Sarah creeps me out
Seriously ten time s more creepy than the walkers. I know her dad said she had problems but still that scene crepped me out
"were friends" ....
Plus I feel like something bad's gonna happen to her or she turns out like a certain twin from the comics
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Yes, it's my gut instinct to be defensive against such quicklike movements "CAN WE BE FRIENDS?". wow ho ho, slow down. There's definitely something weird about her.
Whats weird about a little girl who wants to be friends with another little girl? She's probably lonely as hell.
Also she's cute.
Maybe you're too early to trust people, doesn't matter how old she is or how cute she looks. She said she was 15, 15 is early enough to be one creepy psychotic girl. And if that isn't enough to arouse suspicion, her father has her locked down in the house most of the time and even said that she's not like other girls.
Not sure yet if it's the girl or her dad who we should be scared of.
So sheltered = psychotic now?
Alrighty then..
I would get psychotic if I have a freaky fake-doctor as a father (yes, fake) who wants to keep me inside all day long.
She just talked too much
I was a little scared of her too, from Clementine's point of view. She's taller and most likely stronger, yet she's not as mature as Clementine who is a few years younger than her and only just entered double digits. The lighting on her face when she stood up didn't help, it made her look more threatening even though she was being friendly.
I thought that the pinky swear was a trap, and I breathed a sigh of relief when nothing bad happened. Maybe Sarah is just lonely and didn't quite comprehend what was happening to the world, unlike Clementine who was exposed to it all and was forced to adapt.
Damn, and I thought I was paranoid in these types of games.
I wouldn't say she's creepy, she most likely has autism hence why she acts like someone younger than her actual age.
I think she's kinda slow ...
Or maybe ! She's really happy to see someone her age ... You know they're not a lot of children anymore !
I got a bit of a creepy vibe of her to, i promised to be her best friend just so she'd get me what i needed and i have a feeling i will regret doing that.
Good point.
Also you're right about that doctor being a phony. Says if she gets a fever she's a zombie..
She has a large open wound, and is out in the cold.. Of course she's gonna get a fever.
Worst doctor ever.
she seems a bit freaky but she can also be easily manipulated like getting that thingy that stops clems wound from getting infected
I think It's heavily implied that she's somewhere on the autism spectrum, which could very well be the cause of her "off" way of socially interacting with Clem.
Shes a weirdo
whats not to love about this face
I have a bad feeling about her too. But it could be that she has autism like everyone else has said. Something just feels off about it. And When the dad was talking about her, it sounded to me like there is something else wrong with her. She annoyed me a little, but I guess we'll just have to wait and see if she is worthy of being Clem's friend.
Carl, Negan, Governor and Nate are sociopaths, Sarah is not.
She's just literally retarded and trust me, I've worked with such "special kids" for several weeks.
She just seems sheltered. I too assumed she has some kind of autism. Yeah it was weird going on about being best friends, lonely or not. I agreed to get her to not rat me out though.
She was cute in a way though, not sure if I'd describe it as creepy... yet.
I refused to be her friend on my second playthrough (my now, canon playthrough). I only did it the first time because I thought she might not help me if I said no. She was moving way to fast for me. I hadn't even told her my name (I just responded with "Hi" when she introduced herself) and she wants to pinky-swear to being best friends. Yeah, right. What a weirdo. I know, I'm a total jerk, but she gave me the creepin' willies big-time.
I thought it was actually a great scene (even though I'm one of the people she creeped out, lol) because it showcased just how much Clementine has grown (and hardened). I almost felt sorry for Sarah because kids sadly NEED to become calloused if they're to survive in this world. I view Clem as being very similar to Carl. I found myself being immensely proud of Clementine the entire episode, yet deep down I was sad for her too, that her childhood was prematurely taken from her. That's what makes this game so great, in my opinion. It's such a cornucopia of emotions. I can definitely see something terrible happening to Sarah in the future. Carlos remembers what Clementine says to him when he talks about Sarah with her. I thought that was a definite clue as to her fate. It's sad that Carlos might have to learn this hard lesson too late.
Totally! Lmao. Good call. I love Bob's Burgers.
Yeah, the peroxide bit was kind of funny to me. As someone who was attacked by a dog and who had to get stitches in my face and take antibiotics for it, I can say that hydrogen peroxide probably won't cut it as far as preventing infection goes. Clementine needs antibiotics (I had to take two kinds of antibiotics for my dog bite). I hope that it heals alright. I can stretch my imagination and believe that she was healed from simple hydrogen peroxide, I just hope she doesn't get really sick or anything in the next episode. Antibiotics are probably hard to find at this point. Simple Bacitracin (Neosporin) would probably be helpful as it's a topical antibiotic. Let's hope that bacteria from the dog's mouth didn't get into her blood stream.
I wonder... what if you say "No" to Sarah?
...and now I'm going to have nightmares about Sarah hiding under my bed. Thanks.
A retarded girl wouldn't be able to read a "young adult" novel like THE GUURGLES. Like Subject18 suggested, it's probably some form of autism.
Autism is a frustrating mental condition, as its severity can change from individual to individual, making it difficult to pin down. An autistic person can be exemplary in some areas (math, English, biology) while incompetent in others (social interaction), which would go a long way to explain her behaviour around Clem.
If Sarah is autistic, I can understand Carlos's drive to protect her, but I don't think he's giving her ability to fend for herself another credit. Of course, the next episode could easily prove how wrong I was...
I said "No" to Sarah and she got me the peroxide so I would leave her alone. I don't know why but I don't trust her and I don't want to be tied down by a pinky swear.
I thought it was sad. her dad locking her up in a room to keep her safe from the walkers and so she doesent see the though reality. i then remembered chucks words "you aint little you aint a girl you aint a boy you aint strong or smart. your alive" and that made me feel sad for her
says ben paul....
we dealing with the Sheldon of the zombie apocalypse
My beleif is she's just extremely sheltered. It's her dad were going to have trouble with.
She scares me. I think, at the worst of times, she's just gonna be like: "but you promised. You..... Promised. And then she's gonna attack Clem outta the blue.
Wow. I'm honestly surprised that so many people are creeped out by her behaviour.
She's a young, socially maladjusted girl living in a zombie apocalypse. Of COURSE she'd want a friend, especially with her father keeping her cloistered from the rest of the group. The only thing she should be inspiring is your empathy.
Mental illness or no, how would YOU feel? She's probably incredibly lonely. She should get Clem's friendship, advice, and full support.