Unable to find Season 1 steam save for Season 2 also on steam?

edited December 2013 in The Walking Dead

So I looked around the other posts and found some people having a similar issue as me, but not a designated post. Season 2 is unable to find my Season 1 save even though both are on steam. I have looked both in game and in the Season 1 folders and my save is still there and completed. If anyone has had any luck then your help would be greatly appreciated


  • The same thing has happened to me. My "The Walking Dead" save file folder is right there with my "The Walking Dead 2" save folder. Maybe something has changed with TellTale's save file system, because I couldn't save playing Wolf Among Us, but could with Walking Dead 1. Maybe it's something to do with that.

  • Oh, and I've just found that Walking Dead 2 won't save either. Definitely has to do with that. It's weird, it makes a save folder, but doesn't detect itself? What is going on?

    http://imgur.com/GhQRBVN - Picture of the save file folders

    http://imgur.com/rKLuoBH - Picture of the contents of the Walking Dead season 1 folder

    CrapAbble posted: »

    The same thing has happened to me. My "The Walking Dead" save file folder is right there with my "The Walking Dead 2" save folder. Maybe somet

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