Did Telltale overdo it?
I'm assuming Telltale's objective here was to make us feel as frightened and alienated as Clementine by making just about EVERYONE appear dickish and reprehensible to some capacity, but did they go too far?
I realize emotional manipulation is the name of the game here, and I'm sure Telltale thinks by the time we reach episode 5 we'll be singing the praises of a character we thoroughly loathed in episode 1, but they might have shot themselves in the foot just this once. Imagine a survivor group comprised almost entirely of Larry clones, and you'll get the idea.
Take Carlos, for example. After I'm perceived to be a threat and tossed into a shed to either freeze or die from whatever gets into my wound, I'm forced to steal in order to even give myself a chance in hell. Following a VERY nasty stitching sequence and a zombie attack (one where I had to watch Clementine die horribly THREE TIMES before I figured out I was supposed to use the damn hammer), this unbelievable prick has the BALLS to accuse me of manipulating his daughter? A daughter who, I should add, didn't hesitate about manipulating ME into being her friend?
Seriously...what the hell is going on, Telltale? How has this world become so savage that people have come to perceive a little girl as a potential threat? Do we have to look forward to this paranoid stupidity for the rest of the season?
Dude, it's two years into the apocalypse. Two years of shit like Season one and even worse things happening to survivors. Little girl or not, Clem was bitten, and they had a bad experience with that sort of thing. Carlos is a delusional dick and a questionable doctor, but I can understand... sort of.
I was just about to say the same thing. Look at what happened to Christa. Thats the world they live in now, and even the pregnant lady I understand. Everyone is scared. People are on edge. Eventually, Clem earned most of their trust and thats something.
Scared and scarred, yeah.
Sorry, but that excuse doesn't cut it with me. These people reacted to Clem's dog bite the same way Larry reacted to Duck's imaginary bite in the drug store; with sheer hysteria and belligerence. Clem was still awake and talking, so surely people who have survived THIS long into the apocalypse would know there would be a period of time, however short, between death and reanimation. The actions of this group didn't come across as those of experienced veterans, but twitchy, violent thugs.
I think it's nice to see that it's getting darker and even harder to survive.
We all know what Chuck said to Lee on this train. I think we got it !
They don't care if she's a little girl.
She was walking and talking, but bitten. A bite is almost always a death sentence, so yeah. They seem... inexperienced, sure. At least some of them. Luke and Nick for instance smell greener than the fucking forest they're in, but they appear to have escaped from a better place, something to do with that Carver.
We're going to have to deal with assholes. That's just how it is.
Luke and Pete seem alright, though, and we really don't know enough about Alvin to make any judgements about him. And in all honesty, I'm just glad we don't have to deal with someone as bad as Larry.
The other characters lives haven't been described thoroughly yet. They may have had to deal with some horrible stuff up to that point in that apocalypse that leads to some trust issues
Rebecca could be as bad as Larry. As of now I have her pegged as such and I can't think of a whole lot that would change my mind.
I don't think they "overdid" it. It's how it has to be to keep the story interesting. What if she just came across a group that were all super nice... how boring.
Because they had just survived a zombie attack which killed one of their member's mothers. And it was entirely their fault for not being careful. People who make mistakes that cost them dearly are very likely to react poorly to similar stimuli in the future. It's only practical. And you can be damned sure the way they treated Clem is far better than cops and security treat people in comparable real life situations. They were paranoid and suspicious, with good reason. Either she's a scout for the Carver guy who murders the crap out of innocent people apparently, or she's a ticking time bomb waiting to omnomnom on more members of their group.
It'd be more worrisome if they didn't have a problem at all, quite frankly. That they reacted so strongly shows that they as a group might stand a chance at surviving, and also that they aren't just going to turn Clementine into a St. John's Special.
No they did not take it too far. Lol I enjoyed episode 1 season 2 walkthrough. I will play once the ps3 season pass available . I liked the way they made the dog Bipolar . He got upset when Clem didn't give him no beans. The dog was like. ''Oh Hell naw did diz B...h! just give me a hand full of beans? ', Hell naw I want it all. I'mma have ta bite her fo it''.
If you ask Nick what happened when you eventually choose to accept his apology or not, it makes perfect sense why most of them are so paranoid. You can even sense the hesitation in Luke, your only defender, (he says "probably" at least once, if not twice) when they are talking about what to do with Clem.
The only one that seems unnecessarily hostile right now is Rebecca, and I'm sure they're going to expand on her reasons eventually.
Maybe that was because they already went through a recent situation where they took in someone who was bitten and that person turned and killed one of them. They panicked. That is not hard to understand.
P.S this is just how they doing it for the walking dead show season 4. Character developement. Next we will see how the person Clem see's developes as a character
And they did apologize for being dicks to her. They're not totally gone.
Like Tavia's group, lol
We've got the opposite situation to Larry. We have information that Rebecca would rather no one else know.
I suppose. I can just understand them creeping into the feelings of old regret. When you're struggling to survive change is dangerous. Clem is pure chaos in their eyes and every time something goes bad while she's around, she's going to get the lion's share of the blame. Group dynamics in a crisis. The doctor and Rebecca are wary of trusting Clem. How I plan on sticking up for Sarah will probably make Doc worse. Luke and Nick are probably pretty trusting of Clem, since she chose to trust them when it was less than sensible. Sarah is a mixed bag if only because we don't know enough about her.
Also, I'd forgotten about the watch. I didn't take it because one, my Clem isn't a thief (besides the medical necessities) and two, I didn't want them finding her with a stolen watch. What is the deal with the watch?
The stress of the baby and her hormones. They said something to that effect.
I dont hate on them if a stranger showed up with a bite wound I'd do the same thing. Everyone is see in playthroughs is going "oh these people are assholes" but would you really use medicine on a stranger who is likely bit by a walker. They clearly wanted to help her before that.
I wouldn't say the entire group was douchey.
Pete and Luke were both decent and friendly overall, they just happened to get overruled by the others. Alvin we don't know enough about yet, and Nick might not be as bad as he initially comes across. He does seem sincere when he apologizes to Clem at least. The only members who were outright hostile and without any redeeming qualities (yet) are Rebecca and Carlos.
True enough, but there is probably more to her than just that. It's one thing to be a dick to a little girl when she might be infected, it's another to keep it up after she has been "cleared."
I don't agree with them being dicks. That pregnant woman was the only exception, the rest reacted pretty reasonably. A bite will kill, and dead will turn; therefore no need to waste precious resources on someone who will soon be a goner. Clem's age doesn't matter at all really, because to paraphrase Rick there are no adults or kids any longer, only living and dead.
Do you read the comics? It's around 2 years into the zombie apocalypse and there are few kind characters left. The heroes are sometimes the meanest ones. They have to be, to survive.
Nick spells this out for us in the story of how he lost his mom. They trusted a new person, tried to help them, and it got his mom killed.
I think Telltale is still doing a fine job. It's over a year into the zombie apocalypse and people are wary. They've had loved ones die and have learned to be cautious, even if it's just a little girl who shows up on their doorstep with a bite. It's only natural that the people Clem meets will be even more out-of-touch with the way things used to be than those that Lee met, and rightly so.
Carlos, at his very worst, is misguided. He's what a compassionate Lee might have been without Chuck's advice; wanting so badly to preserve a little girl's innocence that he doesn't give her the tools she needs to survive on her own.
He's not entirely at fault for wanting that. Any man would want the same for his daughter. But he needs to be made to understand that the world won't support that type of thinking anymore, and that he won't be around to protect her forever.
My Clem is polite, forgiving, and quick to apologise when she does wrong; even when it's necessary for her survival as it was with stealing the medical supplies. But you'd better believe she's going to challenge Carlos' way of thinking, no matter how much it might upset him.
So if I'm to understand this correctly, the message here is that if I DON'T perceive Clem as a little girl, like Chuck told me, I'll become a savage asshole?
Phew, that's a relief. I'm glad Telltale agrees with me on Chuck's philosophy.