400 Days : Look-ALike Stephanie?

edited December 2013 in The Walking Dead

Hi there !
I was just watching a video about the Episode 5 - No Time Left, when I saw this zombie. Does it look like Stephanie? Is it actually her? Isn't she supposed to be dead? Share your opinion, i need to figure that out. :)

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  • Its Stephanie's model, but no Stephanie. Some fan won a prize to have a walker and a human based on them. Bear in mind, that Lee scene in the see of walkers was about 100 days in, and Stephanie was alive around 250 days in, so it's definitely not actually Steph, just the model.

  • Okay thanks ! :D

    Its Stephanie's model, but no Stephanie. Some fan won a prize to have a walker and a human based on them. Bear in mind, that Lee scene in the

  • I was thinking about Molly's little sister ! She look a lot like the picture.

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