Trailer Breakdown: All that Remains: Setting Discussion
If you haven't read my "Kenny Discussion" post talking about the possibility of Kenny appearing in Season 2, follow this link:
Here, I will be talking about the setting in the trailer for The Walking Dead Season Two trailer, "All that Remains". Obviously, it is months later after Lee Everett's death, and Clementine in the trailer ran off into some forest. Observing the video, Clementine at one point is shivering from cold (Poor Clem). Now, I am not familiar with the weather in Georgia, but It would seem that she traveled a significant distance from Savannah, most likely to the north. Looking at a map of Georgia:
If anyone can provide a better map, I would be much obliged. She is in a forest, and if its months later, she could be anywhere in Georgia at this point (I don't think Telltale would have her leave Georgia yet), so where do you think Clementine ended up in Georgia? Where do you think Clem's journey will take place in later episodes? Leave a comment below.
She's probably in Savannah's surrounding areas or just half way between Savannah and Augusta.
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I get my cookies from Soviet Russia. You in for good time.
I don't know anything about American geography but we saw Gil's Pitstop in one of the screenshots, so someone who does know the geography should be able to figure out the general direction she's going.
Gil's pitstop was near Macon. So she's near Macon.
Gil's pitstop was near Macon. So she's near Macon.