What are you going to do when season 2 comes out?
Im inviting some close freinds and where playing together on my 55 inch plasma screen. We will vote on decisions and as there are 5 of us (Including me) we will have an odd number, unlike las season when we resorted to tense arguments and a heated rock paper scissors tournament. however i guarantee someone will go home mumbling "should have killed such and such because they where not nice...." thats my friends!
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Freak out due to the increased foru-COMMUNITY activity.
Seriously, release days are hell on us.
i wish i had a 55 inch tv haha i think mine is only 26 inch. Well as soon as it is out i am ganna make my room really dark pore myself a nice big glass of coke and shut the world out until i finish it :P
I will implode with the amount of emotions I will be feeling knowing how the wait is over and that I can finally play the game!
Winter is coming
I will have my noise cancelling headphones to make sure that i have no interruptions and to immerse myself as much as possible.
Beaten :P
I'll be playing it with my husband, and probably accidentally hitting him when something scary happens, like in season one.
I will finish the first episode. Then I will curl up and sob for a few hours.
I will play alone in my room. Drinking some icetea and eating brains.
I'll be sitting in my dark room with a coke zero, pizza, several weapons for the mood (brooklyn smasher, cold steel kukri machete, USMC Battle Knife and a Tomahawk) and look at my 22" monitor while playing TWD at the highest resolution.
Eh, great minds and all that jazz.
I'm not gonna try to repress my feelings this time like I did with Season One. Like they say in reviews, we're both gonna cry and laugh, and cry for laughing, and that's what I'm gonna do. It's gonna be one hell of a rollercoaster ride in only one episode. Will be playing it on my 23" monitor on the best I can get out of the graphical settings, plug in my noise cancelling headphones and not emerge for a couple of hours. Gonna try and play the episode as slow as I can, discovering all details. Hopefully it'll be as long as Episode Four in Season One, or even more stuff to do and see.
I'm gonna stay away from this forum for a while. LOL I hate spoilers
I love them! I read spoilers because I have to mentally prepare myself and know what's coming. I'm like Christa. I have to know everything.
Then you wont be surprised
I shall play on my xbox, with my surround sound, on my 32" flat screen hd TV. Probably exploded to.
Play it.
will play on my t.v (idk how many inches lol) with my sister and brother! and my mom likes to watch too sometimes haha
Im going to work and then if Im not too tired I'll try to finish it that night. I might do another playthrough of 400 days first. I only used two of my saves.
Relieve all that built up tension....if you know what I mean;)
lucky you, supportive family with similar interests. I have the supportive part, but different interests.
Play the game, what else would i do? Just stare at the title screen all day?
There's no need for people to down vote me. That's just how I like to do things...
Anyway, I usually still am surprised, I don't read spoilers for tiny little things, just the big things like deaths of major characters. For Chuck's death and Brie's death or characters like that, I usually forget and I am still surprised. Whateves.
My mom, sister, and even my DOG hate the game. My dad will listen to me talk about for hours.
On-Topic. I'm going to play the hell out of it (most certainly 2~3 times to see the diference in-episode choices make) then I'm going to have fun seeing if anything I did Season 1 changes how Season 2 plays out, I've got a complete savefolder that's just waiting to be used.
Dont take offense to the downvoting. I think its just shorthand for most people to say they disagree with you.
I'm debating whether to play the first episode more than once. I'd almost rather not know what could turn out differently until the whole thing is done; I didn't know Lawrence could be saved in TWAU until my second playthrough, for example, because I went to help toad first. It almost seems better to see the story grow organically around your gameplay rather than work out all the things you need to do to get some desired result.
But the thought of all that waiting just for a couple of hours of entertainment...gah. I'm guessing I'll do a second playthrough, at the very least, with different decisions.
Well my sister and mom didn't really like things with blood and zombies (on the other hand, my brother loves it) but they really enjoyed the whole game of TWD and thought it was a nice story. I got them into it and my sister cried like a baby in ben's and Lee's death scene lol . But you are also lucky you are the only one with that interest because then you relax, play at your own pace, and feel proud when you finish the game! You also can make your own decisions without arguing about what to choose haha
How do you know about your dog??
Same here. I'm going to find it really hard to do a playthrough more than once of S2 E1. I can't bear to see Clem making "bad" decisions. They were tolerable with Lee and Bigby.
Download it on steam, play it, then..
Wait until nightfall. Am I the only one who can't play a Telltale game during the day?
I try to avoid playing them in the evening as it'll only allow more depression to fall over me. When I finished Season One I had to take a long walk. Doing that in the dark won't do. XD
i will download it, play it, beat it, wait for episode 2
(1.) Download game (2.) Turn off all lights (3.) Unplug the phone (4.) Lock all doors and windows (5.) Have a baseball bat nearby, never know (6.) Take a deep breath (7.) Start game (8.) play game (9.) Beat game (10.) Write up comments and opinions.
Well I'm going to take my sweet precious time with it. Finish it and make all my friends play it and watch them (hopefully) cry.