It automatically adjust the time to where you live and you can set the clock to different timezones so you can compare!
And it also shows the time in the tab so don't need to check the site all the time.
That's a good idea, or just stop buying them all together lol cuz they lie anyways. The choices you make don't affect the story at all just li… moreke Fable and all the other BS fake games that claim this. TT needs to learn how to put thought into there games and stop ripping off their customers.
I'm mostly just making fun of the fact that you sound like you can barely string together a coherent sentence.
See, I figure that your inability to even express yourself clearly (or explain yourself clearly when questioned) is a sign that you're probably not very good at logic. Like, you haven't actually tried to think things through. So basically, I'm deriving a bit of enjoyment from helping to draw out more evidence that this is the case, and that your sad whining comes from a place of entitlement and ignorance.
I really appreciate that you're willing to work so hard to prove me right, and I look forward to more of it in the near future.
I don't think anyone gives much of a damn about the personal safety of your head. If this thread is making it hurt, why don't you leave? Or are you simply acting like a creep for your own amusement?
I think the main thing that I'm excited for is having a solid release date, which I expect (and expect to be the 17th). I'm actually kinda leery about the trailer itself, coz every bit of footage that I see is footage that I'll know is coming during the game.
Poor Telltale staff, having this much pressure on them from us rabid nutters. We're a lot like the walkers ourselves, constantly slamming on the gates of Telltale until we can get in and devour their delicious bra... er, games.
Your Omid in RealLife?
Can't decide which clock to watch. xD
Does no one have a clock on their computer?
20 minutes....22 to be more precise.
more like an hour and 20 minutes.
I hope its the release. Would be really awesome. But i think they are just confirming the release dates...
Who wants to play, Walking Dead!
does anybody know where this announcement takes place? the store page for S2 i assume.
1 hour and 8 minutes
58 mins
It automatically adjust the time to where you live and you can set the clock to different timezones so you can compare!
And it also shows the time in the tab so don't need to check the site all the time.
Only 1 hour left...hell yeah!!!!!
The final countdown has started!
58 minutes!!!!
Less than an hour!
We, we, we so excited... I'm sorry.
now every minute a new post? 57, 56 and so on? xD
I guess it keeps the excitement up this way
EDIT: well looks like I'm too stupid to post a Youtube video
Soooo, may I ask out of interest what game's are you thinking of with choices truly affect the story? I'm not bullshitting, I'm genuinely interested.
The 2 main places to look are the Blog, and Telltale's Twitter.
Alright 57 minutes.
Well I guess we are all gonna post minutes and stuff
get ready you guys! To have your mind blown!
Let me help
Europe - The Final Countdown
damn so fast donwvotes
gimme the link and I post it for you 
EDIT: Alright then you dont need me anymore. ^^
Yeah final countdowns are always fuckin awesome.
I'm mostly just making fun of the fact that you sound like you can barely string together a coherent sentence.
See, I figure that your inability to even express yourself clearly (or explain yourself clearly when questioned) is a sign that you're probably not very good at logic. Like, you haven't actually tried to think things through. So basically, I'm deriving a bit of enjoyment from helping to draw out more evidence that this is the case, and that your sad whining comes from a place of entitlement and ignorance.
I really appreciate that you're willing to work so hard to prove me right, and I look forward to more of it in the near future.
I'm ready!
For 4 screnshots and 5 seconds of new footage like the last time a big announcement happened lol.
Lets make it till 3,1K posts till the announcement!
But such an exciting five seconds it'll be!
I think the main thing that I'm excited for is having a solid release date, which I expect (and expect to be the 17th). I'm actually kinda leery about the trailer itself, coz every bit of footage that I see is footage that I'll know is coming during the game.
I saw you edit that! don't give up on your dreeeaams
35 minutes to go!
Poor Telltale staff, having this much pressure on them from us rabid nutters. We're a lot like the walkers ourselves, constantly slamming on the gates of Telltale until we can get in and devour their delicious bra... er, games.
And I don't care, GIMMIE BRAAAAINS!
30 minutes left.
Daaaaaaaaammnnn, less than 1/2 hr.
Is the countdown working? ^^
You should also count the 10-15 minutes it will take TT to actually update the site,plus a few rage threads complaining how they are late. :P