The Evolution of Clementine: Helpless Girl to Smart Survivor
I'm glad that Clementine's returning and i'm glad she's the protagonist. I can't wait to see how my advise to her in Season One will affect her in Season Two. I don't know if this is true (it's purely my opinion of course) but i can't help but notice that Clemmy looks older, maybe 13 or 12? What do other people think of the newer and possibly older Clementine?
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I doubt she is that old. I put her at 11 at the oldest, probably 10. They wouldn't want to skip too much time from season 1. My guess is that the game takes place a few months after the events of 400 days.
I agree. I don't Clementine too old (like 18) but i just thought they had skipped ahead about a year or two. I watched the Season Two Trailer and i assumed that she was maybe 11 or 12. I got an e-mail from Telltale telling me about the game. It read that the game took place months later and that you were Clementine. One thing i wonder (for anyone who is reading) what does 400 days have to do with Season 2? I mean i know, it's an extra story and it's supposed to bridge Seasons 1 and 2, but what role does it have? Is there going to be a part where you (as Clementine) meet Bonnie or Vince or Russell or something? Also, were the heck was Clementine in 400 days? When i played, i assumed she was dead since she didn't have Lee's wisdom or knowledge of survival. I guess Season 2 will answer those questions. I can't wait for the next chapter of Clementine's hard life. Telltale, if you guys are reading this conversation, I am a hungry gamer and i hunger for more walking dead. I don't watch the show nor have read the comics, but i love the game and want more. Please announce a release date soon. I want Clemmy!
Another character i can't wait to find out about: Kenny. I very much dislike Kenny and wish he was just a little nicer to Lee. His "Fate will be explored", which means he survived and may return. If so, ok. I just hope he's nicer. And smells better.
I can't wait for this either and I know she really does look older but she is still only 9,also on another note the zombies look really cool this time.(not that they weren't cool looking before.)
For all we know, "many months have passed since the events in season one", she might very well still be 9, but close to her 10th birthday.
I agree with you. She looks older but if she's still 9, i'm fine with that. I wish Telltale would have a RELEASE DATE ALREADY!!
I hope it comes out Thanksgiving week so i can have all week to play it.
And smells better?! How can you say that? Neither does he look like a smelly fella nor did we ever had the pleasure of sniffing his odor, or did we miss anything?
Remember episode 3 she asked Lee if he was regarding her hair situation and asked if he thought it smelled. I was making a joke.
FYI I watch the show now so discard my "i don't watch the show" Part of this comment.
Oh wait.... dadgum wrong thing. Yeah. Well, i hope he's nicer!! HE BETTER BE NICER!!
Update: So, not thanksgiving release. Next week or the week after? I hope so....
Update: December 14, 2013 11:28 am. Season Two, All That Remains, Releases next week. Finally, we see her story.
Kenny is nice to Lee if you as Lee choose to side with him on everything. Otherwise Kenny is a dick to you...naturally
She'll be 10 I reckon. It takes place many months after the first game. I'd say a year so she does look a bit different. Kids change a lot in a year.
Let's face it, she was never really that helpless. But Im very excited to play as Clementine. The trailer has me even more pumped. The game is bound to be more intense and scary when you are playing as a little girl who has to rely on something other than her physical strength to get her through.
She cant be older than 10. She was only just turned 9 at the end of Season 1. She just had a growth spurt. I think they did a really good job of making her look slightly older but still very recognizable.
If he's alive, which I doubt, I hope he's stopped being such a "Me Me Me" a-hole. I can only assume he has after sacrificing himself but if he is alive and smarts off to my Clementine, Im done with him.
She's older and more mature but she's not a teenage. They said she's a pre-teen, so I'm guessing she still has her innocence and naïve thoughts but what we did as Lee changed her for the better.
I agree, but what can Clem do? KCohere, she was (in season 1) helpless. Lee always was there to mend her wounds and save her every 3 seconds. Now that she's alone, what dangers await the pre-teen Clemmy? Also, she looks ( i know she's 9) about 12 or something. That's just my opinion.
I await his supposed return.
I'm glad she's not like 18 or something.
If he "dies" again, i want to SEE. I want to see him dead, just "he's dead" i want to see him dead. i still wonder if he lived.
I'm not a dick to people who don't agree with me on absolutely every single thing.
I'm not that happy with her being protagonist. It would've been more fun if you were to guide her character, rather than directly control it.
I think the player will be able to either make Clem go through the apocalypse with her humanity as we know it largely intact, or make her lose that humanity and trade it for survivalism.
What I meant was she proved to be just as capable and helpful as a lot of the adults. She's still a scared little girl but she was stronger than most.
I would think being able to drive Clem would be more fun that just having her be a passive character. In that case, you're controlling probably someone completely new while having Clem be on the sidelines. She's not the same girl she was. She's learned too much and been through too much. I dont think she would just passively take direction from anyone now. It would be too much like playing season 1 again, I think.
my god i f*cking love Kenny, he is my truest and most loyal friend, ( besides Clem.), i dont understand why everyone seems to hate him. deep down i knew the boat was a pipe dream, but he gave me hope. And when he died for Ben/Christa, i've done every decision , yes he needed to lay off Ben, but I understood. But i miss Clem so much, and I'm not afraid to admit that i cried my eyes out at the end of season one. My god, Lee will be missed but now Clem-Clem must survive.
More fun, sure, but it lacks the heart wrenching effect of the comic or the show. Now, if they have Clementine die, she has to always die, or never die. It would be much more sad and in much more Walking Dead style to show that your actions turned Clem into a soulless person (a la Walter White), or got her killed.
Granted, they could still do that, but it would be limiting. They would have to keep a character or two from Season 1 alive all the way through to Clem's demise, which would be awkward. No, instead, what they're likely going to do is have a set, depressing fate for Clem, and if there isn't a set depressing ending, then there'll be an obligatory KILL CLEM, SAVE CLEM button (which will lead to a depressing ending either way, no doubt). Granted, it'll be disguised, heavily, like the ending of GTAIV, but... It kinda takes the replayability out of it.
Also granted, there's nothing particularly wrong with a set ending... But it'd be so much more interesting otherwise.
You did nothing, stop saying you. We are not Lee we are just playing out their story.
clem will die
not going to be more scary because its a game thats not jump scary
she will be dead soon duh
I hope not. I'd hate to end her life at the end of Season 2.
Keep her sweet personality or turn her into Joel from The Last of Us? interesting...
But i don't want telltale to do some rape scene in any way. i'd hate that. I mean, it would be interesting if she met people like that and killed them, but for it to happen? No. I've heard rumors about something like that and dang i don't want that. Wednesday, All That Remains is madness. Where was she during 400 days? Who were those two people on the hillside? What happened (or happens) to Omid and Christa? How has Clemmy changed? Wednesday (or tuesday for PC owners) all will be answered.
Yeah, but with Lee dead, you'd (in my predictions anyways) play as someone else, and further guide Clementine. The best way to refer to both Lee and whoever the new protagonist may have been is you. Your actions. Your decisions. Blah, blah, blah.
Well, considering that this is the Walking Dead, which is determined to break every taboo in the book, it wouldn't be unheard of.
says who?
My tied for second least favorite character in the game. He's tied with Lilly, and is only better than Carley.
He's a hypocrite and an asshole, and leaves you to die twice because you didn't want to murder one of the funniest characters in the game.