Who is the most beautiful female character in TWD ?
Well, we have to wait for like 5 or 6 days for the release of Season 2, why don't we discuss about
who are the most beautiful female characters in TWD?
Clementine Christa Bonnie
Lily Molly Dee
Carley Anne Correa Tavia
Jolene Brie
Brenda St. Johns Shel
Katjaa Becca
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Well being that they're cartoons it's kind of hard to say but if it were real life, the most attractive would probably be Carley, Molly, Bonnie, and Lily.
Molly is a bit arrogant...
Lily, Carley, and Bonnie.
Physically, Carley.
If we were judging by intelligence alone though, it'd be Christa.
Don't understand why Molly's a favorite. She looked like a 16 year old girl...
Physically for me Molly is the most attractive
Physically I'd say Molly and Shel are about tied in my eyes. I think Clem could compete as well once she's had time to grow beyond her teens.
Bonnie's somewhere in the middle.
Carley's too severe-looking for me and I'm not a fan of Lilly's facial structure. I have a hard time being objective with Christa 'cuz I hate her personality so much.
Molly then Carley
Carley and Lily. How the hell can people say Molly is good looking? She looks like a kid.
Molly's hot man , her , Carley and Clementine are the hottest
Molly and christa in terms of smarts and looks. who wouldnt want to date the ninja of savanahh
I liked Shel the most, and changing the subject from "Let's just pick women". I think Omid looked the best of all the men.
wrong , it's Larry
Well i would totally hit on Molly. Its good to have strong woman in zombie world.
Since you mentionned girls from 400 Days, i'll say Stephanie !
And Carley of course.
IMO the hottest girl was Carley and the hottest guy was Omid.
hell yeah
YES. I love Omid! I think Christa and Shel are the prettiest, though! (I'm a girl. Please don't judge!)
Shel looks cute. Christa is gorgeous
Carley. Most intelligent? Christa and Molly.
Definitely going to have to go with Stephanie from Shel's 400 Days story. I don't usually have that sort of thought stand out to me with video game characters, but I couldn't help but notice her quite a lot in my latest playthrough. I think it might be that sweater.
Carley all the way.
She's the best looking and most feminine of all female characters.
But Shel comes close second.
Molly would have something if she didn't do her best to look and behave like a teenage boy.
Thank you! Someone who agrees!!!!
I think that Molly, Carley and Clementine are the prettiest girls.
yeah i need me some ninja
Maybelle. She's pretty. Clem said so herself.
just kidding katjaa had the prettiest eyes though
If it came down to it, I'd choose Lily: she's strong, independent, and she is willing and able to lead during harsh situations, which was shown in Episode 2. Although Episode 3 ended in tragedy, she is still my favorite female, even when she [SPOILER ALERT] shot Doug by accident (I loved Doug like a brother :-[ )
She knows what it takes to survive, and she knows it takes brains and endurance.
Katjaa is pretty: Granted she's not attractive, but she had that motherly look and calm blue eyes. I could defiantly brand her as "pretty".
Personally I felt all the character animations for female characters were very similar, but I thought Lilly had the sexiest voice-over actress. If she had taken over Carly's role in the story, I think that would have been the most appealing female.
Damn right! Take a look at dat smexy cow dare!
Nikki Rapp (Lilly's voice) is indeed awesome, she was really great as Morgan LeFlay the pirate hunter from Tales of Monkey Island.
I'm surprised nobody else has said this, but I'm going with Bonnie from 400 days. She may not be the most "knock out", but she's my type. I could see myself having a crush on her if I was a few years older.
I liked Carley a lot. I never thought she was knock out pretty, and I didn't save her just because she was a woman. Still, that's not to say I didn't hesitate to ditch Lilly after shooting her.
Overall, just from physical attraction, I'd have to go with Molly. I liked her in game, but I probably wouldn't be able to stand her in real life.