A topic about Sarah
How big of a impact do you think Sarah will have in the game? Her father mentioned that Sarah has a syndrome with a mental disorder. This is a new thing in video games, and how do you think she will affect the story?
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2 theories. Either way she will slowly become used to the world
Telltale can sometimes be unpredictable on their writing, so it could mean Anything. But the pinky swear was pretty suspicious in my opinion, she'd probably hold it against you in future episodes or probably just affect your relationship with her. Either way we can't be sure about that yet.
TTG will kill her. She won't survive.
There's definitely something...off...about Sarah. It could be something as innocent as Asperger's, in which case some (and I mean some) of Carlos's behaviour towards Clem is justified. On the other hand, the "pinkie swear" seemed awfully manipulative on Sarah's part.
Considering how season 2 has panned out so far, we'll probably learn Sarah tortures small animals as a hobby in the next episode.
How old is she?
Sarah is 15.
You can say no the pinky swear, Clem will say something along the lines of "I don't want to say we're friends and do something unfriendly later" which leads to believe that there will be a decision later that will cement or destroy your trust with Sarah and possibly the larger group.
She is 15 years old.
I will honestly not be suprised. I remember some people saying that they let their guard down with Sam (The Dog). Same thing could happen here.
I think her friendship with Clem is going to make Sarah leave her safe haven and she'll die.
Carlos will make Clem responsible for her death and try to kill her.
...something like that.
Sarah, to me, is the most interesting of the new characters so far. She seems so woefully incapable of surviving in the world and I'm sure that's because her father and the group have kept her as hidden as possible from it- which could really lead to her downfall later on.
Clem didn't, to me, seem at all interested in making friends with her but rather just getting her to do what she wanted. The direction that I went in with that scene made Clem seem almost manipulative of her and I think that pinky swear is going to come back to bite me in the ass.
Sarah has the potential to be a very impactful character in my opinion it's just up in the air which direction it's gonna go. But I do foresee a lot of drama related to her later on in some capacity.
Carlos could turn out like the Governor - he tries to protect his child but it backfires and he goes batshit insane.
Well I think Sarah is a "what if" character, I think she represents what Clem would have been like if Lee had only ever protected her and had not taught her how to survive and had made her part of the group not some porcelain doll who must be sheltered at all costs. I don't think there is anything mentally wrong with Sarah but in the context of a ZA she is woefully unprepared mentally and physically to survive.
Kind of agree. I could see her story playing out in many ways, some good and some bad. But she could also be the "Ben" of the group- trying to help but sorta mucking it up along the way. I do think that:
A. whether you made friends with her or not she'll try to make friends with Clem
B. Her dad isn't gonna like it either way
C. Something major will happen with her at some point- perhaps she dies, perhaps it's because of Clem, but something will happen to set her dad off. He's already got it out for Clem so it's anybody's guess at this point.
gun to my head I'd say she dies at some point, probably tragically, and somehow Carlos is going to blame it on Clem- whether justified or not.
Im not sure how "isolated" she is. Does she not know zombies exist? Or the severity of it? We see in the trailer the group looks like they leave the cabin and are obviously exposed to walkers.
Well there is the speculation that she might have some sorta mental disorder- although I'm not sure about that, but it's possible she's been in this cabin since the beginning of the outbreak (it's as good a place as any to hold up I guess), and hasn't been exposed to the sheer extent of what's going on. I think Carlos said something like "she doesn't fully know how bad it is" so she may be a little in the dark. The group might venture out in the next episode but I don't recall hearing anything that would indicate that maybe they HAVE been there forever, or at least some of them.
I didn't get a strong "mental problem" coming from her, just that she was innocent and a little too happy given what's been going on. I guess it's possible she has some sort of disorder although the only thing people seem to be drawing that from is the fact that she seems to think her and Clem are the same age which isn't too outlandish if they're only a couple years apart and Clem is a little more grown-up seeming than her.
So if it wasn't for Chuck, Clem would have died by now and would probably be a "Sarah clone"
I agree. I don't think she has a mental problem. She seemed really socially awkward, thats all.
Maybe Clem will take a bit of Chuck's role and wake Carlos up to the reality of the situation. It could make an interesting dynamic, maybe Carlos will go fetch me a bottle of whiskey when its all said and done or at least a juice box.
I don't think she will die, but i think a lot of people will die because of her...
Yes, Ben Jr.
Carlos is one of those guys who speaks softly, but carries a big fucking stick.
Dude, Clem was desperate to disinfect her arm. Any ''manipulation'' on her part can be easily forgiven as she didn't do it out of maliciousness, rather desperation. And besides, it's just a pinky swear.
I'd say she does have a mental problem. Nothing major like retardation, but definitely something approaching the autism area. As other's have speculated, maybe Asperger's.
Heh, imagine Chris-Chan surviving during the apocalypse with a group. Imagine playing as him. That would be hella funny.
Sarah in my opinion has too fates. Or at least two generally obvious ones.
She'll either remain a sheltered little innocent girl, and as result die in the later episodes.
Or she'll be taught the hard things(after her father's convinced), and perhaps she'll become another trusting/loyal companion of clementine, and a friend.
And by "friend", I don't mean a pinky swear friend. But a true friend. Like duck, only with survival knowledge and skills as well.
As for accepting or rejecting the pinky swear friendship, I still dunno whether that's the right choice or not. But I have the feeling that both people will be bitten in the ass in different ways. Telltales has a habit of putting some situations in which both choices are "wrong".
i think sarah will kill someone important to the group and some how the blame will be on clemintine
I think Telltale was setting it up that the Clem/Sarah relationship will have negative ramifications. Either Sarah will act irrationally or she will get hurt in some way that will reflect badly on Clem.
Having said that, I honestly found her to be the most compelling and interesting new character. She at least has her own agenda and personality and took actions not dictated by the group collective.
In his pants...
Only if his last name is Spicyweener.
I completely agree. I was getting bad vibes from Sarah throughout that entire scene.
Clem may have to do a lee and end up looking after Sarah. She might become our new clem?
'Just a pinky swear'? Pinky swears are the most sacred of promises, and are not to be taken lightly. sticks nose in the air and mumbles Heathen...
You could've made me sign a contract in my own blood, I still wouldn't consider it important. Unless the contract provider was Satan, then you're best off not trying to fuck him over.
Hell no! Who the hell would want to play her?