Waiting for whole season to come before playing?
I was thinking that i should wait for whole season to come out and then play it. I think its better experince. I did that with season 1. I am not a huge gamer so i didnt know about this game until it was whole season out. I finished game in almost one run. I was Lee for a couple of hours. Ending was devastating. I felt like part of me died with Lee. Im thinking to do the same with 2 season but its hard to keep things under control when you know first epizode its going to be out in several days.
What do you think?
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i did the same with season 1 and i think i will be doing it with season 2 as well! but if i do that, i should keep away from this website a little while, because spoilers will be crazy!do what you feel but that is actually a good idea
I wouldn't. Although it's more fun to play it in that cinematic sort of way, spoilers will be abundant and it'll take a LONG while. Though if you live under a rock, you'll be okay.
There's pros and cons to each. For example, if you play the episodes one by one. If you tend to play other games in your spare time, you may forget what happened in the previous episode when the next one comes out (of course, those are what the "Previously on The Walking Dead..." segments are for.)
I purchased the full game on retail and was already spoiled of the ending but the game was very entertaining and still surprising at most points. Of course, I will be buying the season pass when the 1st episode comes out on PSN this Wednesday.
can you please tell me what "the season pass" is? I've heard it everywhere
Just like season 1, I'm going to wait for each episode to come out. By having multiple playthroughs over an amount of time, you'll tend to have more of a connection with the characters. Speculating on the community isn't bad either.
You pay for the whole season up front and then you get immediate access to each episode as soon as it comes out.
It's basically something you buy ($25 or convert based on your currency) that unlocks all the episodes so you don't have to pay for them when they're released. They're for free. So, if you purchase the Season Pass before S2 comes out, you get Episode 1-5 all for free. Of course, you have to wait for them to be released first.
so if you don't get the season pas then you have to pay for each episode when it comes out?
ooh ok then thanks!
F*** it i am going to wait for whole season to come out. Then take whole day just for Clementine. Ok thats sounds dirty . When first epizode is out i am out of here. In what frequency will episodes come out. Every 14 days, month, two months?
Good luck! After watching that amazing trailer, I can't not play the first episode as soon as its out. I just wouldnt have the patience to wait the six or so months its going to take to release all the episodes.
they will come out every 4-6 weeks. the whole game will take about 7 months or so
That is what I did for the 1st season.
For this season I'm going to play episodes as soon as they come and try to participate in the numerous debates there'll be every time (coz we all know there'll be a shitload of them after every release).
I waited the first time and I was able to get the GameStop edition, which was pretty nice. Hoping they maybe make another one next year. I can't even wait for the trades XD
Most likely. The Ouya will probably have a release as well.
Yes, but maybe after it's out on consoles first.
does anybody here know if season 2 will come out on PS vita?
i did this with S1 also,it was a amazing experience to play a game of this quality.Will either wait for the full ps3 edition or ps3 store first episode i think.