agree 100% percent unlike the BRILLIANT the wolf among us this feels second rate. any reveiw company that gave it 9 really needs to have a loo… morek at it again because,In my opinion, This was the WORST episode telltale have delivered to us since episode 1 of TWD and im askjng my self "witch one is better"
agree 100% percent unlike the BRILLIANT the wolf among us this feels second rate. any reveiw company that gave it 9 really needs to have a loo… morek at it again because,In my opinion, This was the WORST episode telltale have delivered to us since episode 1 of TWD and im askjng my self "witch one is better"
People who agree and disagree with me I'd just like to say. Thank you.
Thank you for not bashing me and telling me to STFU. I know what I said made me sound like a jerk but honestly how this episode played out really disappointed me. To be honest I thought it was not worth the year long wait. I just barely saw anything redeeming in this episode, it pains me to say this, I don't like saying this stuff about one of my favourite game series sequels, but I just don't like it.
And also, from what it looked like to me, Christa blaming herself and Clem for Omid's death and things being awkward. I told her "I wish Omid was here" during the fireside scene and she looked mega pissed.
After hearing you explain the time Jump I think that's a great way to feel about it. They probably didn't do much that whole time, just Christa missing Omid and her baby, and Clem missing Lee.
The first episode of the first season was much better than this in my opinion as well. This episode was pretty much just "Go from point A to p… moreoint B, and here is the credits". You could do so much more in S01EP1. It feels like Kirkman wrote this episode himself...
Yeah I completely agree with your point about the cabin folks. I mean don't we remember back in Episode 1 of Season 1 that Larry and Lily were ready to throw all of you out, not to mention kill Duck since Larry thought he was bitten? It only broke up because Larry's heart started acting up. Like Carley, Glen, and Doug, the cabin folks have a few nice people there too. Plus a lot of time has gone by, naturally the walkers are starting to take their toll on people and their compassion.
I was really upset about the dog. I was hoping so badly he'd be a companion, he was so cute.
Also killing off Omid so quickly is the Walking Dead's style, I suppose (I miss him though!). I've heard the comic is pretty unforgiving and even the most beloved characters tend to die, some faster than others.
In regards to the baby, I think it is a bit refreshing for the game to not completely explain everything. I mean didn't Mark back in Episode 2 Season 1 just kind of show up? No one really explained how he got there, we just know he was at an air base and had food. It is left to us to fill in the details, which doesn't have to be a bad thing.
The pacing is definitely really fast and starting off pretty dark and we're not used to it yet, but let's see where Telltale is going with this storyline. Might get even better.
um the time jump yes I agree with though everything else I dont agree with
Omid was just to avoid skipping it completly and I felt the baby… more spoke for itself it was gone.
For the dog it was meant to lull you into that sense of bonding over episodes however it was there to make when it turned on you so much more eventfull and shocking however it made sense the dog was starving and you were a stranger.
And the cabin group well your meant to be suspicious of each other no one is going to be holding there arms open for a stranger that they thought was bit.
However I agree you make some good point apart from your comment about nick looking like Kenny and this being wrong... thats ridiculous all the characters have similarities and Nick dosn't really look like him.
The new group are uninteresting, the majority of them are just complete assholes. I would pick the drugstore/Motor Inn group over them any day. They are just bad characters.
In my opinion it's far too early to cast judgements like this, most stuff written about the characters is just conjecture at this point since you only really meet the new ones in brief.
I wouldn't call it a "badly written episode" but I do agree with you in some points. For example, time-skipping in video games bother me a lot… more because I want to know what happens in between that time. And we really haven't spent that much time with the new survivors. You expect a group of survivors like in Season 1 with multiple likable characters like Kenny, Carley, Mark, etc but maybe this new group of survivors have gone through many more situations that have caused them to come across as "unlikable." But give the season some time, It's only the first episode :P, from the look of the preview picture of episode 3, it seems to me like you're going to bond with someone who you least expected
Very true, I didn't think about it letting them grow on me. I think i'm just used to the Season 1 characters and how much I loved 'em. I have new hope for these characters now, thanks Wyro
Fine start to season two, have to agree though first season had more "free time" but considering it all lead to nothing, I liked the pacing here better... So well want more now!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The new group are uninteresting, the majority of them are just complete assholes. I would pick the drugstore/Motor Inn group over them any day… more. They are just bad characters.
In my opinion it's far too early to cast judgements like this, most stuff written about the characters is just conjecture at this point since you only really meet the new ones in brief.
You took the worlds out of my mouth.
The 16 months time jump... It kind of took away my The Walking Dead feeling.
No more jumps in time Telltale!
I hope you take notice of this @puzzlebox
I Know a Few Autistic People, Being ONe Myself, One of the Autistic's I know acts like a Normal Person, But Is More to Herself, Another ONe is Really Outgoing but can say some Weird thigns sometimes. In My Case, I just have No Concept of Other's Feelings and don't know how to react in certain situations.
Autism is when you're Socially Awkward or Have a hard time with other People. It Also Depends on the Subtype in particular
Outcast, Actor, Or Loner. I'd Say she's a Outcast, Given That she wanted to Make friends And Most Likely Fails, And She isn't pretending to be normal. I'd Say your Brother Is a Loner. (also, why'd you mention his school?)
I also said It Might. Am Not guaranteeing anything, Chances are she is actually just really sheltered.
Wrong, autistic people keep to themselves.
I have an 18 year old autistic brother and he sits in his room all day and listens to music.
The… more Kids at his school are the same only difference is some talk, some don't.
Also, Autistic kids don't have an understanding of death or Walkers or Lurkers and Carlos said that if his daughter found out she wouldn't be able to cop. An Autistic child wouldn't care either way.
While I respect people's opinion's I don't really agree this is a badly written episode.
I think a lot of what happened is meant to keep us guessing, like Christa's baby. I will agree the time jump was pretty big and no explaination was given about what happened to the baby, but Clem did say while doing her stitches something like "just like last time, how Christa showed her" which tells me they proably had to cut out the baby and stitch her belly.
We dont really know why or what happened, but I dont recall seeing Christa dead so she may be the one Clem is talking to in the episode 2 preview. (though tbh I think it's Lilly)
I think Telltale likes to add in events or situations that are just meant to throw us off a bit, little things that don't really matter and then hit us with obscure events that make a huge difference.
Like Rebecca, show's us she really doesnt like Clem at all, but Sarah wants to be best friends.. My guess is it'll be Sarah that becomes more a threat to Clem than Rebecca,
I agree with some of your points such as the time-skip and various other things. However I think what's truly missing was a section where you could walk around the cabin and talk to people. I want that special feeling in Episode 1 when I found a 'Candy Bar' or some food or supplies of some sort and I could hand it to whomever I chose.
I hope they incorporate slow-paced scenes in between. However I do not agree with Omid being killed for shock-value. Trust me, it's the Walking Dead. People will die all the time, in the comics it's even worse!
I think the best part of the episode was sitting down and speaking to Luke. Slow-paced scenes like that where you can sit and talk, and reveal as much as you want to and whatnot. It made me sad speaking about Lee, it made me sad remembering all the people in the drug-store, etc.
However may I just say I think we should all give Telltale some compliments, I do not find that the episode was poorly written at all. Characters were actually developed and had feelings, such as 'Rebecca' feeling worried about her child and hoping that it's a particular persons - It shows she was just a character putting on a tough facade mainly to keep her and her child safe.
Or the sensitivity when speaking to Christa, she was riled up and looked so sad. I didn't want to push any buttons.
The dog biting, hopelessness, talking to Sarah, her father revealing who she truly is and such. Wouldn't it have been great if it showed Clementine finishing the meal, and you could walk around and speak to everyone and get to know them. It would've have even made the final choice better.
But anyway about that compliment, Telltale you're getting so much better at choices and such. It's a really good thing you're doing there!
Other than that, I would say it's most likely my Game of the Year (This is side-tracking) even though one episode is out. The reason as to why? Well unlike 2012, other than, Grand Theft Auto V (Meh writing) , or The Last of Us (decently written) and Bioshock Infinite (greatly written) - I don't see ANY other games I was genuinely interesting in, I have played and that had great writing. (I still can't believe the writer for Call of Duty: Ghosts had won an Oscar).
But that's just me, other than that great episode Telltale but stick to the old formula and make things more slow-paced and point and click adventure like please!
I liked it, but I think the episode was not as good as season 1, I am going to give it time and see, but for now I do think Omid was a bit to fast, I mean I am okay with deaths like that, I mean Carley got me real good, but I don't know, he had so much potential, I disagree with the dog, I thought it was well done, my biggest problems were the time skip, the lack of walking around and talking, and worst for me, it did not feel as sad, I mean maybe I am getting to used to it, but all this dark stuff happening, I just kept on going, no time to mourn, I also would have liked some more light heated moments, that's really it, I for one liked the new characters, mostly Luke but the others were interesting. Side note, is a Carley/ Doug choice going to happen in the first episode of all there games now? Not that I hate that, I am just pointing out that is Telltale's thing, just like Bethesda starting every Elder Scrolls with a prison.
If I had to point out the thing I disliked the most, that was the length of the episode. I would have expected something lasting longer than barely 1.5 hours after so much waiting and teasing from TTG. I wouldn't mind having to wait a couple more months if it meant we'd get a longer episode.
Omid's death was to be expected, I'd personally would've wanted him to die a little later on. I guess the timing of his death was the 'shock value', not the death itself. I still liked that they made it kinda seem like it taught Clem yet another lesson - if she hadn't left her stuff unattended like Omid told her, none of that would've happened.
I didn't mind the time-skip, I really didn't want to have to see Christa/Clem go through whatever happened after Omid's death.
Also, though TTG had this coming when they decided to make a 2nd season, after further consideration I think it's unfair to compare S01E01 to this one, especially as far as character interaction is concerned. I do think they could've given a little more time to introduce the new cast, but comparing the episodes is a big foul to me. First of all, S01E01 took place barely a few days/weeks after the outbreak. People still thought the military was coming and it would all be over soon. The world hadn't gone to complete shit yet and people weren't as crazy and defensive as the group in S02 seems to be. Don't forget this is ~2 years in. As Clem mentions at some point, they've all lost a great deal of people and things they cared about. Of course they wouldn't be willing to spend time chit-chatting (always compared to S01E01). Which brings me to my second point, which is the protagonist. S01 gave us Lee, who was an adult and potentially a leader whose opinion mattered and was to be at least considered - if not respected. In S02, you are only a ten-eleven year old. Pretty much no one gives a shit what you think, I highly doubt you'd get people to tell you anything even if you did have the option to chat with them.
Anyway, tl;dr, I think the whole point of not making us interact with the characters as much is exactly to leave us in the dark, much like a child would've been in a similar situation, compared to an adult who is more likely to get answers. Though I could just be wrong and they were too lazy to make the episode longer :P
No need to ask for people not to bash you, as you said we all have opinions and we should be able to discuss about them.
The episode I found emotionally engaging. It was written well. You cant have a go at telltale because you Kenny fans who seem overly obsessed cant let him have a noble death and leave him be.
I would have liked more with the baby but the dog scene was brilliant if you ask me. It was emotionally engaging and I hated having to kill that dog. ALSO on the technical side the ClemmyDodge is a cool new feature. Dodging walkers.
Im guessing either Lily, Christa, Molly or even Kenny are the person she thought was dead. Or Glenn but I doubt that.
Think Clem may get a girl crush on Luke? The young kid just looks like that kind. Maybe he can be like a bigger bro to her.
Also thought it was great writing to let us call that woman out on sleeping around.
Clem is in no way capable of performing a caesarian section without killing Christa. The most likely suspect given the mandatory B&E of the genre is lacerations from broken glass.
Rebecca is just paranoid and suspicious, which we can't really blame her for. She's worrying for more than just her life.
While I respect people's opinion's I don't really agree this is a badly written episode.
I think a lot of what happened is meant to keep us… more guessing, like Christa's baby. I will agree the time jump was pretty big and no explaination was given about what happened to the baby, but Clem did say while doing her stitches something like "just like last time, how Christa showed her" which tells me they proably had to cut out the baby and stitch her belly.
We dont really know why or what happened, but I dont recall seeing Christa dead so she may be the one Clem is talking to in the episode 2 preview. (though tbh I think it's Lilly)
I think Telltale likes to add in events or situations that are just meant to throw us off a bit, little things that don't really matter and then hit us with obscure events that make a huge difference.
Like Rebecca, show's us she really doesnt like Clem at all, but Sarah wants to be best friends.. My guess is it'll be Sarah that becomes more a threat to Clem than Rebecca,
And though my complaints mainly have had to do with how long we've had to wait, I thought this was a great first start to Season 2. All will be revealed, in time...I'd hate it if everything was revealed all in one episode.
Honestly, I didn't really care about Christa. I was never emotionally vested in her anyway, and I could kinda tell there never really was a strong bond between her and Clementine, so I'm GLAD they were separated.
Clem is in no way capable of performing a caesarian section without killing Christa. The most likely suspect given the mandatory B&E of th… moree genre is lacerations from broken glass.
Rebecca is just paranoid and suspicious, which we can't really blame her for. She's worrying for more than just her life.
I seriously don't mind most of the "flaws" in this episode. The episode still was far better than the first one. Every choice matters, btw. Even the tiny ones.
The time jump seemed a bit long, but throughout that time frame Christa seemed to have taught Clem how survive pretty well. I can imagine we will get used to these new guys, i like Pete, Luke, Alvin, and Sarah so far the rest are kind of mean. Carlos has no explanation other than a Larry, protecting his daughter. He seemed cool at first, but i now do not like him. Nick, his mother died, and he's pretty upset. All forgiven, i still saved Pete, though. Rebecca, she's pregnant. That's her only excuse.
The girl that killed Omid, seemed pointless. She was there to kill Omid, then die, that's it. Winston, Ralph, and Victor (Bandits that attacked Christa and Clem) seemed like interesting characters.. Winston made me laugh, getting out-witted by a 10-11 year old girl ha. Victor, possibly killed Christa, but we don't know. Ralph, he could have a bigger part in S2, hope he made it. Again, these names were listed in the end credits. For people who want S1 characters back, i sort of agree, but TT needs to make new characters and move on. I would like a Kenny come back. 400 Days, we already know they're gonna be in S2, dead or alive.
Good episode 10/10. Amid The Ruins seems like the most interesting episode. As well as No Going Back. A House Divided seems like it's bringing back a character.. I think they want us to think it's Kenny, could still be him.. Looks like a good episode.. In Harm's Way looks like Rebecca is gonna have her baby. Looks like a very good season ahead of us! Can't wait for more!
That's why Christa said she'd rather stay with small groups and she doesn't believe in "strength in numbers" in Season 1. Rick on the other hand just had bad luck, as for Lee's group, they were fortified in a small town motel that was running out of supplies, that was their fault.
Yeah, and not even half of Rick's group in the TV-series would survive 16 months... I'm shocked how Clem and Christa made it by themselves wit… moreh all of the dangers and twisted stuff lurking around out there. Heck, see what happend to Lee's group in only three months. And see what kind of messed up stuff Clem gets involved in after she get separated from Christa.
The time jump was all bad writing and I pray for it to not repeat.
The episode I found emotionally engaging. It was written well. You cant have a go at telltale because you Kenny fans who seem overly obsessed … morecant let him have a noble death and leave him be.
I would have liked more with the baby but the dog scene was brilliant if you ask me. It was emotionally engaging and I hated having to kill that dog. ALSO on the technical side the ClemmyDodge is a cool new feature. Dodging walkers.
Im guessing either Lily, Christa, Molly or even Kenny are the person she thought was dead. Or Glenn but I doubt that.
Think Clem may get a girl crush on Luke? The young kid just looks like that kind. Maybe he can be like a bigger bro to her.
Also thought it was great writing to let us call that woman out on sleeping around.
Like Rebecca, show's us she really doesnt like Clem at all, but Sarah wants to be best friends.. My guess is it'll be Sarah that becomes more a threat to Clem than Rebecca,
Yeah, the pinky swear was actually pretty suspicious...and DAT WATCH in the drawer!!!!
While I respect people's opinion's I don't really agree this is a badly written episode.
I think a lot of what happened is meant to keep us… more guessing, like Christa's baby. I will agree the time jump was pretty big and no explaination was given about what happened to the baby, but Clem did say while doing her stitches something like "just like last time, how Christa showed her" which tells me they proably had to cut out the baby and stitch her belly.
We dont really know why or what happened, but I dont recall seeing Christa dead so she may be the one Clem is talking to in the episode 2 preview. (though tbh I think it's Lilly)
I think Telltale likes to add in events or situations that are just meant to throw us off a bit, little things that don't really matter and then hit us with obscure events that make a huge difference.
Like Rebecca, show's us she really doesnt like Clem at all, but Sarah wants to be best friends.. My guess is it'll be Sarah that becomes more a threat to Clem than Rebecca,
but throwing in shocks for the sake of shocks is not walking dead. Throwing in shocks at just the right moments is. "Oh shock Omid is dead" to "Shocker Christa is dead" to "OMG DOG ATTACK" etc... doesn't make for a depressing story IMO, just a laughable one.
How exactly did the pacing "lead to nothing"? I feel like the pacing of season 2 makes me not care about what is happening because there is no point in caring, the next thing WILL be worse, so why bother? Season 1 did this right. It wasn't a terrible thing and then a worse thing happening. It mixed it up from frantically cutting off a guy's leg to simply rationing out food. It made the bad things more powerful this way.
Fine start to season two, have to agree though first season had more "free time" but considering it all lead to nothing, I liked the pacing here better... So well want more now!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I thought it was fine.
I literally CRIED when I had to kill the dog.
And though my complaints mainly have had to do with how long we've … morehad to wait, I thought this was a great first start to Season 2. All will be revealed, in time...I'd hate it if everything was revealed all in one episode.
Honestly, I didn't really care about Christa. I was never emotionally vested in her anyway, and I could kinda tell there never really was a strong bond between her and Clementine, so I'm GLAD they were separated.
I thought it was fine.
I literally CRIED when I had to kill the dog.
And though my complaints mainly have had to do with how long we've … morehad to wait, I thought this was a great first start to Season 2. All will be revealed, in time...I'd hate it if everything was revealed all in one episode.
Honestly, I didn't really care about Christa. I was never emotionally vested in her anyway, and I could kinda tell there never really was a strong bond between her and Clementine, so I'm GLAD they were separated.
Omid's death. It just seemed way too early and it kinda pissed me off because he was hilarious. Sadly, this is just an opinion thing, so not much can really happen.
On the PS3 version of S2E1, I encountered a glitch where characters appeared but were obviously not supposed too, I'm assuming like the invisible Duck glitch. I had Nick appear in Sarah's room and he just stood there and I had Carlos appear in his room. It kinda ruined the ambience. I could walk through them and everything, so I could see them, but they weren't actually (supposed to be) there. I'm not sure how to describe it really.
Something I really liked was the homage to Season 1 when Clem killed the walker in the shed just like how Lee killed Walker-Sandra.
But there's subtlety to telltale's writing as well. This lady who killed omid is 20 something, and she is heartless towards an eleven year old. Killing omid hurt, but I think it was telltale's way of saying "don't forget, no one is safe." As for the time jump, maybe telltale will announce a new dlc titled: 547 days. (1.5 years)
Edit: I think Sarah might go crazy or something. Maybe she turns out to be a psychopath. You. Promised. She scares me. A lot. I know that seems stupid but she really scares me.
I seriously don't mind most of the "flaws" in this episode. The episode still was far better than the first one. Every choice matters, btw. Ev… moreen the tiny ones.
The time jump seemed a bit long, but throughout that time frame Christa seemed to have taught Clem how survive pretty well. I can imagine we will get used to these new guys, i like Pete, Luke, Alvin, and Sarah so far the rest are kind of mean. Carlos has no explanation other than a Larry, protecting his daughter. He seemed cool at first, but i now do not like him. Nick, his mother died, and he's pretty upset. All forgiven, i still saved Pete, though. Rebecca, she's pregnant. That's her only excuse.
The girl that killed Omid, seemed pointless. She was there to kill Omid, then die, that's it. Winston, Ralph, and Victor (Bandits that attacked Christa and Clem) seemed like interesting characters.. Winston made me laugh, getting out-witted by a 10-11 year old girl ha. Victor, possibly kil… [view original content]
The Wolf Among Us felt like a much longer episode.
People who agree and disagree with me I'd just like to say. Thank you.
Thank you for not bashing me and telling me to STFU. I know what I said made me sound like a jerk but honestly how this episode played out really disappointed me. To be honest I thought it was not worth the year long wait. I just barely saw anything redeeming in this episode, it pains me to say this, I don't like saying this stuff about one of my favourite game series sequels, but I just don't like it.
can someone tell me when you bought the game did it come with all 5 episodes or just one
And also, from what it looked like to me, Christa blaming herself and Clem for Omid's death and things being awkward. I told her "I wish Omid was here" during the fireside scene and she looked mega pissed.
It came out as one episode. The other episodes are not available until there release.
if they give us more info on the 16 months that would be nice
when will all episodes come out on ps3
Yeah I completely agree with your point about the cabin folks. I mean don't we remember back in Episode 1 of Season 1 that Larry and Lily were ready to throw all of you out, not to mention kill Duck since Larry thought he was bitten? It only broke up because Larry's heart started acting up. Like Carley, Glen, and Doug, the cabin folks have a few nice people there too. Plus a lot of time has gone by, naturally the walkers are starting to take their toll on people and their compassion.
I was really upset about the dog. I was hoping so badly he'd be a companion, he was so cute.
Also killing off Omid so quickly is the Walking Dead's style, I suppose (I miss him though!). I've heard the comic is pretty unforgiving and even the most beloved characters tend to die, some faster than others.
In regards to the baby, I think it is a bit refreshing for the game to not completely explain everything. I mean didn't Mark back in Episode 2 Season 1 just kind of show up? No one really explained how he got there, we just know he was at an air base and had food. It is left to us to fill in the details, which doesn't have to be a bad thing.
The pacing is definitely really fast and starting off pretty dark and we're not used to it yet, but let's see where Telltale is going with this storyline. Might get even better.
in four to seven months
that's pretty cool I thought it would take longer but that's better thanks @Nick_lgger
In my opinion it's far too early to cast judgements like this, most stuff written about the characters is just conjecture at this point since you only really meet the new ones in brief.
I disagree with everything. The 1st Episode of Season 2 is amazing i like it more than season 1.
I'm sorry - but I'm killing rebecca the first chance I get. No-one is that heartless towards my clem and gets away with it
Well, no i'm not joking.
It appealed to me because there were a lot of shocking moments, which is a big part of the walking dead.
Fine start to season two, have to agree though first season had more "free time" but considering it all lead to nothing, I liked the pacing here better... So well want more now!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i think the baby is lukes
But that would mean we'd have to completely scrap the part where you play Clem as a badass old lady and bash walkers in with your purse!
I Know a Few Autistic People, Being ONe Myself, One of the Autistic's I know acts like a Normal Person, But Is More to Herself, Another ONe is Really Outgoing but can say some Weird thigns sometimes. In My Case, I just have No Concept of Other's Feelings and don't know how to react in certain situations.
Autism is when you're Socially Awkward or Have a hard time with other People. It Also Depends on the Subtype in particular
Outcast, Actor, Or Loner. I'd Say she's a Outcast, Given That she wanted to Make friends And Most Likely Fails, And She isn't pretending to be normal. I'd Say your Brother Is a Loner. (also, why'd you mention his school?)
I also said It Might. Am Not guaranteeing anything, Chances are she is actually just really sheltered.
While I respect people's opinion's I don't really agree this is a badly written episode.
I think a lot of what happened is meant to keep us guessing, like Christa's baby. I will agree the time jump was pretty big and no explaination was given about what happened to the baby, but Clem did say while doing her stitches something like "just like last time, how Christa showed her" which tells me they proably had to cut out the baby and stitch her belly.
We dont really know why or what happened, but I dont recall seeing Christa dead so she may be the one Clem is talking to in the episode 2 preview. (though tbh I think it's Lilly)
I think Telltale likes to add in events or situations that are just meant to throw us off a bit, little things that don't really matter and then hit us with obscure events that make a huge difference.
Like Rebecca, show's us she really doesnt like Clem at all, but Sarah wants to be best friends.. My guess is it'll be Sarah that becomes more a threat to Clem than Rebecca,
I agree with some of your points such as the time-skip and various other things. However I think what's truly missing was a section where you could walk around the cabin and talk to people. I want that special feeling in Episode 1 when I found a 'Candy Bar' or some food or supplies of some sort and I could hand it to whomever I chose.
I hope they incorporate slow-paced scenes in between. However I do not agree with Omid being killed for shock-value. Trust me, it's the Walking Dead. People will die all the time, in the comics it's even worse!
I think the best part of the episode was sitting down and speaking to Luke. Slow-paced scenes like that where you can sit and talk, and reveal as much as you want to and whatnot. It made me sad speaking about Lee, it made me sad remembering all the people in the drug-store, etc.
However may I just say I think we should all give Telltale some compliments, I do not find that the episode was poorly written at all. Characters were actually developed and had feelings, such as 'Rebecca' feeling worried about her child and hoping that it's a particular persons - It shows she was just a character putting on a tough facade mainly to keep her and her child safe.
Or the sensitivity when speaking to Christa, she was riled up and looked so sad. I didn't want to push any buttons.
The dog biting, hopelessness, talking to Sarah, her father revealing who she truly is and such. Wouldn't it have been great if it showed Clementine finishing the meal, and you could walk around and speak to everyone and get to know them. It would've have even made the final choice better.
But anyway about that compliment, Telltale you're getting so much better at choices and such. It's a really good thing you're doing there!
Other than that, I would say it's most likely my Game of the Year (This is side-tracking) even though one episode is out. The reason as to why? Well unlike 2012, other than, Grand Theft Auto V (Meh writing) , or The Last of Us (decently written) and Bioshock Infinite (greatly written) - I don't see ANY other games I was genuinely interesting in, I have played and that had great writing. (I still can't believe the writer for Call of Duty: Ghosts had won an Oscar).
But that's just me, other than that great episode Telltale but stick to the old formula and make things more slow-paced and point and click adventure like please!
I liked it, but I think the episode was not as good as season 1, I am going to give it time and see, but for now I do think Omid was a bit to fast, I mean I am okay with deaths like that, I mean Carley got me real good, but I don't know, he had so much potential, I disagree with the dog, I thought it was well done, my biggest problems were the time skip, the lack of walking around and talking, and worst for me, it did not feel as sad, I mean maybe I am getting to used to it, but all this dark stuff happening, I just kept on going, no time to mourn, I also would have liked some more light heated moments, that's really it, I for one liked the new characters, mostly Luke but the others were interesting. Side note, is a Carley/ Doug choice going to happen in the first episode of all there games now? Not that I hate that, I am just pointing out that is Telltale's thing, just like Bethesda starting every Elder Scrolls with a prison.
If I had to point out the thing I disliked the most, that was the length of the episode. I would have expected something lasting longer than barely 1.5 hours after so much waiting and teasing from TTG. I wouldn't mind having to wait a couple more months if it meant we'd get a longer episode.
Omid's death was to be expected, I'd personally would've wanted him to die a little later on. I guess the timing of his death was the 'shock value', not the death itself. I still liked that they made it kinda seem like it taught Clem yet another lesson - if she hadn't left her stuff unattended like Omid told her, none of that would've happened.
I didn't mind the time-skip, I really didn't want to have to see Christa/Clem go through whatever happened after Omid's death.
Also, though TTG had this coming when they decided to make a 2nd season, after further consideration I think it's unfair to compare S01E01 to this one, especially as far as character interaction is concerned. I do think they could've given a little more time to introduce the new cast, but comparing the episodes is a big foul to me. First of all, S01E01 took place barely a few days/weeks after the outbreak. People still thought the military was coming and it would all be over soon. The world hadn't gone to complete shit yet and people weren't as crazy and defensive as the group in S02 seems to be. Don't forget this is ~2 years in. As Clem mentions at some point, they've all lost a great deal of people and things they cared about. Of course they wouldn't be willing to spend time chit-chatting (always compared to S01E01). Which brings me to my second point, which is the protagonist. S01 gave us Lee, who was an adult and potentially a leader whose opinion mattered and was to be at least considered - if not respected. In S02, you are only a ten-eleven year old. Pretty much no one gives a shit what you think, I highly doubt you'd get people to tell you anything even if you did have the option to chat with them.
Anyway, tl;dr, I think the whole point of not making us interact with the characters as much is exactly to leave us in the dark, much like a child would've been in a similar situation, compared to an adult who is more likely to get answers. Though I could just be wrong and they were too lazy to make the episode longer :P
No need to ask for people not to bash you, as you said we all have opinions and we should be able to discuss about them.
The episode I found emotionally engaging. It was written well. You cant have a go at telltale because you Kenny fans who seem overly obsessed cant let him have a noble death and leave him be.
I would have liked more with the baby but the dog scene was brilliant if you ask me. It was emotionally engaging and I hated having to kill that dog. ALSO on the technical side the ClemmyDodge is a cool new feature. Dodging walkers.
Im guessing either Lily, Christa, Molly or even Kenny are the person she thought was dead. Or Glenn but I doubt that.
Think Clem may get a girl crush on Luke? The young kid just looks like that kind. Maybe he can be like a bigger bro to her.
Also thought it was great writing to let us call that woman out on sleeping around.
Clem is in no way capable of performing a caesarian section without killing Christa. The most likely suspect given the mandatory B&E of the genre is lacerations from broken glass.
Rebecca is just paranoid and suspicious, which we can't really blame her for. She's worrying for more than just her life.
I thought it was fine.
I literally CRIED when I had to kill the dog.
And though my complaints mainly have had to do with how long we've had to wait, I thought this was a great first start to Season 2. All will be revealed, in time...I'd hate it if everything was revealed all in one episode.
Honestly, I didn't really care about Christa. I was never emotionally vested in her anyway, and I could kinda tell there never really was a strong bond between her and Clementine, so I'm GLAD they were separated.
rebecca will be more cool with clem then you think
I seriously don't mind most of the "flaws" in this episode. The episode still was far better than the first one. Every choice matters, btw. Even the tiny ones.
The time jump seemed a bit long, but throughout that time frame Christa seemed to have taught Clem how survive pretty well. I can imagine we will get used to these new guys, i like Pete, Luke, Alvin, and Sarah so far the rest are kind of mean. Carlos has no explanation other than a Larry, protecting his daughter. He seemed cool at first, but i now do not like him. Nick, his mother died, and he's pretty upset. All forgiven, i still saved Pete, though. Rebecca, she's pregnant. That's her only excuse.
The girl that killed Omid, seemed pointless. She was there to kill Omid, then die, that's it. Winston, Ralph, and Victor (Bandits that attacked Christa and Clem) seemed like interesting characters.. Winston made me laugh, getting out-witted by a 10-11 year old girl ha. Victor, possibly killed Christa, but we don't know. Ralph, he could have a bigger part in S2, hope he made it. Again, these names were listed in the end credits. For people who want S1 characters back, i sort of agree, but TT needs to make new characters and move on. I would like a Kenny come back. 400 Days, we already know they're gonna be in S2, dead or alive.
Good episode 10/10. Amid The Ruins seems like the most interesting episode. As well as No Going Back. A House Divided seems like it's bringing back a character.. I think they want us to think it's Kenny, could still be him.. Looks like a good episode.. In Harm's Way looks like Rebecca is gonna have her baby. Looks like a very good season ahead of us! Can't wait for more!
That's why Christa said she'd rather stay with small groups and she doesn't believe in "strength in numbers" in Season 1. Rick on the other hand just had bad luck, as for Lee's group, they were fortified in a small town motel that was running out of supplies, that was their fault.
Why do you think she have a crush on luke?
Ok, you get one more time jump, but after that no more!
Yeah, the pinky swear was actually pretty suspicious...and DAT WATCH in the drawer!!!!

but throwing in shocks for the sake of shocks is not walking dead. Throwing in shocks at just the right moments is. "Oh shock Omid is dead" to "Shocker Christa is dead" to "OMG DOG ATTACK" etc... doesn't make for a depressing story IMO, just a laughable one.
How exactly did the pacing "lead to nothing"? I feel like the pacing of season 2 makes me not care about what is happening because there is no point in caring, the next thing WILL be worse, so why bother? Season 1 did this right. It wasn't a terrible thing and then a worse thing happening. It mixed it up from frantically cutting off a guy's leg to simply rationing out food. It made the bad things more powerful this way.
I think it's Carver's.
Christa and Clem been together 16 - 20 months and you think they don't have bond. We just don't see it. don't mean they don't have a bond.
I only had two main problems.
Omid's death. It just seemed way too early and it kinda pissed me off because he was hilarious. Sadly, this is just an opinion thing, so not much can really happen.
On the PS3 version of S2E1, I encountered a glitch where characters appeared but were obviously not supposed too, I'm assuming like the invisible Duck glitch. I had Nick appear in Sarah's room and he just stood there and I had Carlos appear in his room. It kinda ruined the ambience. I could walk through them and everything, so I could see them, but they weren't actually (supposed to be) there. I'm not sure how to describe it really.
Something I really liked was the homage to Season 1 when Clem killed the walker in the shed just like how Lee killed Walker-Sandra.
But there's subtlety to telltale's writing as well. This lady who killed omid is 20 something, and she is heartless towards an eleven year old. Killing omid hurt, but I think it was telltale's way of saying "don't forget, no one is safe." As for the time jump, maybe telltale will announce a new dlc titled: 547 days. (1.5 years)
Edit: I think Sarah might go crazy or something. Maybe she turns out to be a psychopath. You. Promised. She scares me. A lot. I know that seems stupid but she really scares me.
Not trying to bash you, but those are closer to nitpicks than opinions.
Go play season 1, season 2 isnt for you buddy. : (