*MAJOR SPOILERS* Who do you think returns
After you complete Episode 1 or Season 2, the trailer plays for the next episode as usual, but towards the end, clem says "I thought you were dead..." Now, the person that I think Clem thought was dead but is back is Lily!
Here is a list of (main) characters we know 100% are dead.
Kenny's Family,
Lillies Dad,
and Mark.
So, the characters that could return are
and Kenny.
Im not including The St. Johns because some people killed them both, some killed neither, and some killed just one, so it's unlikely telltale are using them, but maybe. Now, I think it is either Lily or Christa. The reason I think so is because towards the beginning of the EP when Christa is being attacked, you can distract the Scavengers. If you do that, Christa will try to run, but you will hear her being (what I percieve as) being shoved down, and shot. Even though this happens, she could've grunted because she pushed a different guy down, and shot him instead. Next, we have Kenny. Telltale never really showed him dying, but honestly, I just want them to bring him back, like most people do. Lastly, we have Lily. There is no question about it. We know 100% Lily could've lived past Season 1. While christa and omid have questionable "Death Scenes", we see Lily run off, will Kenny and Christa we hear in the background. Also, I just think it would be the most interesting to have Lily come back. But that's all from me. Sorry this went on for so long, I hope it doesn't get taken down for the length or something. But yeah, just post a reply bellow telling me who you guys think it coming back, or just prove me wrong for one of my guesses. Have fun!
Its Kenny guys, telltale wont troll us again. I am sure. ^^
I was pretty pissed when I saw Nick at first. xD
i think so too, it will fit perfectly in the whole kenny's fate will be explored thing
Umm i would be more freaked than happy if i noticed someone come back from dead no matter if they were someone i knew very well.
I want it to be Kenny, but wouldn't Clem's face wouldn't have had a Happy expression, and wouldn't she have had a happy tone of voice and said "You are alive!" or something? She looked freaked out and scared
Lee comes back as a trench coat wearing angel.
No, Christa is definently dead! When you're at the river with pete and nick, you check the dead guys, and one of them is Christa, another one is alive and Clem sees that he's one of the guys that attacked Christa in the start of the episode.. So definently NOT Christa...
The possibility which would be most reasonable is that it's Lily.. We never saw what happened to her, and she is more likely than Kenny being in some kind of bandits gang.
Kenny had such low percentage of surviving. He locked the only way out of the situations when he "died". But could be him..
I'd say Lily...
Actually, if you look closely, you can see it is just a slightly modified model of the couple from Season 1 Ep. 5
http://www.telltalegames.com/community/discussion/53790/i-thought-you-were-dead-massive-spoilers If you go to that discussion and scroll down a little bit you will see the pictures
if it had been Christa, I'm sure Clem would have noticed. She wouldn't go on to ask the guy about her.
No, that wasn't Christa. She didn't even look like Christa.
Some comments really scare me on this forum. Just nonsense and other posts like some people having suggested that it's Lee who might be the guy at the end of the preview where Clementine says - "I thought you were dead."
She does notice? She gasps and gets a really sad face expression. And if you trie and talk to the half dead half alive dude she asks him about christa. Why would she do that if it wasnt christa lying next to him? He could be a random dude, but she chooses to ask him why he attacked them... And where the fuck did a random woman who looks like christa and ended up with the guys attacking christa and stealing clementines bag, come from? THAT is a way of theory you have there.. also you BestInTheWorld..
It's definently Christa okay
I agree, I just hope people like that are joking around saying it's Lee.
either kenny or lilly not sure yet clem did not know what happened and lee never told her
well thats just stupid... don't we all know that either Clem shot lee, or he turned into a walker. And if he became a walker it would be pretty wierd that he'd followed christa an clem for what, 24 months? seriously... people should let go of season one's Lee and embrace our new narrative.
I think they are serious. Scary but true. xD
Haha, people are in denial.. so sad.. I might also have shed a tear for Lee, but i think Clem would react very different if it could possibly be Lee, which... it can't. lol
First off, i'm guessing you didn't follow the link I posted and that's why you are asking where a random girl came from. Re-used character model. Go look at the link and scroll down and see. Next, she asked the guy about Christa because that was one of the men from the beginning of the EP that raided you and Christa, and that is why he has your bag. You can go look at that for yourself as well. Lastly, why the hell does it have to be Christa for a 11 year old to be sad over DEAD HUMAN BEINGS. If you walked out and saw a dozen people dead outside your house, unless you have no feelings or something wrong with you that prevents you from showing or feeling sadness, you would be sad too.
It's for that reason that I think it's Lily. I HOPE it's Kenny, But Lily seems more likely.
I personally think it's Christa, because Clem probably does think she's dead and she's actually in the area.
Kenny and Lily might not even made it 16 months and even if they did, why would they be in the same place? What are the chances? Well, it could still happen.
Lilly,Hope so
I didn't follow your link, i had already seen the pictures okay... I'm not asking where the game "got her"... yes she does look like a reused model.. but where did this dead woman suddenly come from.. she wasn't with the bandits when they attacked Christa... Any explanation about this woman suddenly laying there not being christa would just be nonsense. why wouldnt that be Christa... she was with the bandits. you hear a shot, and all of a sudden there laying a dead woman looking a lot like her with the bandits...?
And ofcourse you would be sad if you saw a dead person, but that dead body is the only one she reacts to like really.. she gasps and looks sad, she doesnt do that with any of the others laying around.
I am gonna just throw it out there even though its nuts but i wish lee back, in my play through i couldn't tell if he could survive cut off or not and with walking dead if they don't die on screen then theirs a chance however small that he survived it, and wakes up in the room surrounded by dead outside or something something.
I want it to be christa be the look on Clem's face and tone of her voice are like she saw a killer, and Lilly is nothing but. I guess Kenny did kill Lilliy's dad, but I think shw would be happy to have an old group member back.
you're way off. lol. You don't think she would stop , and go "no..Christa" and go over to her or something? She saw her bag - that is how she knew that guy was definitely there. You make a fuss of a 'random woman', all the bodies were pretty 'random'
I have 4 guesses of who it might be.
1 - Kenny
2 - Molly
3 - Christa
4 - Lilly
Some guy on Telltale officially stated Lee was dead. Sorry, but you're in denial.
Why would TT not reuse a different model if they want to show Christa? Maybe, I don't know, Christa's model?
And appearantly (also in Nohgamer's link) that woman isn't always there. I appears that this maybe tied to 400 days. But that's speculation of course.
As rachel said, She wouldn't say "Oh god christa is dead" and walk away, she would cry, go over to the body, and mourn. She was with Christa for over a year, and Christa and Omid are the only reasons she is still alive. Next up, all of the bodies are random, you don't need proif of that, but the closest thing to a reason is a theory that the bodies are from Romans gang from 400 Days as one of the bodies is Romans.

you are assuming all of the bodies are the group of bandits. They likely have no connection, other than being killed by the same person/group.
Maybe it's the police officer who drove them to Hershel's farm. Or Molly.
All I agree with except Molly, she left and the only person she said bye to was lee, she even asked him to tell clem she left. Then, he never ended up telling her because she was kidnapped, so she probably didn't even know about molly leaving or nonetheless being "dead".
I personally think it's Lilly, Christa, or Kenny. And, I do want it to be Kenny honestly, but I don't want to get my hopes up. If it is him, I think it'd be an interesting twist to have him somehow survive, and be with Carver's group. That'd serve as quite a dilemma since Carver seems to be one of the bad guys for this season.
except of course roman.
excuse me dick i don't follow every word tt lets like some lap dog. In denial ha dick i could care less if lee is alive or not i voiced my opinion.
Maybe it's both Lily AND Kenny, depending on how you have a better relationship with in S01?
kenny i feel.
More Lilly than Christa or Kenny for me, would be too easy to put Kenny or Christa!
I hope it will be Lilly because I liked her!
I second that
So if it is Lilly, what will happen ?
Would she try to silence Clem, or would she help her ?
Or maybe it's just a character who disappears during the beginning of episode 2 and all this speculation was pointless..
she dont know kenny thet well, remember when he didnt help lee look for clem at first, drinking and acting silly with ben
if clem saw lee she would never talk to him like that, she would go back to that little girl in season 1