Season 2 Episode 1/Retail Release Discussion: Out Now: PC/Mac/PSN/XBLA/iOS/Vita/Android



  • Of course it's disturbing. So is watching your friends get torn apart by flesh-eating infected corpses and having to shoot your adult guardian in the face, though.

    Like I said, I think that most companies would make a terrifyingly offensive mess out of it. I think that Telltale could tell a story like that where it didn't feel gratuitous and where it made us, as an audience, go through the disturbing and terrifying emotions that could come from someone getting close to committing such an act. I don't think that Telltale would ever let it actually happen, but I could see such a thing getting close to happening and Clem having to deal with the emotions of that, and I think that Telltale could tell such a story in a way that would be interesting, emotionally affecting, and non-offensive.

    fusedmass posted: »

    Their not. But yes yo did defend it, you said they'd be best company to do it. If that's not a defense.,,what is. I agree they make great game

  • yep.

    marko012 posted: »

    If you watch the trailer 0.52 dead guy is Roman?

  • Yes, they're so dumb for wanting actual proof of a claim before saying that it's a fact.

    vivec posted: »

    Lol people are in denial in walking dead wiki. They changed kenny's status alive but now it's unknown. They are seriously thinking guy in ballcap, with mullet and green shirt is not kenny but just another redneck. so dumb

  • @puzzlebox whatever it is that they're paying you to stay quiet, we'll double it.

  • Oh, so you wouldn't be surprised if it wasn't. That Telltale deliberately didn't show his face or even enough of his head to see a mustache.
    It could go either way, but if you got a link or something saying he is then by all means I apologize.

    vivec posted: »

    Lol people are in denial in walking dead wiki. They changed kenny's status alive but now it's unknown. They are seriously thinking guy in ballcap, with mullet and green shirt is not kenny but just another redneck. so dumb

  • Blind SniperBlind Sniper Moderator
    edited December 2013

    It's alright to want to vent, I'm just saying that Telltale isn't as evil as you want to make them out to be.

    Even if they have grown considerably since Walking Dead, they started off as a small company that was very fan friendly. They obviously aren't as open now, but I think a large majority of that stems from their mainstream success and that newfound audiences' potential misconceptions about how episodic gaming works.

    They used to deliver episodes on a monthly basis, but from Walking Dead and Wolf onwards, they have currently been experimenting with new gameplay. Despite the seemingly short episode length, the episodes actually have a lot going on beneath the surface since they have to track player choices and adjust how the game's story unfolds, even if the choices aren't initially as large as they seem.

    Despite this, they have close to a dozen completed seasons under their belt where they didn't simply "run off with people's money." To make a long story short, I wouldn't worry; even if the wait between Episode 1 and 2 for Wolf is long, Telltale won't just "run off with your money" as that would be bad not just for us, but for them as well. A large part of what makes Telltale work is that people can trust Telltale to finish a series.

    fusedmass posted: »

    Well I know your just keeping peace. I actually like your mod style ober all the others. You don't provoke, you don't give too much or too lit

  • Really...

    @puzzlebox is Season 2 coming out next week?

  • I'll triple it.

    @puzzlebox whatever it is that they're paying you to stay quiet, we'll double it.

  • CIementine CIementine Banned
    edited December 2013

    @puzzlebox Is it coming out next week please reply

    @puzzlebox whatever it is that they're paying you to stay quiet, we'll double it.

  • Last visit
    Dec 12, 2013 04:18 PM

    @puzzlebox whatever it is that they're paying you to stay quiet, we'll double it.

  • As much as this is getting dislikes I do feel it is the most sensible way to view this.

    That's a good idea, they should totally give an estimate of "Fall 2013" and then not make any more promises until they're absolutely sure as t

  • High fives, bro!

    DomeWing333 posted: »

    Well, assuming you and Sketchy are done high-fiving each other, I'll explain. Not quite but I can multitask. You weren't in any way mo

  • uuuh yes


  • Blind SniperBlind Sniper Moderator
    edited December 2013

    As I have told others, Telltale isn't staying quiet to torture us or string us along. They have to wait until Sony/Microsoft/other partners have confirmed their dates and then they can announce the dates themselves openly. I presume that is the only hold up at this point.

    @puzzlebox whatever it is that they're paying you to stay quiet, we'll double it.

  • Once again, don't know what your talking about at all.
    Sleep or no sleep wtf, I can't read/reply to your comments anymore they hurt my head.

    fusedmass posted: »

    I been up all night with excitement, mind a little fried. Not that fried. Do you always wonder, does your brain ever think to ask. Do y

  • One thing is for sure!

    The Walking Dead is going to involve a lot more tripping!

  • uuuh yes

    No, really though...

  • No, really though...

    uuuh yes

  • so i guess their waiting for sony

    As I have told others, Telltale isn't staying quiet to torture us or string us along. They have to wait until Sony/Microsoft/other partners ha

  • Don't forget the water!

    XyzLewis posted: »

    One thing is for sure! The Walking Dead is going to involve a lot more tripping!

  • Blind SniperBlind Sniper Moderator
    edited December 2013

    She is promoting Walking Dead Season 2 and won't be on much this week, I presume. The best bet for now is to keep tabs on their Twitter/Facebook/Blog. That, or you can listen to speculation from us lowly mods (who have a good understanding of how Telltale does things). :)

    Also, I could be wrong, but I don't think using the "@" actually gives notifications (although I could be wrong). I think it just links to their profile.

    @puzzlebox Is it coming out next week please reply

  • I don't have strength to detail my words more crystal clear so even the most simplest of minds could understand. Just think of me, unhappy. If your able to absorb that said sleep or no sleep...soo it's a grudge. Thank you for bitter comment.

    I guess everyone but you speaks my language.

    Once again, don't know what your talking about at all. Sleep or no sleep wtf, I can't read/reply to your comments anymore they hurt my head.

  • If your brain truly is fried like you say, maybe you better go lie down for an hour or two. Your comments have been a little disturbing today.

    fusedmass posted: »

    If she stole from him., did he have right to rape.

  • Maybe the PS3 users

    XyzLewis posted: »

    One thing is for sure! The Walking Dead is going to involve a lot more tripping!

  • No, like proper really though......

    uuuh yes

  • No, but like more downvotes though.

    You found my weak spot!

    mowino posted: »

    No, like proper really though......

  • VERY MOTHER EFFING SOON!? ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. whyyyyyyyyyy. fine. fine. it's fine! we didn't want to know the release date anyway. it's fine.

  • yes no no no no yes yes yes no yes yenos

    mowino posted: »

    No, like proper really though......

  • edited December 2013

    Please don't be kenny, please don't be kenny, his story arc was finished and tied up nicely, please don't be kenny..

  • yup that was christa

    HOLY SHIT KENNY AND CHRISTA ARE ALIIIIIIIIIVVVVVVVVEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That was Christa, right? In the orange jacket?

  • Good god, people can whine... You just got a full trailer with plenty of gameplay, confirmation about a few characters (Christa and Kenny?) and you got to see new faces and action. AND YET the thing you complain about, is that TTG didn't give you a release date??

    It's coming folks... Wishing it was here sooner or knowing the release date won't make it come any quicker.

  • pack your feels kids we're going on a bag trip.

    Brace yourself. Heartbreak is coming.

  • Would very VERY soon cheer you up?

    Jokes aside, next week looks to be a safe guess. I think the only hold up is Telltale waiting for release date confirmations from Sony/Microsoft/other partners. Telltale typically waits until all platforms that they intend to launch the game on have confirmed dates before formally announcing the dates themselves.

    VERY MOTHER EFFING SOON!? ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. whyyyyyyyyyy. fine. fine. it's fine! we didn't want to know the release date anyway. it's fine.

  • "Last time I checked, Kenny's hair was longer than that"

    Haircut? or is that impossible.

    stevean2 posted: »

    Great, now kenny fanboys are going to be 10x more annoying. Last time I checked, Kenny's hair was longer than that It's gonna be someone else!

  • wtf is wrong with you all? if you look up on steam where you can buy the game it says that release date is on 17th dec.
    release date is public now

  • I just realised TTG have got a great sense of humour... First they tease us with Kenny/Kenny lookalike, then they say "Coming very soon". I remember reading a post by someone saying it would be fun if they announced the date as "Coming very soon". Just goes to show they DO read the forums and don't mind poking back at the community. Hats off to them. :-)

  • Dont know why people are crying. It`s coming within the next 12 days. Guess it gonna be within the next week, you guys survived the last weeks too, so does it matter to wait just another one? Just keep watching the trailer over and over again and be happy that you can play the First Episode SOON :)

  • My guess is that there's something different about his face. Maybe he has a black eye or something. Actually I think the black eye is genuinely likely. Just a thought.

    OK we got the trailer but is that Kenny or not. i'm not so sure it's him why wouldn't they show his face? Really glad to to see both christa and omid though.

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