I have a few complaints about S2 Episode 1
First of all, please telltale community this is my opinion, please don't bash me or my thread.
IMO Season 2 Episode 1 was badly written, it starts with Omid's death. It just seemed to be for shock value only. It just happened to quickly for my likening, it was alright for Carley/Doug but it's getting old fast.
Then there's Christa's baby, there is no explanation of what happened to it, I was disappointed that it was not mentioned ever again.
The time skip seems too large. The time skips in episode 1 were done really well but this... Wasn't. The only purpose of the time skip was to make Clem a lot older so she could handle herself better. Omid and Christa dying, if Christa's dead, just seem to be the purpose of getting Clem on her own.
Sam, the dog. Introducing him and then killing him off in the same episode just didn't seem right. I would have liked it if they had bonded and that he lasted longer. I'm noticing a theme of killing dogs, episode 4 the dog in the grave, 400 Days the eaten puppy, and now Sam.
The new group are uninteresting, the majority of them are just complete assholes. I would pick the drugstore/Motor Inn group over them any day. They are just bad characters.
And then there's Nick. I feel like the only purpose of creating him was to make him as a Kenny look-a-like for the purpose of trolling the Kenny fans. If telltale bring Kenny back only to kill him off moments later just like Omid then I will be very disappointed.
EDIT: The choice between Nick and Pete seems worthless. If you save Pete then Nick runs off into the forest, there for he probably survived. But if you save Nick then Pete flat out dies from several walkers eating him alive. That's not how the choice should work, either one or the other should die, not have both survive based on one choice. That IMO again, btw.
I'm just putting across my opinions of this episode so that maybe telltale would listen and take it on board.
You took the worlds out of my mouth.
The 16 months time jump... It kind of took away my The Walking Dead feeling.
No more jumps in time Telltale!
I hope you take notice of this @puzzlebox
my only actual complaint Is Frankly, It was a bit predictable. Mainly the dog Bite, Saw the Dog turning feral, Instantly knew the group would fin dher and assume she was bitten. (reminds me of some fiction I wrote once)
Yeah, I honestly think the characters just need some fleshing out. I think Omid's death would've been better if not so random or was actually after the time skip. I mean if it actually just started at the time skip and had some dialogue about the baby...Yeah,
Well, I agree with you.
In fact I'm a little disappointed. I like Clementine alot but in comparison to Season 1, Episode 1. This was not a good start.
Characters were poorly introduced and some things happend to hasty.
It appears telltale changed the gameplay with 400 Days even more to interactive Film.
While in Episode 1, I had many moments were I could just talk to the people and get attached to them, this episode start was just a rush through were I was able to do a little bit but nothing to get in touch with any character... not even Clementine.
Just remember in EP1 of S1, we started slowly in the Police Car and had a talk with the officer, then the crash, the first meeting with Clementine, Hershels Farm, the Mackon Drugstore, the People I got to know there and then the beginning of the Motor Inn.
Hopefully Telltale will improve with Episode 2 until then I wouldn't recommend anybody to buy the game.
Yeah, I agree with TeamKennyAlways. And also, if there are some people who will disagree with him, please don't insult him just because he doesn't like the episode.
um the time jump yes I agree with though everything else I dont agree with
Omid was just to avoid skipping it completly and I felt the baby spoke for itself it was gone.
For the dog it was meant to lull you into that sense of bonding over episodes however it was there to make when it turned on you so much more eventfull and shocking however it made sense the dog was starving and you were a stranger.
And the cabin group well your meant to be suspicious of each other no one is going to be holding there arms open for a stranger that they thought was bit.
However I agree you make some good point apart from your comment about nick looking like Kenny and this being wrong... thats ridiculous all the characters have similarities and Nick dosn't really look like him.
I'm just saying, Nick looked a lot like Kenny from behind in the trailer and a lot of people believed it was Kenny.
Therefore the way I see it is that he was made to look like Kenny for trolling the Kenny fans.
I wouldn't call it a "badly written episode" but I do agree with you in some points. For example, time-skipping in video games bother me a lot because I want to know what happens in between that time. And we really haven't spent that much time with the new survivors. You expect a group of survivors like in Season 1 with multiple likable characters like Kenny, Carley, Mark, etc but maybe this new group of survivors have gone through many more situations that have caused them to come across as "unlikable." But give the season some time, It's only the first episode :P, from the look of the preview picture of episode 3, it seems to me like you're going to bond with someone who you least expected
I half agree with you. I think Omid's death was fine. It was a moment when things went really dark. Omid was probably my favorite. For Christa's baby agree with you. What was the point of pregnancy? Maybe it will become more clear as season progress if not BAD WRITING. Time skip is ok but i would prefer without it too. I liked dog stuff. I like to get shocked
. I dont like this new group too. Characters are assholes and not interesting but they got potenial. It was only introduction to darker tone i think. Real stuff is coming
But ... I... guh .. I just watched the trailer and the only simarities are black hair and a hat and thats only for one second of a trailer how is that trolling people?
Really? I thought the writing was fantastic. Huh.
Don't know if you are joking, but same here. Only thing I abosultely hate so far are the characters. I kind of like Luke and Pete, but the rest are either Boring or Assholes
theres some points where i think you're right.. But i think the part about the dog was cool, because ofcourse most people choose to be nice and feed the dog, and an 11 year old would probably also do that, and then it attacks.. well it had been starving too. it's not a cute little dog like before the apocalypse. It was really a great surprise moment for me, and i think it was a great idea.
Only "problem" I had was the time jump, however at the same time I realize it makes sense. Shes still with Christa and I imagine Christa advocated complete avoidance of groups so it was basically a year of them moving around cooking weasels. Things would have continued this way except for they happened upon the bandits who got Christa. Before that, I reckon nothing really eventful happened aside from looking for food and killing walkers as needed. That and the baby's death, which I am curious about, but I dont need to see a woman miscarry or a baby starve to know one of those two things happened.
The characters were just introduced. There are FOUR episodes left for them to grow on you. If all you played of Season 1 was episode one, Larry and Lily would seem like the "assholes" and all of the characters were pretty boring to start.
I dont really like the characters but nor do i hate them... I actually like the part about the doctors daughter.. kinda creeped me a bit out, because she seems to be like 14 or something, and she acts like a little girl.. And the doctor is so agressive about clementine talking to her.. creeeeepy. is she a psycho or something.
i want to know what happened to christa's baby
I compare only on this base.S1 E1 against S2 E1. Of course my expectations were high, maybe unfair high. But this Season start didn't left me with the "Damn" feeling behind.
This is how I feel and nobody needs to agree. Just my opinion
I think the episode was very well written, we have another 4 episodes where i am sure the fate of Christa´s child will be revealed and the new characters will be more developed. I liked also Omid´s death, someone important has to die in this world sooner or later,. That´s not only for shock value, it serves to remember us that in the TW world everybody dies.
she might be severely autistic or just spoiled. Maybe Sheltered even before the apocalypse.
Very true, I didn't think about it letting them grow on me. I think i'm just used to the Season 1 characters and how much I loved 'em. I have new hope for these characters now, thanks Wyro
thought about those options too.. but if swhe was autistic, she wouldn't be so social? Seems more likely that she's spoiled and haven't matured through the three years the apocalypse has been going on, because her dad kept all the frightening and harsh things away from her.
After hearing you explain the time Jump I think that's a great way to feel about it. They probably didn't do much that whole time, just Christa missing Omid and her baby, and Clem missing Lee.
Me too! The time skip is actually fine by me, but the fact that she's pregnant before and just no baby after is so annoying. did she kill it because she didnt have Omid to support her? Didnt she have milk to feed the baby? or did a walker get the baby?...
hope they say more on christa's baby later
I totally agree with you 100%! The episode was sooooo short! What the hell happened to Christa's Baby? Why was everything so Predictable? I'm so Disappointed.......
I did like episode 1.
TTG has especially improved presentation, the camera work and environments.
And the action scenes felt a lot more dynamic and fluent. The new interface is also more intuitive.
But then there is this awkward moment where Clem is offered food and every character steps into the room to drop their obligatory 2-3 lines.
I understand that this was meant to give the player a basic impression of every member of the group, but it was a bit clumsy.
I'd rather have been able to walk around the house to interact with them, with a bit more dialog for each character.
In S1 we had the option to do so around the farm, the drugstore, the motel and the train.
But apart from that I had a good time.
ok 1. the stress of omid's death probably killed the baby
probably later on
Some Autistic people try to be social and really want Friends. Sarah might be in that category,
Besides, she might be both.
but people want to know more about the baby and the year and half clem was with christa thats a long time
So you saw Omid's death coming and Clem getting bitten by the dog? But the episode indeed was a bit short and didn't really show a whole lot.
Yeah, and not even half of Rick's group in the TV-series would survive 16 months... I'm shocked how Clem and Christa made it by themselves with all of the dangers and twisted stuff lurking around out there. Heck, see what happend to Lee's group in only three months. And see what kind of messed up stuff Clem gets involved in after she get separated from Christa.
The time jump was all bad writing and I pray for it to not repeat.
help they give a little more info on that 16 months alot of crazy things can happen in 16 months
agree 100% percent unlike the BRILLIANT the wolf among us this feels second rate. any reveiw company that gave it 9 really needs to have a look at it again because,In my opinion, This was the WORST episode telltale have delivered to us since episode 1 of TWD and im askjng my self "witch one is better"
I don't know about you, but I wouldn't want to see Christa have a miscarriage, or see the baby suffer. Not only that, but I'd have to witness Clem going through yet ANOTHER tragic circumstance. The time gap was needed and I'm glad for it. TellTale isn't stupid. Although the game is very dark now, that would've crossed the line.
And to those who don't like the group, PLEASE keep your mouths shut until at LEAST episode 3. There's so much more that needs to be done and there's so many things that needs branching out. This game has just started, so give the group some time. I think people are so biased, by basing everything by season 1 standards.
Clem is older, Clem has lost just about everyone she cared about and the zombie Apocalypse has been going on for a much longer time. With that said, of course people have taken a turn for the worst. Everything is gone now.
The group questioning Clem was logical. We were already told that the group took in someone who was bitten and THAT resulted in the death of that one guys mother. So, of COURSE they'd treat Clem the way that they did. Was it cool? No, but HIGHLY understandable and you just can't trust anyone you come across. Heck, even Clem almost got killed by that little girl. Age doesn't even matter in a world like that.
In my opinion, everything that TellTale has done has been REALISTIC. Everything in the game, would unfortunately happen in REAL life. We aren't supposed to like it, but it's reality and I applaud them for it.
Because, you only see the back of him which looks like Kenny. It was a way to keep people talking about the game and say "Oh, Kenny's back guys"!
Personally, i didn't think it was Kenny. i WANTED it to be but i think if Kenny is alive they'll have a big unexpected return.
It could be Kenny who Clem says "I thought you were dead" at the end of the trailer for episode 2 but could be Lily as well, only problem is that Clem wouldn't think Lilys dead and Christa and Omid probably told Clem that Kenny had died so at this stage i'm going Kenny but wouldn't shock me if it wasn't him and telltale trolls us again.
Wrong, autistic people keep to themselves.
I have an 18 year old autistic brother and he sits in his room all day and listens to music.
The Kids at his school are the same only difference is some talk, some don't.
Also, Autistic kids don't have an understanding of death or Walkers or Lurkers and Carlos said that if his daughter found out she wouldn't be able to cop. An Autistic child wouldn't care either way.
The first episode of the first season was much better than this in my opinion as well. This episode was pretty much just "Go from point A to point B, and here is the credits". You could do so much more in S01EP1. It feels like Kirkman wrote this episode himself...
If not compare to Season 1 to what else?
Season 2 has to be compare to Season 1. And why should anyone should keep his mouth shut? Free opinions, ftw?
You are right, it is realistic. That's good. But the Character introducion and interaction could've been better. Season 1 handled this way better in Episode 1.
Just remember how many characters did already die till episode 3 of Season 1. But most of them were well introduced and you got to know them... even attached to them.
probably do a flashback of what happened, then it will explain tensions between christa and clem