Omg omg omg omg! When I first watched the trailer I didn't notice the hat at all and then I'm like, is that who I think it is? Holy crap it's mother trucking Kenny!
I always believed he was still alive, of course this may be just another mullet baseball capped redneck, but you can't be to sure. I mean just from going back and looking at Kenny from behind, the guy in the trailer bears almost a complete resemblance to Kenny face structure and all from what I could see.
As well even though the walking dead series is notorious for killing loved characters they are also notorious for making characters live in situations that seemed like they were just going to outright die.
I have faith Telltale knows what they are doing, and I can only hope that, that person really is Kenny.
I love Kenny and would love for him to come back and when I seen his back in that trailer I jumped out of my seat. But I know it isn't Kenny. I just have that feeling that it isn't.
Hopefully I'm proven wrong, but I feel like that isn't Kenny and a lot of people may be disappointed.
While they most certainly DID make more than just that one hat, the guy had a mullet that was similar, to say the least, to Kenny's. Of course, even if it isn't him, they had to have put that in there knowing we'd all go OMG ITS KENNY. I sense mind games...
People are reading way too much into seeing the back of a snap-back trucker hat at about :38 into the new video.
You guys know they've manufactured more than one hat like that, right?
Were going to see the back of someone's head that looks like Kenny for the whole episode. We will follow him as Clementine who thinks she is following Kenny but it will turn out in the end that it's just some random guy with the same hat and Clementine will have to have an awkward conversation with the guy.
And then Telltale will win the award for best troll ever!
well when he was trying to save Ben he was lost in the herd of Zombies but there was two ways of getting out of that alleyway 1. the way blocked by zombies and 2. the other way when Kenny locked the gate saving Lee. He backed away from the Zombies so maybe he did escape we will just have to find out soon enough??
We dont know about Kenny.
Or Christa or Lilly or Molly or Vernon or Vince or Bonnie or Shel or Becca or Wyatt or Eddie or Russel or Nate or Joyce or Clive or Roman.
there is a chance kenny may be alive. when i watched the new trailer that just came out for season 2, i noticed that the man at 0:39 looks like kenny (based on the hat and hair).
there is a chance kenny may be alive. when i watched the new trailer that just came out for season 2, i noticed that the man at 0:39 looks like kenny (based on the hat and hair).
I bet it's not. There are more people with that type of hair, especially in the southern states. Yeah, he has that hair, he has a cap, but I bet it's Telltale just messing with us. It's probably someone else.
if its tell tale messing with us they will loose A LOT OF FANS. i dont want to play as clem with a "kenny clone" i have a good feeling thats kenny for that reason. he even Acts like kenny. look at how he moves
that has to be! iam about 95% sure that is kenny, same dark green shirt, same trucket hat, and same mullet....the resembelance is amazing actually, but would ttg put this big of a suprise in the trailer?
I bet that guy wants to take clem away and then Kenny comes in. Maybe we'll make a choice about who should we go with Kenny or Bald man and the young guy
@Geo92 wrote:
I know everyone is hyped that it looks like Kenny.
I bet it's not. There are more peopl… moree with that type of hair, especially in the southern states. Yeah, he has that hair, he has a cap, but I bet it's Telltale just messing with us. It's probably someone else.
if its tell tale messing with us they will loose A LOT OF FANS. i dont want to play as clem with a "kenny clone" i have a good feeling thats kenny for that reason. he even Acts like kenny. look at how he moves
I bet that guy wants to take clem away and then Kenny comes in. Maybe we'll make a choice about who should we go with Kenny or Bald man and the young guy
As I've said before, there's only two possibilities:
A) That's Kenny.
Telltale has gone to extraordinary lengths to build a character bearing a striking resemblance to Kenny from behind. If that's true, Telltale should be given an award for the most successful prank by a video game company on its own fanbase ever.
If Kenny still is alive, I'm gonna be ticked off. Let's say he is. Let's say he somehow miraculously got away from all of the zombies without being bit. Do you really think he wouldn't have come back and tried to help Lee in episode 5? After he swore to help him save Clementine, do you really think he'd leave at the end? There was a good bit of time between Kenny dying and Lee finding Clem.
Think about it. Clem followed Lee and Kenny. To River St without any trouble. Pretty sure Kenny would have found his way back.
We dont know about Kenny.
Or Christa or Lilly or Molly or Vernon or Vince or Bonnie or Shel or Becca or Wyatt or Eddie or Russel or Nate or Joyce or Clive or Roman.
@MegaSweetSweetGirl wrote:
Anyone else saw the back of Kenny in the trailer? I'm 90% sure it's him, what do you think about this?
… more
Eh, it's someone with a bit of a mullet in a snap-back trucker hat.
I'm not saying that it's not Kenny, but I think people are definitely jumping the gun on saying that it's him.
Maybe Kenny got injured while running away and had to hole up somewhere so he could recover. Maybe there were too many zombies between him and the Marsh House. Maybe he got stuck somewhere overrun with zombies so had to find someplace to wait them out (which could take days). Maybe Kenny ran into the cancer survivors again and decided to give them a piece of his mind for stealing the boat. Maybe Kenny got lost trying to find Lee. Maybe Kenny found Christa and Omid and decided to go wait by the train for Lee and Clementine. And the list continues ... There's too many possible scenarios to really write him off.
People tend to survive crazy stuff in the comics and TV show so why not the game? Look at Tyreese. Guy survives being locked in a gym with zombies and comes out smoking a cigar the next morning in the comic. In the show, he survives a good 20 or so zombies coming at him and joins Daryl, etc with barely a scratch. Rick and Carl probably take out a good 50-100 zombies when they break through the prison fence a few episodes ago and come out unscathed. Kenny surviving wouldn't be out of the ordinary for the series.
I'm not so convinced that is Kenny looking at the picture. I thought it was before I saw it, but now I'm not sure. If he does appear in season 2, I think it'll be episode 2 at the earliest just to give Clementine a happy moment after the hell of episode 1. We have to remember it's several months later so hair will grow out, clothes will change, etc. Not like they have the luxury of going to a barber shop and a clothing boutique on a regular basis. They take what they find and I doubt hair care is really a priority. Can't really base a theory on who someone is based on things that change. We'll only be sure when we see the man's face. But chances are models won't change that much just to keep the known characters familiar looking. Could be Kenny. Might not be Kenny. We'll know soon enough.
If Kenny still is alive, I'm gonna be ticked off. Let's say he is. Let's say he somehow miraculously got away from all of the zombies without… more being bit. Do you really think he wouldn't have come back and tried to help Lee in episode 5? After he swore to help him save Clementine, do you really think he'd leave at the end? There was a good bit of time between Kenny dying and Lee finding Clem.
Think about it. Clem followed Lee and Kenny. To River St without any trouble. Pretty sure Kenny would have found his way back.
As I've said before, there's only two possibilities:
A) That's Kenny.
Telltale has gone to extraordinary lengths to build a character b… moreearing a striking resemblance to Kenny from behind. If that's true, Telltale should be given an award for the most successful prank by a video game company on its own fanbase ever.
It seems to me that they're going out of their way to show us that it's not Kenny. I don't think it's him. Telltale have also tricked us in other trailers. For example, in the episode 3 trailer, they made it look like Clem shot someone. They could do it again.
In my opinion, I'm going to be quite annoyed if he appears in season two. While he was my third favorite character after Lee and Clem, there's no denying that his story was pretty much over. I can't think of a plausible reason for Kenny to be brought back other than blatant fan-service.
Many will argue that Kenny could have pulled a 'Tyreese'. Firstly, Kenny is nowhere near Tyreese in terms of physical strength. In fact, he can get his ass handed to him by Molly, Larry, and a group of cancer survivors. Secondly, the last shot we saw/heard of Kenny in either situation in episode 5, he was out of bullets (determinately). Telltale won't advocate multiple scenes of season 2 in which Kenny survived or not based on how much bullets that Lee can give him in episode 5. I'm hoping that if he is alive, there should be more of a stellar reason that he survived other than he mowed his way through the crowd of zombies.
It seems to me that they're going out of their way to show us that it's not Kenny. I don't think it's him. Telltale have also tricked us in ot… moreher trailers. For example, in the episode 3 trailer, they made it look like Clem shot someone. They could do it again.
In my opinion, I'm going to be quite annoyed if he appears in season two. While he was my third favorite character after Lee and Clem, there's no denying that his story was pretty much over. I can't think of a plausible reason for Kenny to be brought back other than blatant fan-service.
Many will argue that Kenny could have pulled a 'Tyreese'. Firstly, Kenny is nowhere near Tyreese in terms of physical strength. In fact, he can get his ass handed to him by Molly, Larry, and a group of cancer survivors. Secondly, the last shot we saw/heard of Kenny in either situation in episode 5, he was out of bullets (determinately). Telltale won't advocate multiple scenes of season 2 in which Kenn… [view original content]
Clem could be having a dream at that point. To be honest I think it's him at the moment. I hate how people throw "Kenny fanboy" around left and right like a bunch of sad saps.
People need to stop assuming that Kenny will be a part of S2. The fact you need to get across your heads is that it may not happen. As far as i'm concerned bringing Kenny back into this story would be HUGELY illogical and completely unnecessary. Yes, MAYBE he will make an appearance, but most likely as a walker or corpse. Do you all not Remember that Nate had the same haircut, and a trucker hat? Sorry to burst your bubble, but just don't hop aboard the "KENNY IS ALIVE" hype train yet.
Also, tone down on the daily "Is Kenny Alive?" threads. I guarantee we have at least 50 of them.
Omg omg omg omg! When I first watched the trailer I didn't notice the hat at all and then I'm like, is that who I think it is? Holy crap it's mother trucking Kenny!
Epic Captain Kirk Stance... KENNY!!!!!
I always believed he was still alive, of course this may be just another mullet baseball capped redneck, but you can't be to sure. I mean just from going back and looking at Kenny from behind, the guy in the trailer bears almost a complete resemblance to Kenny face structure and all from what I could see.
As well even though the walking dead series is notorious for killing loved characters they are also notorious for making characters live in situations that seemed like they were just going to outright die.
I have faith Telltale knows what they are doing, and I can only hope that, that person really is Kenny.
It is very cruel
It's not him at first I thought it's him but seconds after that scene, you can check that it's not him.
I want to make Clem as badass as possible.
I love Kenny and would love for him to come back and when I seen his back in that trailer I jumped out of my seat. But I know it isn't Kenny. I just have that feeling that it isn't.
Hopefully I'm proven wrong, but I feel like that isn't Kenny and a lot of people may be disappointed.
While they most certainly DID make more than just that one hat, the guy had a mullet that was similar, to say the least, to Kenny's. Of course, even if it isn't him, they had to have put that in there knowing we'd all go OMG ITS KENNY. I sense mind games...
You know I wouldn't bet my Coins on it that this Guy is Kenny. Tons of People have similar Looks from behind. But lets say its 90%.
I think i know what is going to happen in Ep 1!
Were going to see the back of someone's head that looks like Kenny for the whole episode. We will follow him as Clementine who thinks she is following Kenny but it will turn out in the end that it's just some random guy with the same hat and Clementine will have to have an awkward conversation with the guy.
And then Telltale will win the award for best troll ever!
well when he was trying to save Ben he was lost in the herd of Zombies but there was two ways of getting out of that alleyway 1. the way blocked by zombies and 2. the other way when Kenny locked the gate saving Lee. He backed away from the Zombies so maybe he did escape we will just have to find out soon enough??
I'm pretty sure she's with Omid.
Its definatly kenny
there is a chance kenny may be alive. when i watched the new trailer that just came out for season 2, i noticed that the man at 0:39 looks like kenny (based on the hat and hair).
yes I think but still some people have different opinions on it
I don't know, but what I do know is...
That song they picked for the trailer is BADASS!
if its tell tale messing with us they will loose A LOT OF FANS. i dont want to play as clem with a "kenny clone" i have a good feeling thats kenny for that reason. he even Acts like kenny. look at how he moves
that has to be! iam about 95% sure that is kenny, same dark green shirt, same trucket hat, and same mullet....the resembelance is amazing actually, but would ttg put this big of a suprise in the trailer?
Do they wear green shirt all the time in southern states ? I bet they have sideburns like "Kenny" in that picture
I bet that guy wants to take clem away and then Kenny comes in. Maybe we'll make a choice about who should we go with Kenny or Bald man and the young guy
hard choice..... KENNY!
I will not be able to sleep, Kenny or not Kenny, playing with fans
Jesus. If you choose to save Ben in Season 1, then how can you possibly expect Kenny to be alive considering what happened when Ben actually did die?
As I've said before, there's only two possibilities:
A) That's Kenny.
If Kenny still is alive, I'm gonna be ticked off. Let's say he is. Let's say he somehow miraculously got away from all of the zombies without being bit. Do you really think he wouldn't have come back and tried to help Lee in episode 5? After he swore to help him save Clementine, do you really think he'd leave at the end? There was a good bit of time between Kenny dying and Lee finding Clem.
Think about it. Clem followed Lee and Kenny. To River St without any trouble. Pretty sure Kenny would have found his way back.
Exactly my thought
Christa was in the trailer so was Roman.
I literally cried when I saw him
some people are jumping the gun also saying its not him as well
Maybe Kenny got injured while running away and had to hole up somewhere so he could recover. Maybe there were too many zombies between him and the Marsh House. Maybe he got stuck somewhere overrun with zombies so had to find someplace to wait them out (which could take days). Maybe Kenny ran into the cancer survivors again and decided to give them a piece of his mind for stealing the boat. Maybe Kenny got lost trying to find Lee. Maybe Kenny found Christa and Omid and decided to go wait by the train for Lee and Clementine. And the list continues ... There's too many possible scenarios to really write him off.
People tend to survive crazy stuff in the comics and TV show so why not the game? Look at Tyreese. Guy survives being locked in a gym with zombies and comes out smoking a cigar the next morning in the comic. In the show, he survives a good 20 or so zombies coming at him and joins Daryl, etc with barely a scratch. Rick and Carl probably take out a good 50-100 zombies when they break through the prison fence a few episodes ago and come out unscathed. Kenny surviving wouldn't be out of the ordinary for the series.
I'm not so convinced that is Kenny looking at the picture. I thought it was before I saw it, but now I'm not sure. If he does appear in season 2, I think it'll be episode 2 at the earliest just to give Clementine a happy moment after the hell of episode 1. We have to remember it's several months later so hair will grow out, clothes will change, etc. Not like they have the luxury of going to a barber shop and a clothing boutique on a regular basis. They take what they find and I doubt hair care is really a priority. Can't really base a theory on who someone is based on things that change. We'll only be sure when we see the man's face. But chances are models won't change that much just to keep the known characters familiar looking. Could be Kenny. Might not be Kenny. We'll know soon enough.
Kenny's hat does have white on the back and his is orange.. I can still be Kenny, but i don't know. Kenny is probably still gonna be in Season 2
If you look at the guy with gun at 1:03 it looks like the same black shirt and dark hair so I don't know.
It's set to come out on Monday!
Are you a Daniel Bryan fan
It seems to me that they're going out of their way to show us that it's not Kenny. I don't think it's him. Telltale have also tricked us in other trailers. For example, in the episode 3 trailer, they made it look like Clem shot someone. They could do it again.
In my opinion, I'm going to be quite annoyed if he appears in season two. While he was my third favorite character after Lee and Clem, there's no denying that his story was pretty much over. I can't think of a plausible reason for Kenny to be brought back other than blatant fan-service.
Many will argue that Kenny could have pulled a 'Tyreese'. Firstly, Kenny is nowhere near Tyreese in terms of physical strength. In fact, he can get his ass handed to him by Molly, Larry, and a group of cancer survivors. Secondly, the last shot we saw/heard of Kenny in either situation in episode 5, he was out of bullets (determinately). Telltale won't advocate multiple scenes of season 2 in which Kenny survived or not based on how much bullets that Lee can give him in episode 5. I'm hoping that if he is alive, there should be more of a stellar reason that he survived other than he mowed his way through the crowd of zombies.
If Kenny does return, I somehow doubt he'll be in a good mood. In any case, it would be far from being "fan-service".
Clem could be having a dream at that point. To be honest I think it's him at the moment. I hate how people throw "Kenny fanboy" around left and right like a bunch of sad saps.
People need to stop assuming that Kenny will be a part of S2. The fact you need to get across your heads is that it may not happen. As far as i'm concerned bringing Kenny back into this story would be HUGELY illogical and completely unnecessary. Yes, MAYBE he will make an appearance, but most likely as a walker or corpse. Do you all not Remember that Nate had the same haircut, and a trucker hat? Sorry to burst your bubble, but just don't hop aboard the "KENNY IS ALIVE" hype train yet.
Also, tone down on the daily "Is Kenny Alive?" threads. I guarantee we have at least 50 of them.