Gave up on the walking dead
This is not a release date discussion so please don't close the thread .
It is so silly to just wait for a game - sorry an Eposide of the game - which is only a 2-hour gameplay length for months ! I mean what is telltale doing ? developing a nuclear bomb or something ?
I'm pretty sure that when season 2 is complete ( which I guess it will be a year from now ) , you'll be able to play it all from the beginning and finish it in less than 10 hours .
Clearly either Telltale doesn't have the time or the money to develop a short game quickly .
So please , Make a COMPLETE game and give it a RELEASE date or don't make anything at all .
EDIT : a question that bothers me - Can Telltale Release their eposides earlier but won't ? why or why not ?
The point is , Telltale should say what's going on , if they say that they won't be able to release ep2 before Mid 2014 , that would be enough , but not saying anything at all is kinda very frustrating .
You must have hated Season 1.
No I loved it ( it's really one of the best games I've ever played ) but I waited till the whole season came out to play it all , and I wanna do the same with season 2 but I'm angry about how they keep delaying a fantastic and short game .
To me a month isn't too bad of a wait, yeah it kills me sometimes but it makes it more enjoyable. I get to drive myself crazy thinking of what is coming next episode then find out that all my predictions were totally off.
To be honest I completely agree. And before you thumbs me down or refute, let me explain.
Telltale has proven through Season 1 they don't hold up to their commitment of releasing episodes on time which is VERY frustrating.
This episode was extremely short. I actually completely forgot about the release, went on to play COD, and saw the game in the home page. I downloaded it and completed the episode (which I couldn't put down) in a hour. We wait a month if not monthS to play an hour of gameplay? Seems ridiculous
The excitement for me goes away for about a week. I mean I can't possibly check these forums everyday to see the same stupid threads over and over again. I like episodic releases because its unique but telltale has proved time and time again they can not handle it.
What they should do? Offer the 5 pack game for a higher price (say 40-50 dollars) so you can play through on one sitting. And keep the 5 dollar "multi-monthly" episodes to the fans who don't want to pay. If telltale stuck to a release date schedule (if they had dates for all the episodes) and those dates were MONTHLY I wouldn't have a problem. Sadly, those who think the next episode is coming out in January will be completely disappointed.
I doubt you can prove that...
They won't release the second eposide before at least 2 months
I feel your pain, but it has been like this in season 1, we just need to be patient... And about the episode being short, so was ep1 in season 1. I would prefer a full season all at once, but ah well, now we will get something every month ish, Wolf among us or TWDG.
Episodic adventure games are not for you. Try other games.
It's easy , If you look at the Release dates of the eposides of Season 1 , you'll know I'm right
Eposide 1 : 24 / 4 /12 ..
Eposide 2 :27 / 6 /12 ..
Eposide 3 : 29 / 8 /12 ..
Eposide 4 : 10 / 10 /12 ..
Eposide 5 : 21 / 11 /12 ..
The time between each eposide was 2 months as average ( except the time between eposides 4 and 5 , now with Telltale working on TWAU , I'd say it'll take more time than it took to make season 1
you don't get the point
You don't get the point and you don't understand the concept of episodic adventure games. I've played episodic adventure games since the 80's and i always loved this style of telling a story. I played the entire Monkey Island series and i had to wait years between chapters. If you can't wait 2 months for the next episode then this type of games are sureley not for you.
Regarding your final question (Can Telltale Release their eposides earlier but won't ? why or why not ?) has it not been announced that they wanted to wait on feedback before finalizing the next episode ?
Now I don't claim this is true, and I certainly don't know if it applies to all series/episodes, but if you ask me, it would make sense, you can already do a lot of work (graphical assets, scenario, decision branching etc.) then wait a bit to see how players reacted and fine tune your next episode.
And if the same process applies to all episodes then it might explain why there's a gap between episodes that is sometimes variable.
As a side note, based on my experience, releasing episodes means that they all have the same development lifecycle, but it does not mean they will all go smoothly, one episode can have very few bugs while another slightly more complex one might require significantly more ironing out.
All in all, I can certainly understand the frustrating nature of waiting for the next episode, but ultimately I feel that I've had what I consider more than enough entertainment out of the price I paid and I encountered next to zero bugs, so count me amongst the satisfied customers on this one
EDIT: I must admit I had missed your final sentence (or maybe it was edited after I posted, not sure), but I think I see your point a bit more clearly now.
If I understand you right here are my two cents:
I'll make it simple for you , let's say that I'm meeting you tomorrow , will you mind standing all day waiting for me ?
In other words : If I tell you that I'm meeting you tomorrow at 11 pm , even if it's late for you , you won't have to worry about the whole meeting
I see you really don't get it. The hole point to this episodic adventure games is not the game itself but the discussions between episodes, the theories where the story will go etc. This is the fun part about this type of games. I understand why some people don't like this type of games and for those people there are another 1000+ games they can play. Why did you come to a forum of a company that makes episodic adventure games if you don't like this tipe of games?
yeah I'm sorry I didn't make it clear at the beginning , waiting is ok but not saying anything about release dates and letting everyone guess for themselves is the problem
thx for the information though
Why not do the same for season 2 then... you can't complain this is how they do games. The one time they didnt with Jurassic park and it wasnt very good
You obviously do not play many games...
I say this because, apart from one other company, they all give dates, for everything, and rarely do they ever meet them. This causes even more annioyance amongst their repsective communities.
Take a choice, have them give you dates they probably will not meet....or no dates. Either way, it seems to me you're the kind of person to moan about it either way. Can't please some people.
I certainly know which method I prefer...
I think what he's getting out is the very simple notion is that Telltale will not hold up to their original obligation. They created episodic gaming to create a unique experience. It would work if they held to the timeline. But they don't.
Well best of luck to you sir/madam I'll will just be patiently waiting for the next episode of Season 2.
They said they'll relase new episode every 4-6 weeks. That's about one month and something. Not two months.
If you don't like the episodic release format, then wait until the game is completely finished, which will take at least another 6 months.
Don't you see that good things take long time? If they rushed the game and released everything in 1 month you wouldn't be standing here right now saying that Season 1 was great, quite the opposite, actually. Give them the time to develop the game and make it the Game of the Year.
Do you guys think telltale actually has the episodes made already? I have to think they do. Thats another frustrating idea that they have them all made right now! besides potentially tuning them up, they know how the story will end and they don't take anything we say into consideration (not saying they should but there are some heavily popular ideas that they never add)
I just don't understand why they can't put them all out for a jacked up sale. I guarantee almost all of us would buy it at 50 dollars right now. You may think you wouldn't but when everyonee else is spoiling it or reviewing it you will.
Telltale isn't giving a release date for Ep. 2-5 because even they don't know when it'll be out. They're still working on it.
they do that so if they stuff up the first episode they can add new things into episdode 2 to make it better
Paying 23 bucks for 5*2 hours of an interactive movie seems to be a reasonable price for me. Only the time between the releases is kinda long.
Oh I definitely agree. COD campaigns takes about 4 hours and you pay 60 bucks for that (obviously multiplayer is different but otherwise he campaign is shorter) This game is extremely fairly priced but I rather pay more if it means the quality of release dates becomes better.
The bonus of releasing games in episodes is so they can look at player feedback. They can look at what people liked and disliked then work on that. It can really improve the game and the experience, I think that season 1 would be completely different if it was a full game, it would also seem out of place if time leaps were happening but overall it gives them more time to develop and deliver a better more finished game.