Is Carver who I think he is!?...
I don't know who you guys think Carver is... but to me he looks scarily close in apperance to Vince from 400 Days! It's probably me, but his hair style and facial hair look similar to Vince's... If it is Vince, that'll be cool!
BTW, the image is on the slide for Episode 2...
Who do you guys think Carver is?
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How do we know thats carver in the pic?
The new guy we seen in epiode 2 trailer
Hmm... I think that was a bad picture to use... Here's a better version...
I believe that guy with the binoculars is Carver as he covers a lot of the image...
He looks more like Vince with a haircut. Though I am curious to see how 400 days will eventually tie in.
for comparison:
I don't think they're the same tbh, the hair is similar but not the same and from the looks of things Carvers hair is brown not black.
It looks like the nose and chin are shaped differently. Carver's face doesn't look as round, either. I don't think they are the same character.
They're pulling another Nick- why else wouldn't they show his eyes?
Maybe Carver is Nate's last name
Vince brother
I actually think Vince is Glenn's brother. In the comic Glenn mentions before the outbreak he was in debt and Vince mentions he helped his brother out of debt. Connection? I think so!
I thought he killed his brother... As in the person he shot at the beginning...
No, Vince did it because he helped his brother out by killing him.
Maybe its Kenny, wouldn't that be a kicker
That's what I meant, he help by killing him.
like pulling a plug of a terminal Ill person.
everyone's talking about Vince but who is the girl on the right? Am I missing something?
Is that a women? Don't mean to sound crass but that is a pretty flat-chested women.
haha yh fair point, but who exactly is it? doesn't look like the pregnant lady and no one else in the cabin group in my opinion
If the 400 days characters even do tie in... I hope they do but they might not.
The guy who Vince kills doesn't want to be shot; before Vince kills him he's begging for mercy.
Nah, it's just a guy with long hair.
It's not Rebecca (the bitch ), just another bandit/person in Carver's group (If it is Carver).
In the "Next Time On The Walking Dead" thing at the end of episode 1 it shows Carver opening the door. They have the same haircut and jacket. It might not be him, but I'm pretty sure it is.
The guy Vince shot says he didn't even know Vince's brother. Kind of strange for Vince's brother to not know himself, don't you think?
Im sure Carver is the man from the EP2 Slide. If it turns out he's not Carver, im going to automatically assume its Nate's last name.
Oh and here's another theory, what if Carvers first name is Steve(from Russel's story). Think about it, Russel's group were 7:
A dad who had a daughter about the age of Russel(perhaps Carlos and Sarah? She is 15 and Russel is 19-early twenties).
One guy who used to be a cop(My bet is on Luke).
A teacher and his wife - Alvin and Rebecca? Alvin looks like a teacher to me.
Pete, Nick and Pete's sister could've joined after they kicked out Steve Carver, he found himself another group and now they're at "war".
What do you guys think?
@Neckrocop that is an EXCELLENT theory my friend. Alvin does kinda look like a teacher! Although you are missin ONE PART: Remember Russel said that they killed someone because seven was lucky number soooooo Carlos, Sarah, Rebeca, Alvin, Luke, Nick. Well there are 6 WITH RUSELL ITS 7 AND WITH STEVE IS 8. There is a flaw there dude
Did Russell mention the name Steve? Because I don't remember that... otherwise, great theory.
Sounds really good.
So you discard Nick from your list (why isn't Pete on your list?), and have seven people...
He said it