Why is everyone saying that killing **** is good?
I mean, even when it tried to attack me and kiil me, i still felt sad for the dog. Why would people kill it. Its the other way around. You dont kill it and show him mercy instead of killing him by cutting HIS THROAT! I just cant do it. Tell me a reason why you did it
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He would end up dying in pain. So I put him out of his misery. It felt like the right thing to do.
The dog was just trying to survive true, both it and Clem were hungry but it shouldn't have attacked clem imo, I ended up having mercy and putting it out of it's misery but I sat there for a good couple of seconds considering letting it suffer (because I'm a sick bastard of course)
He dies quicker instead off suffering in pain stuck in spikes??
Clem would put him out of his misery by killing him. Opposed to bleeding out slowly in excruciating pain...
Yeah killing him is the right thing to do.
So mercy is letting it suffer in pain for hours due to impalement instead of killing it quickly with no pain ? That's messed up.
After it fell on the spikes its wounds were fatal, if you left it there it would have died anyway, but in pain and more slowly. would you want someone to leave you impaled on spikes to die a slow and painful death?
As for the Dog's actions, it was natural in my opinion, for one he was starving you can see how skinny he is.. second he has likely been alone for ages and Clem was the first human he has seen in a long time. So he has gone a little wild, when clem tries to take his food away he snaps like any wild animal would.
It's because they all feel bad for Sam, because he's just a poor, innocent dog trying to survive. If you loved Sam (before he went nuts), then help save Sam! http://www.telltalegames.com/community/discussion/54604/petition-save-sam
Kill him quickly or let him die slowly and agonizingly. Im not even a dog person and I thought that choice was clear. I put him down.
I'm sorry but you may have bit seen the dog bleeding to death and dying no one really did it out of anger it was done out of pure mercy because I didn't want the dog to slowly and painfully die.
I don't think the people who either felt no mercy, felt anger towards the dog, or left it there to die in pain have a dog. I couldn't listen to that poor thing whimper like that. It bit me for food because its an anima. . . as would any animal. That scene was the most emotional for me because of my love for dogs.
I let it suffer.
No one fucks with my Clem.
There was only one real solution to that choice. Had to end the dogs suffering. It was dead already but would have suffered for a while if you didn't end it.
Dude, you kill him to put him out of his misery. Letting him suffer till he dies is horrible!
Kenny did the same thing to Ben when he was impaled on some spikes and dying slowly didn't he....
So you think leaving a dog impaled on two tent posts lying on its side, whimpering in pain, is the right thing to do? What the hell is wrong with you?
100% off topic but OP's avatar just reminded me of Sam & Max.
The dog's name was also Sam.
I feel stupid for not making the connection.
Look if we can't post in your dictatorship thread on a petition to save a dog then you can't keep advertising it elsewhere
Theres no real reason to leave the dog on those posts unless your a bit messed up
Your not wasting any supplies (the one reason I could see for not putting down Lee)
Either you feel for the dog and want to save it pain
You feel angry at the dog and consider it a threat so you kill it
Yeah I don't like seeing anyone or anything suffer so I put it out of its misery.
I'm one of the few that's on the fence about giving the dog food at all, but I saw no reason to leave it to bleed out.
It would die anyway by slow and painful death. I ended his misery.
Blessed are the merciful, for they shall receive mercy./ dog wanted blood
So speak and so act as those who are to be judged under the law of liberty. For judgment is without mercy to one who has shown no mercy
Judge not, and you will not be judged; condemn not, and you will not be condemned; forgive, and you will be forgiven.
clem would do both options
life's messed up
My opinion is if i tried to murder someone in cold blood, and was bested; i wouldnt expect mercy nor deserve it.
"we must never treat any part of God’s creation with contempt." animals are people too
Never trust a dog.
The Son bitch nearly killed my Clemmy, I felt like leaving it to suffer but I decided to mercy kill it because I felt Clem hasn't become that cold.......YET.
I trust a dog more than i trust a human,because humans are the worst kind that lives!!!
No, he shot him.
Those who said it was justified did the right thing. The dog was just as hungry as clem was so why, despite what the dog did, would you allow it to suffer? I chose to put the dog out of it's misery simply for the fact that the dog was obviously just as hungry and reacted instinctively. Do not forget that the dog is an animal and after being in the wild alone like that it changes you. If you were in her shoes and it were a person would you just walk away while they pleaded for you to end their life so they didn't have to lay there in excruciating pain, all the while remembering what they did to survive? I feel for you if you would choose to leave them behind without doing them a justice.
some would say sam simply got the reward for what he tried to do,* instinct or not, it was a choice*; and that its not clems obligation to condemn any further.
Condemn the fault, and not the actor of it!
Sorry either way it didnt seem right. I didnt want to leave him there but he was going to die anyways. Either ways i walked away because i figured that he was dead anyways and as Lee said: "Killing people changes you" so i just left. Aint i right? And Sam bitted me. So he got what was coming to him. But he didnt deserve that!
Ok sure....Kenny's shoots Ben, Clem cuts Sam's neck. Details are different but the idea behind both is the same: it's a mercy kill so that the person/animal doesn't die slowly or get eaten alive.
A) sam Bit you not Bitted
I think the details are the most important part of mercy killing
Yeah. I won't very get a dog it's so sad when they die. ;(
Clem put the dog down that was the right thing to do in her eyes at the time
Im sure as we progress with her the hard decisions will change her and how others see her
It will be sad to see her humanity lost in stages.
Dave 8-)
Personally, I didnt give a crap about having to kill the dog.. It attacked, Clem was fighting for survival then showed some compassion to not let it suffer.
I mentioned in another thread that I have worked for years at Guide Dogs for the Blind and own my own dog grooming business.. Dog's are my life..
But, if I were to ever have a dog truely attack me (i dont mean a simple bite because he doesnt like being groomed) I mean a full out attack, I would use anything and do anything to defend myself and the idea of putting tho dog out of it's misery, while it may be the humane thing to do, All I thought about with Clem is if she get's that close to the dog impaled on the tent stakes, she's risking another bite.
My origional play through, I killed the dog.. My second, I left it alone. I realize in this world, it's that nasty thing we call compassion that's going to get more people killed. Remember when Lee and Kenny were out looking for supplies and they saw the woman running into the street surrounded by walkers. I decided even before the discussion that I would let her die and not shoot her. She was distracting the zombies, giving Kenny and Lee more time to gather supplies for their group. If I chose the side of compassion and shot her, we would have less time, get less supplies. Being nice to others is the quickest way to seal your own doom! Call me terrible, call me heartless.. I will accept it all while I am still alive!