My season 2 episode 2 Theory.
So it's pretty obvious for now .. or atleast I predict that at some point in episode 1, Clementine will leave Omid and Christa's side.
She'll most likely find then at the start of the episode and leave at some point in the middle.
Maybe she thinks shes draining too many resources or .. things she'll be a burden, knowing the sweet little sweet pea she is.
Anyway, I'm just thinking into the future and thought of this as a season 2 episode:
Still traveling on the road, looking for a safe haven, Clemetine meets a friendly face..
Molly is over joyed to See Clem and asks her about her time.
After a while, Molly goes out to get some suplies and promises to teach clem some new "moves" in the morning.
When morning comes, Molly seems rather hurried to teach clem everything she needs.
and finally gives Hilda to her.
Confused by this, Clementine asks "why"
Molly reveals she has been bittenand asks Clem to be strong, advising her to put her down.
This will be a major choice in the episode and can effect clems personality somewhat.
Wow interesting theory. That would definitely be sad to have to possibly put somebody down again.
Don't you think the bit with Molly being bitten and asking Clem to be strong and to put her down is a bit too similar to the end of episode 5?
I very much doubt they would have someone just 'reveal' they've been bitten as you describe. Seems a bit too... tame.
And yes, as someone said - it's VERY reminiscent of the end of Episode 5.
Interesting theory over episode 2. We barley have any info on episode 1. How did you come to this theory.
WTF, oops sorry but when does Molly get bitten in episode 5? Did I miss out anything? O.o I HATE BEING CONFUSED XD
Molly didn't get bitten - Lee did. That's why I say Molly being bitten (off-screen, from what the OP says) and forcing you to deal with her would be very reminiscent - because we've already done it.
if you took Clem to Crawford with you, then she would of saved Molly from a walker but if you left her at the house, Molly would of might depend. also IF she was to shot Molly, it wouldn't be as bad as with Lee, and anyways, i don't think they will reenact the whole "shooting someone" scene
It's left ambiguous of what happens to Molly without Clem's help.
I have a similar theory based on the trailer: Omid and Christa will be killed off in episode one.
I don't think it's that realistic that Clementine would opt to go off on her own because she thinks she's a burden. She's still a young girl, after all, in a zombie-filled world. So then, why does it look like she's largely alone in the trailer? Well there's no way that Omid and Christa would leave her to fend for herself, so my theory/fear is that Telltale will start the episode off with the three of them together and then quickly "dispatch" Clementine's caregivers--all the better to have Clementine have to deal with harrowing situations on her own.
If this turns out to be true, I can't help comparing it to when Frasier from "Cheers" got his own sitcom. Suddenly, unlike on Cheers, Frasier was divorced and barely had any contact with his son. (The reasoning for this was obvious; the sitcom writers wanted the most freedom for the character and/or new show premise. And by having him married with a kid, their hands would be tied, almost forcing them to make an Everybody Loves Raymond type of show.) In other words: Having Clementine by herself--realistic or not--equals opportunities for drama and a clean slate to create a new story arc.
However, after having said all this, I really do hope I'm wrong, and that Clementine is with Omid and Christa at the end of the episode.
Yeah, it maybe similer, but think of the impact it has on clem. Despite Omid and Christa and .. Lee of course, Molly was the only person left that she knows is alive (dependent on choices) that she has to look upto. It'd teach her she's truely alone and that tough decisions have to be made rather than running away from them. This can also be a teaching method if lee told her to leave him in episode 5. It could shape Clementine into an innocent girl or a hardend survivor.
I always like "thinking ahead". I seem to get impatient with how games go or something, and try and predict what will happen next. It's a curse and I usually end up spoiling the game for myself so it has less of an impact on me.
Granted.. Telltale has managed to elude this ability and counter me at every point. But still!
I'd also like to point out, Telltale may like to make similer tough decisions compared to season 1.
Since there's still gamers out there, that play sequels to story orientated games first..instead of the first one..
I hope you wrong too Omid and Christa are awesome. Unfortunately I fear your theory may be correct. Omid's face when hes turning around that corner does not look particularly in his favor. Was someone bit? Dieing? Dead? Guess we have to wait and see...