Why in the hell did they already kill...
For God's sake why did you kill Omid already? This game is starting to feel so pointless. No one is going to live so all the character development is pointless.
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For God's sake why did you kill Omid already? This game is starting to feel so pointless. No one is going to live so all the character development is pointless.
Just a pre-emptive thank you for keeping spoilers out of the thread title and for tagging your post.
You've NO idea how pleasant it is to see the first thread discussing this follow the rules to the letter.
Anyway. Yeah, it's... it's mean. There'll be plenty of character development with new people, but this just felt... Un-necessary.
I hate when people outright spoil it so no worries man. I'm just really pissed off. He was my favorite character now that Lee is dead. Why even bother bringing him back? Why didn't they kill him in the finale if this was their intentions? I'm really questioning their writing now. And even if we meet new characters this year, they'll all be dead by the end anyway.
I should have know better than to click on this! I'm just going to go cry for 7 hours
are you trolling? please tell me you are...this just can't be true, man. I was looking forward to see more of him...
that...that just sucks...
No I'm not. He's dead...I'm pretty pissed off. I think it's cutting corners on Telltale's part...
there is no way he...kind of survived that? You know, like...is there a corpse?
because bad writing.
One post is enough.
And no, I'm pretty damn sure he's dead.
I am sorry, mate. My internet is on its period right now. Won't happen again.
Fuck, really?
that quick?
How'd it happen?
Oh, OK. Don't worry about it.
He got shot trying to save Clem.
Now lets see if the writing so bad they kill Christa too.
At least he died like a hero, then.
Hope everyone don't die trying to save clem or this will be really bad.
I had a feeling Telltale were going for a darker approach.
Getting straight into i see.
So did this happen right at the start or have you been playing it for a bit?
Right at the start, within the first 5-10 minutes.
I honestly don't like it so far. I'm really not into it.
( R.I.P
No... No... (Cries like a baby) Why...?! :'''''(
I'm so glad I'm not the only one who calls him that... :,(
Just Finished, I loved it but now have the long wait to episode 2
How did you manage to cross the Login-Boss right at the start of the episode? I am always failing to beat him.
Episodic gaming is a bitch. Wait months and months for Season 2 to start and its all over in a little under two hours. Or else wait until the whole season gets finished to buy and find yourself waiting a bunch of extra months without knowing what happens next.
YOU MONSTERS! Making us think Kenny had survived... how could you?!
Also, yes, you're bastards for killing Omid like that, especially so early on.
P.S new Playing Dead pleeeeeeease?
Did he got shot in the head???
Chest. Looked like close to the heart, but they didn't linger on it long enough for me to see.
What are you people who don't have the episode yet reading this thread for? You really want to learn what happens from random spoilers on a message board?
Not everyone's been able to get it running, and for some the allure of a great big spoiler tag is just too much.
As someone that's actually finished the whole episode, the writing is not 'bad'. I quite enjoyed it. A lot of people being ridiculously negative here...
Call me heartless but I thought it was a really good twist to the writing. I was devastated in that scene and couldn't believe it although I don't question the writing. They really showed that the world isn't sunshine and daises and just because Omid is dead doesn't mean the story is over. So far the writing has been strong and so have the characters, touch choices and it really put the emphasis on "don't trust anyone"
It does seem a little random at the moment, but I hope we get more time with Christa eventually to kind of expand on how it affected her relationship with Clem during that 18th month fade to black.
"They made a decision I don't like so the writing is bad."
I seriously can't even.
Please help! I cant get my old save files working! What I need to do?
"i thought you where dead." at the end of sneak preview for the next ep. he could still be alive.
Couldn't agree more. The writing is still clearly tap-dancing on our hearts and making us feel all of the feelings. Saying that it's 'bad' is about as ridiculous as it gets.
TTG just pulled a bait-and-switch with Nick(the mulleted, cap-wearing chap) from behind in the trailer.. I'm sorry, but I think we should just start to accept it. Kenny's dead. We've got to stop clinging to hope with everything we find.. and just let it go. If we accept that, we'll have a much better time and less disappointments.
eh. something to show whether hes alive or dead would be nice. i looked at the names for the next eps and now i'm afraid clems going to die by the end of all this. (insert manly tears here.)