Precisely. People with Asperger's, a cognitive disorder, can have very high IQs. IQ has to do with logic and reasoning ability, in a more mathematical sense. It has nothing to do with liking a game or any other form of entertainment. That's purely preference, which is subjective. IQ is not subjective.
The overall tone of the episode was much darker than what I remember s1ep1 being, this might cause people to look on it unfavorably. But, the… more darker tone makes sense a bit. This is further on in the apocalypse, people have had plenty of time to lose friends/family/see horrific things.
Also, I'd wager many individuals don't understand iQ. For instance, it's quite possible to have a very high IQ and have a learning disability.
Only element I can think of that possibly indicates poor writing, and I say this as a writer myself, was that I felt the bit where Clementine … moretalks to Luke about Lee at the table was poorly done. Not because of the actual words or anything, but rather, I felt she mentioned what happened in the wrong order.
It felt like she was saying she found out that her parents were dead, then she met Lee. That's not the case. It could be that she wanted to give false info, but I didn't get that impression. Not sure if anyone else shares that thought and it might be something Telltale wants to look into if they can re-record lines or change the ordering of the dialog without messing things up. Still, it's a minor thing.
Everything else was great in my view. The characters and overall story arc will be further developed with further episodes. Only real criticism was the length. I think it ended at a natural point though, with Clem finding a new group and … [view original content]
Only element I can think of that possibly indicates poor writing, and I say this as a writer myself, was that I felt the bit where Clementine … moretalks to Luke about Lee at the table was poorly done. Not because of the actual words or anything, but rather, I felt she mentioned what happened in the wrong order.
It felt like she was saying she found out that her parents were dead, then she met Lee. That's not the case. It could be that she wanted to give false info, but I didn't get that impression. Not sure if anyone else shares that thought and it might be something Telltale wants to look into if they can re-record lines or change the ordering of the dialog without messing things up. Still, it's a minor thing.
Everything else was great in my view. The characters and overall story arc will be further developed with further episodes. Only real criticism was the length. I think it ended at a natural point though, with Clem finding a new group and … [view original content]
About the only thing I felt was poorly done was Clementine leaving her gun next to the sink. After all that she's been through, I just don't believe she would be that careless. I think she'd be smarter than that by now...
I also felt they could have achieved the same thing (Omid's death b/c Michelle snuck up on Clementine and got her weapon) and still let us pick up the gun. They could have just made it so if we tried to shoot it, it would jam, allowing Michelle to overpower us and take it from us. Michelle could quickly fidget with the gun until it was ready to fire, and then when omid came in, we'd have the same result (and Clementine would still feel responsible for Omid's death, but wouldn't have been quite so stupid about things)....
RE: the cornflakes, they could very easily be grains of some sort, like oatmeal (with boiled water poured over them). It's hard to say with the textures used.
Sorry but I have to disagree with you here, I'm also a writer myself (sort off...I say sort off because whilst I've been writing for a long time I'm not officially a writer - In some writers eyes, but that's not the case.)
I thought the scene where Clementine spoke to Luke about Lee was masterfully done and perhaps the best scene in the game. Whilst it did occur to me as odd, because it seemed like the conversation was all over the place I felt that it was done perfectly. The mood was set, the writing was slick and polished and overall great.
Only element I can think of that possibly indicates poor writing, and I say this as a writer myself, was that I felt the bit where Clementine … moretalks to Luke about Lee at the table was poorly done. Not because of the actual words or anything, but rather, I felt she mentioned what happened in the wrong order.
It felt like she was saying she found out that her parents were dead, then she met Lee. That's not the case. It could be that she wanted to give false info, but I didn't get that impression. Not sure if anyone else shares that thought and it might be something Telltale wants to look into if they can re-record lines or change the ordering of the dialog without messing things up. Still, it's a minor thing.
Everything else was great in my view. The characters and overall story arc will be further developed with further episodes. Only real criticism was the length. I think it ended at a natural point though, with Clem finding a new group and … [view original content]
I dont think you have any knowledge about the video game itself zombies in the tv show are known to do things that they cant do in the video game where the hell does it say they eat fish. Also the television universe is different
I thought that scene was pretty cool. I was dying to tell someone about the whole relationship, hoping I could get some feedback whether or no… moret the whole decision making of season 1 actually made an impact on our little Clem.
Anyways, back to your point. Luke asks Clementine straight up what happend to her parents. It's only natural for her to respond to that, other than saying that she got taken care of by Lee before they went looking for them. If you can recall correctly, you have the option ( and I am sure atleast 2 of the options let you mention this ) to say that they left you with a babysitter. THIS is clearly then the starting point of the story you are telling him. It's clear you're not just saying your parents died and they only THEN left you with a babysitter
Yeah i personally found TWDS2E1 abit of mess myself.
I dont mind characters getting killed off in TWD, thats pretty much what the show aims for - get you to like someone and bam off down they go. That said i think Omid and Christa should have had abit more screen time, and i felt Omid was just killed off for the sake of killing someone. And it felt completely flat when you consider what happens next, the incredible time jump.
I get their trying to push the story forward, having Clem grow up an all. But the whooping year and half was one hell of a jump, and measly 5 minutes into that jump you lose Christa. No mention of anything that happen during that year and half (a year and half is a hell of long time!). Pretty poorly executed imo.
Running into a new group in the woods was sorta strange, but not that unheard i suppose. What annoyed me a great deal was that there was almost no chance to get know any of them like in the previous season episode 1 (farm/drugstore). It all kinda felt rushed, one scene just let to another with bit of chatter or none at all. I didnt give a hoot about them at all by the end of the episode, and the choice between pete and nick was flip of the coin more or less. When the episode ended, it was more of "uh okay?". I think they missed out of some character development there, especially if your going to be stuck with that group for 4 more episodes.
With that said i was quite taken by suprise with the hole dog scene. I really thought when we found "Sam" this was going to be a Clem and her dog on adventure type of thing, then SNAP!. Got me good.
Also quite enjoy the option we'r given with Clem during dialogue, you can become quite the manipulating one or stay with the truth of an innocent child.
Either way, Season 2 Episode 1 didnt really "win" me over, it was rushed between scenes with abrupt ending. Leaving me personally with a big "wtf just happen", and not in a good way. Hope episode 2 brings more to the table.
That said i think Omid and Christa should have had abit more screen time, and i felt Omid was just killed off for the sake of killing someone.
I disagree that they used that time to simply kill someone; they wanted to make the introduction to the episode catchy yet dramatic, which is how that appears to have ended up. I don't agree that they killed him as they did, but I do think it was properly done.
But the whooping year and half was one hell of a jump
Yeah, that was a big jump, but how interesting do you think it would be to see Clem and Christa alone together IMO that would not be that interesting, afterall what would they accomplish. Btw I think we will see Christa in a later episode this season at least it would only make sense.
What annoyed me a great deal was that there was almost no chance to get know any of them like in the previous season episode 1 (farm/drugstore)
Well it is a different plot than season one, so I think the reason for that was because they wanted to keep their stories kind of secluded from Clem and they don't really trust her anyway. Would you tell a 11 year old everything about yourself once you first met them? In the next episode they will most likely be more open as it appeared in the sequence at the credits.
Season 2 Episode 1 didnt really "win" me over, it was rushed between scenes
I didn't personally find it rushed, but others may say differently. I think they hit the points needed to get a basic coverage on the characters and the plot that was given. Do keep in mind this is only episode 1, so more detailed/constructive writing will likely take the lead in episode 2.
That said i think Omid and Christa should have had abit more screen time, and i felt Omid was just killed off for the sake of killing someone.… more
I disagree that they used that time to simply kill someone; they wanted to make the introduction to the episode catchy yet dramatic, which is how that appears to have ended up. I don't agree that they killed him as they did, but I do think it was properly done.
But the whooping year and half was one hell of a jump
Yeah, that was a big jump, but how interesting do you think it would be to see Clem and Christa alone together IMO that would not be that interesting, afterall what would they accomplish. Btw I think we will see Christa in a later episode this season at least it would only make sense.
What annoyed me a great deal was that there was almost no chance to get know any of them like in the previous season episode 1 (farm/drugstore)
Well it is a different plot than se… [view original content]
I agree with you on one point and one point only- the time jump. I understand the game had to make Clementine older in order to make her a cap… moreable protagonist, but nevertheless, I didn't like the 3 month time jump in Season 1 and I certainly don't like the whooping 16+ month jump in this one. In both cases things happen that are never truly explained- meeting Mark in S1 and whatever happened to Christa's baby in S2.
Other than that, no, the episode isn't poorly written. You shouldn't bring extreme realism into a game that is about a zombie apocalypse. Because if you did, the apocalypse would have never spread that far. Zombies would get owned by the military and other armed forces, plus they can't take the head, the cold, plus you'd have to account for the amount of natural dangers they'd wander in- falling off cliffs, bridges, into rivers, lakes, etc. Plus every natural predator out there who have dead meat in their diet (of which there are p… [view original content]
No problem, folks. I was well aware I could have read the scene wrong and that others may not share the same thoughts. I had absolutely no issues with the actual writing (as in the words, voice acting etc.), just the order that it was written in felt off. So, I guess I missed the point there.
I'm quite hard to affect really and that scene managed it as did the end of season 1 and a few other bits in season 2, so I did indeed think it was very well done.
Actually, you know, people are complaining about the time-skip in the game, but there's possibly quite a good reason it occurred, especially as Christa seems quite cold with Clem after the time-skip. I think Omid's death was shown because, along with Lee's death, it's really the trigger point for shaping Clem into who she is. Then we have Christa's baby to consider. We don't know if Christa is dead yet, and we've seen the slide for episode three where it looks like Rebecca is giving birth with Clementine present. I think that's going to play a big part in the game and we'll get further details on what happened. (Don't forget too that season 2's meant to be approachable for new people, which could also offer an explanation for the time-skip.)
So overall, I really am very happy with season 2 thus far. The seeds have been sown for a great story in my view. So, discarding the fact that I think the OP was trolling (and the '0 metacritic rating' part at the end strongly indicates that along with everything else), I really don't see the 'poor writing' that others have been speaking of. I guess it's just like everything else though. New game comes out, people complain (and I find it amusing considering everyone was complaining about it not being released ). I'm not saying it's absolutely perfect, but it's the same old cycle with every game. Looking elsewhere, every review I saw on Steam was positive. The let's play people on Youtube seemed to have enjoyed the episode too. Just the critics and people here that I've seen complain a bit really.
Sorry but I have to disagree with you here, I'm also a writer myself (sort off...I say sort off because whilst I've been writing for a long ti… moreme I'm not officially a writer - In some writers eyes, but that's not the case.)
I thought the scene where Clementine spoke to Luke about Lee was masterfully done and perhaps the best scene in the game. Whilst it did occur to me as odd, because it seemed like the conversation was all over the place I felt that it was done perfectly. The mood was set, the writing was slick and polished and overall great.
Oh and HarjKS, I'm not a traditionally published author. I self-publish, and honed my skills for quite a few years before self-publishing. I never sent anything off to publishers either. I'm not exactly successful and well-known.
Anyway, point being, who really cares if you're a 'proper writer' or an 'official writer' in the eyes of others? They really don't count. If you enjoy writing, can string a sentence together and have a basic grasp of how to tell a story, you're a writer in my eyes, regardless of whether or not you're published and just write for yourself. (Sorry for going off-topic, but people's snobbishness when it comes to writing bothers me, among other things, so yeah . . . don't let anyone ever tell you you're not a real writer, Harjik. Or how to write for that matter.)
No problem, folks. I was well aware I could have read the scene wrong and that others may not share the same thoughts. I had absolutely no is… moresues with the actual writing (as in the words, voice acting etc.), just the order that it was written in felt off. So, I guess I missed the point there.
I'm quite hard to affect really and that scene managed it as did the end of season 1 and a few other bits in season 2, so I did indeed think it was very well done.
Actually, you know, people are complaining about the time-skip in the game, but there's possibly quite a good reason it occurred, especially as Christa seems quite cold with Clem after the time-skip. I think Omid's death was shown because, along with Lee's death, it's really the trigger point for shaping Clem into who she is. Then we have Christa's baby to consider. We don't know if Christa is dead yet, and we've seen the slide for episode three where it looks like Rebecca is giving birth … [view original content]
i really cant stand people who categorize their opinion as "poor writing". Its just a way of trying to make there opinion sound important.
short version of OPs post "I didnt like it so Bad writing".
Precisely. People with Asperger's, a cognitive disorder, can have very high IQs. IQ has to do with logic and reasoning ability, in a more mathematical sense. It has nothing to do with liking a game or any other form of entertainment. That's purely preference, which is subjective. IQ is not subjective.
EDIT: Sorry wrong person I replied to. My apologizes.
I thought the first episode went pretty well, everyone seems split on it though.
I will upvote the OP not because I agree with anything you said but because I like to be contrarian.
About the only thing I felt was poorly done was Clementine leaving her gun next to the sink. After all that she's been through, I just don't believe she would be that careless. I think she'd be smarter than that by now...
I also felt they could have achieved the same thing (Omid's death b/c Michelle snuck up on Clementine and got her weapon) and still let us pick up the gun. They could have just made it so if we tried to shoot it, it would jam, allowing Michelle to overpower us and take it from us. Michelle could quickly fidget with the gun until it was ready to fire, and then when omid came in, we'd have the same result (and Clementine would still feel responsible for Omid's death, but wouldn't have been quite so stupid about things)....
RE: the cornflakes, they could very easily be grains of some sort, like oatmeal (with boiled water poured over them). It's hard to say with the textures used.
Sorry but I have to disagree with you here, I'm also a writer myself (sort off...I say sort off because whilst I've been writing for a long time I'm not officially a writer - In some writers eyes, but that's not the case.)
I thought the scene where Clementine spoke to Luke about Lee was masterfully done and perhaps the best scene in the game. Whilst it did occur to me as odd, because it seemed like the conversation was all over the place I felt that it was done perfectly. The mood was set, the writing was slick and polished and overall great.
I love s1:ep 1 and i just played it the other day but s2:ep 1 imo blows it away. Much more intense.
I dont think you have any knowledge about the video game itself zombies in the tv show are known to do things that they cant do in the video game where the hell does it say they eat fish. Also the television universe is different
you have to remember christa showed clem alot too . They were together 16 months
Yeah i personally found TWDS2E1 abit of mess myself.
I dont mind characters getting killed off in TWD, thats pretty much what the show aims for - get you to like someone and bam off down they go. That said i think Omid and Christa should have had abit more screen time, and i felt Omid was just killed off for the sake of killing someone. And it felt completely flat when you consider what happens next, the incredible time jump.
I get their trying to push the story forward, having Clem grow up an all. But the whooping year and half was one hell of a jump, and measly 5 minutes into that jump you lose Christa. No mention of anything that happen during that year and half (a year and half is a hell of long time!). Pretty poorly executed imo.
Running into a new group in the woods was sorta strange, but not that unheard i suppose. What annoyed me a great deal was that there was almost no chance to get know any of them like in the previous season episode 1 (farm/drugstore). It all kinda felt rushed, one scene just let to another with bit of chatter or none at all. I didnt give a hoot about them at all by the end of the episode, and the choice between pete and nick was flip of the coin more or less. When the episode ended, it was more of "uh okay?". I think they missed out of some character development there, especially if your going to be stuck with that group for 4 more episodes.
With that said i was quite taken by suprise with the hole dog scene. I really thought when we found "Sam" this was going to be a Clem and her dog on adventure type of thing, then SNAP!. Got me good.
Also quite enjoy the option we'r given with Clem during dialogue, you can become quite the manipulating one or stay with the truth of an innocent child.
Either way, Season 2 Episode 1 didnt really "win" me over, it was rushed between scenes with abrupt ending. Leaving me personally with a big "wtf just happen", and not in a good way. Hope episode 2 brings more to the table.
I disagree that they used that time to simply kill someone; they wanted to make the introduction to the episode catchy yet dramatic, which is how that appears to have ended up. I don't agree that they killed him as they did, but I do think it was properly done.
Yeah, that was a big jump, but how interesting do you think it would be to see Clem and Christa alone together IMO that would not be that interesting, afterall what would they accomplish. Btw I think we will see Christa in a later episode this season at least it would only make sense.
Well it is a different plot than season one, so I think the reason for that was because they wanted to keep their stories kind of secluded from Clem and they don't really trust her anyway. Would you tell a 11 year old everything about yourself once you first met them? In the next episode they will most likely be more open as it appeared in the sequence at the credits.
I didn't personally find it rushed, but others may say differently. I think they hit the points needed to get a basic coverage on the characters and the plot that was given. Do keep in mind this is only episode 1, so more detailed/constructive writing will likely take the lead in episode 2.
it was good ,just not as good as season 1 episode 1
I call this "dragons don't do THAT" syndrome. A fantasy writer told me her best response to that statement: "In MY world, they do."
No problem, folks.
I was well aware I could have read the scene wrong and that others may not share the same thoughts. I had absolutely no issues with the actual writing (as in the words, voice acting etc.), just the order that it was written in felt off. So, I guess I missed the point there. 
I'm quite hard to affect really and that scene managed it as did the end of season 1 and a few other bits in season 2, so I did indeed think it was very well done.
Actually, you know, people are complaining about the time-skip in the game, but there's possibly quite a good reason it occurred, especially as Christa seems quite cold with Clem after the time-skip. I think Omid's death was shown because, along with Lee's death, it's really the trigger point for shaping Clem into who she is. Then we have Christa's baby to consider. We don't know if Christa is dead yet, and we've seen the slide for episode three where it looks like Rebecca is giving birth with Clementine present. I think that's going to play a big part in the game and we'll get further details on what happened. (Don't forget too that season 2's meant to be approachable for new people, which could also offer an explanation for the time-skip.)
So overall, I really am very happy with season 2 thus far. The seeds have been sown for a great story in my view. So, discarding the fact that I think the OP was trolling (and the '0 metacritic rating' part at the end strongly indicates that along with everything else), I really don't see the 'poor writing' that others have been speaking of. I guess it's just like everything else though. New game comes out, people complain (and I find it amusing considering everyone was complaining about it not being released
). I'm not saying it's absolutely perfect, but it's the same old cycle with every game. Looking elsewhere, every review I saw on Steam was positive. The let's play people on Youtube seemed to have enjoyed the episode too. Just the critics and people here that I've seen complain a bit really.
Oh and HarjKS, I'm not a traditionally published author. I self-publish, and honed my skills for quite a few years before self-publishing. I never sent anything off to publishers either. I'm not exactly successful and well-known.
Anyway, point being, who really cares if you're a 'proper writer' or an 'official writer' in the eyes of others? They really don't count. If you enjoy writing, can string a sentence together and have a basic grasp of how to tell a story, you're a writer in my eyes, regardless of whether or not you're published and just write for yourself. (Sorry for going off-topic, but people's snobbishness when it comes to writing bothers me, among other things, so yeah . . . don't let anyone ever tell you you're not a real writer, Harjik. Or how to write for that matter.)
I just agree with point 4, the rest is absolute bullshit. Calm down
I think it was one of the best episodes so far....
i really cant stand people who categorize their opinion as "poor writing". Its just a way of trying to make there opinion sound important.
short version of OPs post "I didnt like it so Bad writing".