Game of Thrones season 1,2 and 3 then switching to LOST hopefully by then season 2 will be released
yeah worked for me but after it finished i felt lost for a while haha so now i am watching Game of Thrones season 1,2 and 3 then switching to LOST hopefully by then season 2 will be released
Well, season 2 is probably coming out on the 17th or 18th. That's 6 days from now. I'm working a "100% Kenny" playthrough.
I finish episode 5 today, then spend the next 5 days doing one of the 400 days stories. That way when season 2 comes out, I'll have a second playthrough done.
Well, season 2 is probably coming out on the 17th or 18th. That's 6 days from now. I'm working a "100% Kenny" playthrough.
I finish episode… more 5 today, then spend the next 5 days doing one of the 400 days stories. That way when season 2 comes out, I'll have a second playthrough done.
I've been trying to finish LOST season 6 since a year. Every episode so for wass such a disaster, it hurts. Season 1-3 were awesome, 4 was Ok, 5 was hard to finish - what a shame
yeah worked for me but after it finished i felt lost for a while haha so now i am watching Game of Thrones season 1,2 and 3 then switching to LOST hopefully by then season 2 will be released
Give yourself an ultimatum to explore all the land of Skyrim and discover all locations. Bought Skyrim like a year ago and still haven't explored all locations. The game is huge! This includes all DLCs giving you more locations to explore.
Telltale makes such fantastic games that I sometimes wish they would add episodes more regulary,
which is what I clumsily tried to express with my comment.
I'm actually playing Skyrim right now. :P
Telltale makes such fantastic games that I sometimes wish they would add episodes more regulary,
which is what I clumsily tried to express with my comment.
Hehe, I kill time every day by taking long walks. Since I found The Walking Dead I lost amusement in other games. Right now play The Wolf Amon… moreg Us while waiting for a official release date. When we get one I will start re-playing the first season of The Walking Dead to get my choices straight. I just hope it's very soon, this eternal wait is unbearable.
thats what i did a couple of days ago hahaha
Did it work any good? :P
Sounds like it'll be my gig then for the next couple of days.
yeah worked for me but after it finished i felt lost for a while haha so now i am watching Game of Thrones season 1,2 and 3 then switching to LOST hopefully by then season 2 will be released
Well, season 2 is probably coming out on the 17th or 18th. That's 6 days from now. I'm working a "100% Kenny" playthrough.
I finish episode 5 today, then spend the next 5 days doing one of the 400 days stories. That way when season 2 comes out, I'll have a second playthrough done.
If I start on a Season One playthrough I can't stop and eventually end up finishing Episode Five and 400 Days in one day. :P
I have my final playthrough ready for Season Two and won't touch it until I really have to.
Im playing some Borderlands and Neverwinter. Quite fun... ^^
Animal Crossing New Leaf and Miiverse.
While waiting for season 2 I play The Wolf Among Us...oh... no, wait... I'm still waiting for that too.
I've been trying to finish LOST season 6 since a year. Every episode so for wass such a disaster, it hurts. Season 1-3 were awesome, 4 was Ok, 5 was hard to finish - what a shame
Good one
That's what I'm doing right now.
I can also recommend to check out the adventure mods for Skyrim.
Some of them are fully voice-acted and add new regions.
I'm actually playing Skyrim right now. :P
Telltale makes such fantastic games that I sometimes wish they would add episodes more regulary,
which is what I clumsily tried to express with my comment.
Two words: Excessive! Masturbation!
try playing the last of us, Bioshock infinite or replay The Walking Dead or 400 days
skyrim's the best
me to
um... play anything that has zombies?
.... hey wait didn't I do thread like this?
Iv'e started playing state of decay plus the DLC. It's quite fun