Season 1 save still become a random season 2 save file

edited December 2013 in Game Support

I'm playing on PS3 just so you know.

When i went to import my save file from season 1 of the walking dead to season 2 it worked at last but then when I had imported my save file and played it it was completely different from my season 1 save. In the intro when it's "previously on the walking dead" it wasn't what was on my save file. Lee was killing the farmers from episode 2 from season 1 and was very rude to Clem even though in my save from season 1 I did the complete opposite.

Then i tried again and this time it's was still different but with other differences.

I don't know what's happening, any help?


  • TelltaleMikeTelltaleMike Former Telltale Staff

    I apologize for the inconvenience. If you've ever used rewind and made changes, then those choices may have been overwritten by your other choices. Have you completed all of the episodes in Season 1, or just part of the episodes? If the latter is true, it may be randomizing the choices because the episode was not completed.

  • Im having the same issue played straight through completed all episodes I did not go back and make changes do u know whats wrong? Also the game found my save file it said 400 days which is where I left off please help

    I apologize for the inconvenience. If you've ever used rewind and made changes, then those choices may have been overwritten by your other cho

  • TelltaleMikeTelltaleMike Former Telltale Staff
    edited December 2013

    If you are on PS3, please make sure you have all of the episodes fully completed and that you watch the credits all the way through, because sometimes if you skip them the game will not save your completed episodes. Also, if it found your save file, is it asking you to generate random saves or is it giving you a different pop up? Please explain your issue in as much detail as you can in order for me to assist you further.

    Jessie17 posted: »

    Im having the same issue played straight through completed all episodes I did not go back and make changes do u know whats wrong? Also the game found my save file it said 400 days which is where I left off please help

  • edited December 2013

    Im on PC the game tells me it found my file so I click on the data so I can continue then it shows previously on the walking dead and it shows all the things I did in Season 1 but some of the choices it shows I did none of it like for example I killed one of the St. John's with the pitch pork and in the game it shows me I did not. Another example it shows me lee chained up at the end of ep.5 In my choice I did not chain him up. Also I did watch all cut scenes throughout ep.1 all the way to 400days

    If you are on PS3, please make sure you have all of the episodes fully completed and that you watch the credits all the way through, because s

  • please help if u cant I will be willing to wait until a patch comes out

    If you are on PS3, please make sure you have all of the episodes fully completed and that you watch the credits all the way through, because s

  • Im going to re-install will check back

  • I re-installed it did not work hopefully a patch will come out for this

  • TelltaleMikeTelltaleMike Former Telltale Staff

    We have reports of a few users saying that those specific choices are not showing up for them. We are currently looking into the issue, I apologize for the inconvenience.

  • thank you very much hopefully patch will come out soon :) cant wait

    We have reports of a few users saying that those specific choices are not showing up for them. We are currently looking into the issue, I apologize for the inconvenience.

  • TelltaleMikeTelltaleMike Former Telltale Staff

    Can you please also tell me what other choices are different other than the St. Johns choice and the chained up choice? any information you can provide will aid us in finding a solution. Thank you.

    Jessie17 posted: »

    thank you very much hopefully patch will come out soon cant wait

  • edited December 2013

    another scene is before the end of season 1 ep.5 when your talking to the guy that is holding Clem hostage it shows me leaping forward into him and dropping him out the chair and choking him when I did not do that at all I let Clem hit him with a bottle and I fought with him then I choked him and then shot him.

    it does shows some my choices like telling Clem to meet up with Omid & Christa put there are some scenes missing I cant point em all out tho I wished I could

    Can you please also tell me what other choices are different other than the St. Johns choice and the chained up choice? any information you can provide will aid us in finding a solution. Thank you.

  • TelltaleMikeTelltaleMike Former Telltale Staff

    Thank you for the information, apologies for the inconvenience.

    Jessie17 posted: »

    another scene is before the end of season 1 ep.5 when your talking to the guy that is holding Clem hostage it shows me leaping forward into hi

  • I'm on the PS3 as well and I've encountered the same issue. I played through season 1 as well as 400 days without rewinding once. I want to add that another scene that did not match my actions was I believe a scene in the episode where you are trapped in the pharmacy and Clem is being attacked by a crawling zombie. I failed to save her in my actual save ( I think Carly shoots the zombie), but the scene that is shown instead is Lee kicking the zombie's head in. Other differences were with the St. Johns and the stranger.

    I did have an issue when I first installed 400 days where it wasn't detecting my season 1 saves either. I don't think 400 days is the issue though, since I tested another save where I had only completed up to episode 4 and it still gave me the same incorrect choices.

  • edited December 2013

    Want to add that I'm also someone who's getting my S1 recap showing me that I spared Danny when I didn't (I killed him but not Andy), therefore the subsequent talk with Clem after the event is also different, and that it's not quite accurately showing me fighting Campman (Clem hit him with a bottle, then Lee took out his cleaver and lunged at him; in the recap it only shows Lee lunging for Campman), though the latter probably isn't a big deal in the S2 repercussions area, especially since it does accurately show that Clem killed Campman with the gun. I'm really just concerned that S2 thinks I spared Danny. This is for the Xbox 360.

    Thank you for the information, apologies for the inconvenience.

  • I have a somewhat similar problem with the game considering game save files. I have completed season 1 and was successfully imported onto season 2. The intro cutscene recap played and everything seemed to be right. Didn't kill Danny, took supplies from the car, let Clem come to Crawford and it showed Lee with both arms still intact. The problem is later when Clem and Luke are talking at the table and brings up the bite on her arm saying "Scars look better than a stump" then Clem is silent then says "I knew a friend who lost an arm". Now this is extremely confusing as i assume she's talking about Lee and i didn't even hack off his arm. It even showed that in the intro cutscene. So i don't know of this is a glitch or that their's someone I've forgotten where I chopped off their arm. Ive replayed the episode 3 times using the same import and nothing changes.

  • I am on the PC and it didn't load any of my choices from what I can tell. I killed the St. Johns, was nothing but nice to Clem, and (minor problem) I kept Lee's arm on at S1:Ep5. I know TTG is hard at work on something to fix it so I'm not worried. I'll replay the episode over and over, it's that good lol. Though, at some point, I (as well as my fellow gamers) would love a fix please. Thanks :D

  • Im having the same issue on the xbox360....I played through season 1 and 400 days completely and when I started season two the season 1 review was different from what I had played.

  • TelltaleMikeTelltaleMike Former Telltale Staff

    We have heard of some users saying that their choices do not match up, we are currently looking into the situation, I apologize for the inconvenience.

  • Much appreciated.

    We have heard of some users saying that their choices do not match up, we are currently looking into the situation, I apologize for the inconvenience.

  • Playing on an iPad air. My choices also look different.

    Though many are the same, I did not spare the first St. Cloud brother's life and I answered Clemintine straight, that yes they are dead.

    I deleted all my other season 1 saves in case they were interfering, and I deleted and restarted my season 2 game, with the same issue.

    I want to wait to play until this is fixed, so I want to know if this is something you are actively working on and, if so, where should we look for news of the correction?


    We have heard of some users saying that their choices do not match up, we are currently looking into the situation, I apologize for the inconvenience.

  • i cant even get my walking dead season one to save at all. if i die or quit it says new game and i deleted EVERYTHING. i WILL NOT buy season 2 if i cannot have the story the way I WANT it to be. help anyone?

  • DjNDBDjNDB Moderator

    If you're playing on Mac or PC please follow the instructions to run the TWD Support Tool and post the download link to the resulting "" or "" to your next reply in this thread.

    i cant even get my walking dead season one to save at all. if i die or quit it says new game and i deleted EVERYTHING. i WILL NOT buy season 2 if i cannot have the story the way I WANT it to be. help anyone?

  • nope, xbox 360.

    DjNDB posted: »

    If you're playing on Mac or PC please follow the instructions to run the TWD Support Tool and post the download link to the resulting "" or "" to your next reply in this thread.

  • DjNDBDjNDB Moderator

    I don't know much about consoles. I suggest you post about your issue in the xbox support forum.

    nope, xbox 360.

  • edited December 2013

    Thought I would add that I'm having the same issue. Full details below (with season 1 choice spoilers)

    I play on Xbox 360 - I've completed Season 1 and 400 Days without replaying or skipping credits

    I purchased the Walking Dead Season 2 Season Pass

    When the season pass didn't automatically download episode 1, I decided to download the episode 1 demo

    After realising the season pass didn't entitle me to Episode 1 (this is on 360 only apparently), I downloaded the full version of episode 1

    I went to launch episode 1, but noticed that on the dashboard it was still showing up as a demo and not the full paid episode

    Afraid of running into save issues (exactly like this one), I deleted episode 1 and downloaded again. (haven't actually run the game yet)

    Episode 1 downloads again, and this time shows up as the full paid game. I now run it for the first time.

    Start a new game, scan for existing savegame, select it (there's only one, it shows season 1 and 400 days as complete)

    'Previously on walking dead' - shows me sparing a guy with a pitchfork when actually I killed him, shows a different encounter with the antagonist of episode 5 than I recall, shows the version of the end of episode 5 where Clem just walks away (in mine she fired a gun at the end), and doesn't show anything about 400 days

    I hope this information is useful... please keep us updated, I guess I'll hold off on playing until it's patched. Not the first time I've had to do that with this series : /

  • edited December 2013

    Ugh, apologies for the wall of text. I had written out all of the repro steps on separate lines, but it seems to have condensed itself into a big splat.
    EDIT: Reformatted original post, hopefully should be legible now.

    DeletedSave posted: »

    Thought I would add that I'm having the same issue. Full details below (with season 1 choice spoilers) I play on Xbox 360 - I've completed

  • edited December 2013

    Hello. I have Just purchased season 1 on Steam before reading about all the save issues. I have just signed up to the forum to voice my issues.
    I played through the 1st episode and my stats were all correct apart from being "honest to herschel." The stats showed I was honest to him, but I lied to him so that one stat is wrong.

    I have just been reading about these save issues from an 18 month old forum. Has it not been fixed in all this time? If I am going to invest my money (I was about to buy season 2) I need to know if this issue is going to be 100% fixed by the developers. Can anyone confirm?
    If it will be fixed I will wait it out, If not I will contact steam for a refund.

    Edit. I turned off Steam cloud saves for this game. I have just completed episode 2 and so far my stats are correct.

  • Mike, people have been complaining about this for several months now. It's not just a few users..

    I'm on a PC,
    My OS is W7 Home, 64 bit, Danish version.
    I have an administator account.
    I have disabled UAC.

    I ran your diagnostic tool and here's my log file:

    We have reports of a few users saying that those specific choices are not showing up for them. We are currently looking into the issue, I apologize for the inconvenience.

  • not sure if you guys have marked this one down as 'resolved fixed' already in your database but if so Reopen that bad boy please!

    just bought the game for ps3, and none of my choices from season 1 have carried over.

    played through season 1 completely, not skipping, screwing around or rewinding. just one solid play though.
    then bought and played the 400 days DLC thing to completion ( I suspect this is what is screwing things up with the save file)

    bought season 2 of walking dead, it detected my season 1 save file, which it detected as '400 days'

    showed the previously on walking dead footage, and it's all completely wrong. the ultimate insult being my Lee left alone chained up to turn and then starve to death.

    I'll leave EP1 alone for now in hope that you fix it. though if 400 days has just overwritten all my season 1 choices then I suspect the only fix is to play through season 1 again :S Glad I didn't order the entire season 2! no plans to play random clem with random history

  • arkadaşlar ben satın aldım oyunu kurdum ama benden e posta ve şifre istedi sonra girdim oyun kendi kendine kapandı açtım tekrar e posta istedi girdim kabul etmedi oyunu açamıyorum telltale yardım et bu e mail neyin nesi

  • I to buy n received Does the game installed, but e-mail me and s password asked for input after the game shuts off by itself opened been asked again entered did not accept e-mail I open the game review telltale yard Does not help what's this e-mail I mail

  • Yep, this is definitely still an active problem. Choices made in S1 are not being carried over into S2, even when the save files are (supposedly) loaded correctly! Am trying to be patient, but would love an update on this Telltale...

  • bana server email lazım yardım edin bana bir email verin 1 yıldır bu oyunu oynamak için bekliyordum lütfen yardım

  • I need an email server please help me give me an email first years I've been waiting to play this game please help

  • TelltaleMikeTelltaleMike Former Telltale Staff

    If you are having an issue with the game, and would like to talk to our Support Staff, please email for further assistance.

    I need an email server please help me give me an email first years I've been waiting to play this game please help

  • telltale cevap vermiyor email istiyor help

  • I also have this issue on PC. It shows a picture with Lee's arm cut off, when I kept it. Also, I tried reloading a few times, and every time there was something different going on in the previously on Walking Dead part. Like it's randomly picking choices for me even though I choose a save file from season 1.
    Here is my support data.

  • I've had this problem too. Intro shows everything right, but then the table scene references Lee having his arm chopped off and Clem killing him (I didn't chop his arm off in Season 1, and had Clem leave him chained at the end.) Did you ever find a solution for this problem?

  • I played through season 1 and 400 fully, I checked the stats on season 1 and it's the stats for my play through but for some reason on season 2 it randomized it to something else

  • TelltaleMikeTelltaleMike Former Telltale Staff

    I apologize for the inconvenience. Can you please clarify which of your choices were randomized?

    campy1996 posted: »

    I played through season 1 and 400 fully, I checked the stats on season 1 and it's the stats for my play through but for some reason on season 2 it randomized it to something else

This discussion has been closed.