I would prefer to be just keep in the loop of when they think they're getting it out as opposed to just hearing 'Coming Soon'. If they said 'We believe episode one will be coming soon, but we're not 100%' then maybe it wouldn't bother me so much. I just sometimes feel like they don't care. With this announcement. 'Coming very soon!' and having heard the previous version, this whole 'Soon' fiasco wouldn't have happened. I understand what it's like to be on a schedule with something like this. It isn't easy. I'm working on similar projects on Youtube that need to hit a deadline. Then you hit snags. But as soon as that happens, I make sure to let my fanbase know what's going on. That's all. It's only advice that I wish they would take. The less 'up in the air' I feel, the better. I just want to know the game is actually 'Coming soon' rather than 2 or 3 months later.
We heard 'coming soon' two months ago, and 'coming very soon' today. There's already an Xbox release date on the 18th, and Steam is saying it… more's going to be the 17th.
But the fact is that Telltale can't be 100% sure. Why would they give us a date that they're not 100% sure about? Wouldn't you be more upset by a missed release date than you would be by them saying nothing? If they said the 17th and it didn't come out until the 24th, wouldn't that be worse than what they're doing now?
I'm not sure that's exactly what was happening. She was running away from the guy beforehand, and ended up slipping and falling. It's entirely possible she was just fending him off from that position, and not that he was trying to rape her.
Though in all honesty, Telltale is the absolutely #1 video game company who I think would be able to create such a scenario without coming off as completely offensive and tone-deaf.
So becomes they released preorders. It's fine for them even wait a year. Why not 10. It's not legally binding. They never told us anything from day one, because they never talk to us on here. Legally what you say might work. We both know it's bull.
Example, Wolf among us..release date given, then pushed back till 2014. You have an excuse for everything they do. I bet if they insulted customers, with vulgar responses. You'd say they were stressed. I humbly disagree.
They owe us a game on the release date that they promised us, nothing more or less.
They owe us nothing regarding that release date, howeve… morer. This entitled "You owe me something you never promised because I gave you money" mentality is utterly ridiculous.
We heard 'coming soon' two months ago, and 'coming very soon' today. There's already an Xbox release date on the 18th, and Steam is saying it… more's going to be the 17th.
But the fact is that Telltale can't be 100% sure. Why would they give us a date that they're not 100% sure about? Wouldn't you be more upset by a missed release date than you would be by them saying nothing? If they said the 17th and it didn't come out until the 24th, wouldn't that be worse than what they're doing now?
Looks like http://www.gamefreaks.co.nz/2013/12/13/walking-dead-season-launch-trailer/ says "The second season will make its premiere with its … morefirst chapter, “All That Remains,” on Tuesday, December 17 for the PC and Mac, and on December 18 for the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360."
Tell me more about the dozens of people working hundreds of hours that it takes to make your fan art and how you'd respond graciously if people sat and kept demanding that you create it on their schedule.
No offence intended, Sketchy, but the sarcastic putdowns of your fellow fans aren't doing Telltale any favours either.
Tell me more about the dozens of people working hundreds of hours that it takes to make your fan art and how you'd respond graciously if peopl… moree sat and kept demanding that you create it on their schedule.
The difference, of course, is that there's really no one who expects your next piece of fan art, so there's not any actual pressure for you to come out with a new piece. That, and the fact that it's undoubtedly incredibly simple in comparison to a full-blown video game.
Well, you sure knocked over that straw man. Good job!
I wouldn't make excuses if they were insulting people directly. But I understand that games get delayed and that they're complex and difficult beasts that rely on a thousand little things to get out right. I think that people have a slightly better case with TWAU, because they actually did promise a window of 4-6 weeks as far as that game is concerned, and they have to break that promise. I don't think it's a huge deal and I think it's something to be expected, but I can understand people being upset about it.
I can't understand people being upset about a game that hasn't had a release date other than Fall 2013 when it's still Fall of 2013.
So becomes they released preorders. It's fine for them even wait a year. Why not 10. It's not legally binding. They never told us anything fro… morem day one, because they never talk to us on here. Legally what you say might work. We both know it's bull.
Example, Wolf among us..release date given, then pushed back till 2014. You have an excuse for everything they do. I bet if they insulted customers, with vulgar responses. You'd say they were stressed. I humbly disagree.
I'm not sure that's exactly what was happening. She was running away from the guy beforehand, and ended up slipping and falling. It's entire… morely possible she was just fending him off from that position, and not that he was trying to rape her.
Though in all honesty, Telltale is the absolutely #1 video game company who I think would be able to create such a scenario without coming off as completely offensive and tone-deaf.
I would prefer to be just keep in the loop of when they think they're getting it out as opposed to just hearing 'Coming Soon'. If they said 'W… moree believe episode one will be coming soon, but we're not 100%' then maybe it wouldn't bother me so much. I just sometimes feel like they don't care. With this announcement. 'Coming very soon!' and having heard the previous version, this whole 'Soon' fiasco wouldn't have happened. I understand what it's like to be on a schedule with something like this. It isn't easy. I'm working on similar projects on Youtube that need to hit a deadline. Then you hit snags. But as soon as that happens, I make sure to let my fanbase know what's going on. That's all. It's only advice that I wish they would take. The less 'up in the air' I feel, the better. I just want to know the game is actually 'Coming soon' rather than 2 or 3 months later.
Telltale apologists
"we're really sorry, even though we didn't tlak to you and over hype stuff, we're really really sorry..give us a second chance"
I like it
Telltale more likely than not had those games planned far long before they "took our money" from Wolf or Walking Dead Season 2.
Also, I believe Telltale is a privately funded company. I don't think private companies use stock prices. (I am just saying this as a community mod. I am not from Telltale myself).
Right..because they so flawless till now and 3 month delay on wolf, AFTER...they took our money and secured those sales for 2014 to make their stock price go up. They took the money, then said wait three months. Not much a preoder.
So they got rich, and divided to remove their emotional counter part from their body. I did notice a lack of communications. Congrats they now can afford to ignore us, a once small company, now a booming business. They got what they wanted, now all matters is bottom line. I'm just so let down.
Well, I don't think that's what they're doing, and I said so.
But I also think that they've proven that they can make interesting games with a commitment to a fairly diverse cast and that their female characters are very well sketched out, so I think that they could handle a fictional rape story better than most video game companies, who I'd think would end up making an offensive mess out of such a story.
Well I know your just keeping peace. I actually like your mod style ober all the others. You don't provoke, you don't give too much or too little. I mean it. I'm sorry to vent myself so emotionally..but coming soon...A VIDEO.
Telltale more likely than not had those games planned far long before they "took our money" from Wolf or Walking Dead Season 2.
Also, I bel… moreieve Telltale is a privately funded company. I don't think private companies use stock prices. (I am just saying this as a community mod. I am not from Telltale myself).
Yeah, this seems much more likely to me. I know that there's a lot of twisted shit that goes down in the Walking Dead universe, but I don't think that Telltale really wants to go that dark and deal with that level of controversy. It'd be a huge minefield to wander into.
I been up all night with excitement, so..my mind a little fried. Not that fried. Do you always wonder, does your brain ever think to ask. Do you wonder about how get school, just not do it. So it's not perfect. Yours is, all the time. It's the internet, who cares.
I really appreciate that you're willing to work so hard to prove me right, and I look forward to more of it in the near future.
And you've just proven your own status as a troll. Without any of my help, either. So congratulations.
Lol people are in denial in walking dead wiki. They changed kenny's status alive but now it's unknown. They are seriously thinking guy in ballcap, with mullet and green shirt is not kenny but just another redneck. so dumb
Their not. But yes yo did defend it, you said they'd be best company to do it. If that's not a defense.,,what is. I agree they make great games. It doesn't mean we have sell them our self respect. I love their games, interesting, complex. I'm making moral choice, what their doing is wrong.
Yes. But to rape a virtual child is..still disturbing. Bevel it or not.
Well, I don't think that's what they're doing, and I said so.
But I also think that they've proven that they can make interesting games wit… moreh a commitment to a fairly diverse cast and that their female characters are very well sketched out, so I think that they could handle a fictional rape story better than most video game companies, who I'd think would end up making an offensive mess out of such a story.
Also, uh... you know Clem's not real, right?
Well, assuming you and Sketchy are done high-fiving each other, I'll explain.
Not quite but I can multitask. You weren't in any way mobbed here. You responded to a general post about how impatient people seem to be around these parts (which is pretty much undeniable) with a needlessly aggressive "get off your high horse and grow up." Sketchy pointed out that someone claiming that they can wait for a video game to come come out without being impatient isn't really that boastful a claim. You responded by calling him a creep and telling him to leave. You were the aggressor here. Just letting you know. Now let's put this matter behind us and continue arguing about the game's content.
Well, assuming you and Sketchy are done high-fiving each other, I'll explain.
Firstly, please don't patronize me. I get "testy" whenever I … morefeel I'm being mobbed, which is pretty much what's going down right now. I've seen this pattern emerge before elsewhere, and it's emerging again here, right down to the gently mocking posts. Second, I've found these sort of incidents almost always end with the "flamed" target being kicked out as opposed to the actual "flamers", so I'd better bail before the same happens here.
Enough with the rape, geez.
My point is you nor I know wtf is going on there or anywhere else throughout ep1, so why argue and complain about theories.
Wait one week, play the game.
And they really consider doing a "rape" scenario on Clem? The last part of the trailer before she fell to the river..
They said before Christmas, so expect it to drop very soon!
I would prefer to be just keep in the loop of when they think they're getting it out as opposed to just hearing 'Coming Soon'. If they said 'We believe episode one will be coming soon, but we're not 100%' then maybe it wouldn't bother me so much. I just sometimes feel like they don't care. With this announcement. 'Coming very soon!' and having heard the previous version, this whole 'Soon' fiasco wouldn't have happened. I understand what it's like to be on a schedule with something like this. It isn't easy. I'm working on similar projects on Youtube that need to hit a deadline. Then you hit snags. But as soon as that happens, I make sure to let my fanbase know what's going on. That's all. It's only advice that I wish they would take. The less 'up in the air' I feel, the better. I just want to know the game is actually 'Coming soon' rather than 2 or 3 months later.
I'm not sure that's exactly what was happening. She was running away from the guy beforehand, and ended up slipping and falling. It's entirely possible she was just fending him off from that position, and not that he was trying to rape her.
Though in all honesty, Telltale is the absolutely #1 video game company who I think would be able to create such a scenario without coming off as completely offensive and tone-deaf.
So becomes they released preorders. It's fine for them even wait a year. Why not 10. It's not legally binding. They never told us anything from day one, because they never talk to us on here. Legally what you say might work. We both know it's bull.
Example, Wolf among us..release date given, then pushed back till 2014. You have an excuse for everything they do. I bet if they insulted customers, with vulgar responses. You'd say they were stressed. I humbly disagree.
Looks like http://www.gamefreaks.co.nz/2013/12/13/walking-dead-season-launch-trailer/ says "The second season will make its premiere with its first chapter, “All That Remains,” on Tuesday, December 17 for the PC and Mac, and on December 18 for the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360."
Supposedly. It's a rumor until proven true or possible by Telltale themselves. I'm sorry.
No offence intended, Sketchy, but the sarcastic putdowns of your fellow fans aren't doing Telltale any favours either.
Well, you sure knocked over that straw man. Good job!
I wouldn't make excuses if they were insulting people directly. But I understand that games get delayed and that they're complex and difficult beasts that rely on a thousand little things to get out right. I think that people have a slightly better case with TWAU, because they actually did promise a window of 4-6 weeks as far as that game is concerned, and they have to break that promise. I don't think it's a huge deal and I think it's something to be expected, but I can understand people being upset about it.
I can't understand people being upset about a game that hasn't had a release date other than Fall 2013 when it's still Fall of 2013.
I was about to take Telltales back with a few words for the whiners but, meh.

The game is coming next week, relaaaaaaax...
You even excuse their theory to rape a young child. It's simply mind blowing, the depths you go to defend them.
"rape" scenario...really?
the TTGs games are good but if it is true that there is no communication, what hurts me is seeing Clementine mourn, they pass hand.
That's literally what they said. They said "We believe it will be coming soon but it's not 100%." That's exactly the thing that they're saying.
Right? It doesn't seem that complicated.
Alot of the time I find myself saying, "wtf is this guy trying to say".
This is one of those times.
Telltale more likely than not had those games planned far long before they "took our money" from Wolf or Walking Dead Season 2.
Also, I believe Telltale is a privately funded company. I don't think private companies use stock prices. (I am just saying this as a community mod. I am not from Telltale myself).
I was under the impression that they've been saying "before Christmas" for a while now. Well, it's still not Christmas.
It may look like a rape scenario to some people, but until we know for sure, we can also go with the possibility he's trying to steal her stuff.
So they got rich, and divided to remove their emotional counter part from their body. I did notice a lack of communications. Congrats they now can afford to ignore us, a once small company, now a booming business. They got what they wanted, now all matters is bottom line. I'm just so let down.
They mislead us, all the time.
So then we have nothing for two months, making the fans question what is going on?
Well, I don't think that's what they're doing, and I said so.
But I also think that they've proven that they can make interesting games with a commitment to a fairly diverse cast and that their female characters are very well sketched out, so I think that they could handle a fictional rape story better than most video game companies, who I'd think would end up making an offensive mess out of such a story.
Also, uh... you know Clem's not real, right?
I don't think Clementine has many items, but he could use her as a hostage to steal her groups stuff
Then why not just say 'We're expecting a release next week.'?
PC & Mac (not iOS) Tuesday, PS3 and xBox Wednesday. WHOOOO! I went nuts when I saw "Kenny" though.
or she got caught stealing his.
We don't know anything at all.
Well I know your just keeping peace. I actually like your mod style ober all the others. You don't provoke, you don't give too much or too little. I mean it. I'm sorry to vent myself so emotionally..but coming soon...A VIDEO.
Where hell is game I paid for.
My response.
Yeah, this seems much more likely to me. I know that there's a lot of twisted shit that goes down in the Walking Dead universe, but I don't think that Telltale really wants to go that dark and deal with that level of controversy. It'd be a huge minefield to wander into.
I been up all night with excitement, so..my mind a little fried. Not that fried. Do you always wonder, does your brain ever think to ask. Do you wonder about how get school, just not do it. So it's not perfect. Yours is, all the time. It's the internet, who cares.
Another "very soon"
Buuut I must say I don't really mind, we'll have the game in a week so, it's all good to me.
Nah, I just enjoy having a laugh at people who are all upset because they feel entitled to something that they're not actually entitled to.
I hope they do not premiere Christmas day is day of bad taste, I hope it's before, maybe if 17 is anything can happen.
Lol people are in denial in walking dead wiki. They changed kenny's status alive but now it's unknown. They are seriously thinking guy in ballcap, with mullet and green shirt is not kenny but just another redneck. so dumb
Their not. But yes yo did defend it, you said they'd be best company to do it. If that's not a defense.,,what is. I agree they make great games. It doesn't mean we have sell them our self respect. I love their games, interesting, complex. I'm making moral choice, what their doing is wrong.
Yes. But to rape a virtual child is..still disturbing. Bevel it or not.
If she stole from him., did he have right to rape.
@puzzlebox is Season 2 coming out next week?
Not quite but I can multitask. You weren't in any way mobbed here. You responded to a general post about how impatient people seem to be around these parts (which is pretty much undeniable) with a needlessly aggressive "get off your high horse and grow up." Sketchy pointed out that someone claiming that they can wait for a video game to come come out without being impatient isn't really that boastful a claim. You responded by calling him a creep and telling him to leave. You were the aggressor here. Just letting you know. Now let's put this matter behind us and continue arguing about the game's content.
They've said it's going to be out before Christmas....right?
13 days max? I can wait that. Heck I've been waiting a whole year already.
Come at me bro!
Enough with the rape, geez.
My point is you nor I know wtf is going on there or anywhere else throughout ep1, so why argue and complain about theories.
Wait one week, play the game.