Kenny Alive?

edited December 2013 in The Walking Dead

people keep saying that Kenny is alive because we didn't actually see him die. I'm sorry if i cause anything else. This is just my opinion.
I personally don't think Kenny is alive. telltale made us think he was dead for a reason (because he wont be in the game anymore). yeah we didn't see it but we heard gurgling noises and noises of true pain....umm if he had escaped, why would he be making those weird sounds?just to alarm Lee and the others? Also if telltale released Omid and possibly Christa, why not Kenny? the one we have all been waiting for?! Did Kenny dye his hair too? the man from the trailer has black hair and Kenny has more of a grayish/ dark brown. if anything, Kenny's hair would probably be lighter like white or more gray since more time has past and he is becoming older of age. Anyways, thanks for reading! what do you guys think? please no hate! this is just my opinion!


  • I think we have the F**k Kenny Thread for things like this. ;)

  • they don't talk about this in that thread

    WalkerHH93 posted: »

    I think we have the F**k Kenny Thread for things like this.

  • edited December 2013

    Alt text

    Why can't people just, keep all the Kenny discussion in one thread ? it would be much more efficient to gather theories/facts than scatter them amongst thousands.

    Besides, the title's a spoiler.

  • haha :) actually there's only this and another thread for Kenny....

    Byakuren posted: »

    Why can't people just, keep all the Kenny discussion in one thread ? it would be much more efficient to gather theories/facts than scatter them amongst thousands. Besides, the title's a spoiler.

  • They talk about this in the F**k Kenny Thread. If he is alive or dead or why they hate him or why not. You dont need to open a new Thread for everything. :)

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