Anyone else worried about the quality of future episodes?

Telltale has to work on TWAU and now borderlands and game of thrones games. Can any of this affect TWD in some way?
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Telltale has to work on TWAU and now borderlands and game of thrones games. Can any of this affect TWD in some way?
Too many projects, will definetly affect the employees sex life. I have faith in telltale tho.
Each game get's his time schedule.TWAU got it and they released it earlier then TWD then when TWAU was out they focused on TWD.when they announced on the other 2 games they were almost done with TWD. so i imagine the order will go like this in their schedule
TWAU (since its been a while since an episode came out)
TWD (released after TWAU and they dont want it to be like it with the 2 months waiting for episode)
Borderlands game
Games Of Throne
Well, the quality of The Walking Dead already went straight down the drain at the beginning of season 2.
Sigh Yes, I am kind of worried, TBH. I didn't hate the episode, but it did seem a tad weaker than last season's episodes in various aspects. Then again, I find myself forgetting what I did like of it because of comments like the one above me.
Quality, no. Timely releases, yes
I don't think so because I don't think they're going to officially start working on TftB and GoT until TWD S2 and TWaU are both completed.
Most likely Season 2 is already written out for the most part and all they're doing now is editing it or writing the later episodes. Maybe when Season 3 (if) arrives they might start rushing it, but I'm pretty sure Walking Dead will go on a little hiatus when S2 is complete.
Yeah you hated the episode. We get it.
at first i didnt like s2e1 but after a while it grew on me i thought why is this ?
its probably down to loosing lee and being clem we arnt looking after anyone and we have nothing keeping us going i think this will change as it goes on remember how bad the writting was in s1e1 but then picked up in s1e2
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