Just out of curiousity, which people chose to save Danny instead of Justin in 400 days?
Everyone says Justin was better.... actually for me, Justin was insane (not a maniac) and Danny was more sane. Danny even had a better relationship with Vince. Who of these did you choose and why?
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a rapist was more sane than a conman? I don't understand your logic,I think danny is quite an asshole since the beggining by annoying both vince & justin with the chain
I dont know...... Danny just seemed sane. He wanted to call his gf and stuff. I guess i felt sad for him instead of Justin. And that Danny actually stood up not like Justin. Danny could be a rapist but that doesnt matter in a zombie apocalypse
same thing can be said to justin,or even vince,nobody cares who they were during the apocalypse,justin is smart,he also use his common sense,unlike danny who tend to be naive,he even recklessly called a person that has been zombified,that's not the type of person I want to accompany during zombie apocalypse
I think that matters. He may feel guilty and want to redeem himself but in a world with no more law he could easily be tempted to do it again. Even if he doesn't want to. I'd take Justin any day. He could come up with good plans from his crimes yet he can't exactly financially break people these days if Vince doesn't keep an eye on him, unlike what rapist Danny could do
Well gotta agree there. Justin IS smart, afterall he was a con man. But my instincts told me that Danny had a more Nate-Kinda-Maniac personality. So i chose it to have fun!
You have a point there. Remember that Russel said that Shel and Becca were lucky Danny got killed. Well....... dont you guys think...... Danny and Clem had an incident. No jokes
It sucks. I want to like Danny because of how selfless he is on the prison bus and how guilty he seems, but he seems to keep switching between "I was falsely accused" and "She wanted it" from what I remember
I KNOW! Although i KINDA believe Danny. Justin just....... I dont know. Either way Danny is my way to go!
I did a blind play through on 400 days, and I chose the rapist (Confused what his name is.) for the sole reason that he seemed like the stronger person in an apocalypse of any kind. He was strong and wasn't afraid to speak his mind when the prisoner was being choked.
@That_One_Guy EXACTLY MY THOUGHTSSS! Justin was like: "Let the guards deal with it" probably if Vince is dying he will just say: "See ya" gotta save my skin. BUT DANNY I CAN KNOW HE WILL PAY THE DEBT FOR LETTING HIM LIVE
He seems like one of the most selfless and loyal characters so far, only Vince would need to keep his eye on him around others. I suppose provided Vince makes sure he doesn't try anything he could be a great friend. Justin on the otherhand seems less likely to try anything weird but also less trustworthy as a friend
I replayed that decision lots in case it affects S2 but it's still one I can't say I made the right decision with
I choose Danny because he seemed like a generally good guy and like somebody, who'd have my back whereas Justin seemed to be more in favor of his own skin. Not to mention Justin admitted he was guilty but there still a chance Danny didn't do it.
Thats exactly why i made the thread. My natural decision was Danny. Although I KNOW that Clem and Danny will meet and Danny will try something one her, it may help Clem or someone. Theres a saying that says: "The longest risk pays the best"
Yeah, probably Justin will leave Vince or anyone behind to save his own skin
Russel mentions he did something weird though
I picked Justin & let Danny become zombie chow.
Agreed. I saved Justin for my S2 save when they revealed we'll be playing as Clem. If we were playing as Lee, Vince or any adult then we could try to keep Danny in line. As Clem though it's too risky that NPC Vince or other NPCs won't be there or won't be good enough
Great minds think alike! Although i will stay with Danny. It will be so fun to smahsh his head if he tries to pull something out
Yeah he does. Weird. Should have to do with Clem. Probably we ( the players) will have to kill him
I wonder if it was actually some kind of mistake. That'd suck. I'm expecting him to try something now but if he was legit trying to help or something and someone just assumed it was the opposite... That'd be the kind of thing Telltale would do
i think i save justin ... Don't really remember
Yeah TellTale is probably trying to make us think that to just put the opposite. Atleast as Clem, we know that if we see Danny, we know how it might go
I always just took that to him just commenting on what Danny was sentenced for when he said it was a good thing he died before Shell and Becca joined. I could be wrong though.
I think I chose Danny the first runthough because I thought he sounded guilty for what he did. But then I remembered that he raped somebody so I replayed it. I don't care how guilty you sound, if you raped somebody, you're getting shot in the foot. I'd rather have a sadistic conman on the loose than a rapist.
I saved Danny. As a person, I just think he would be more loyal and nice to have around in an apocalypse.
I don't understand why people based who they killed on their past crime.
I mean, Lee was a murderer wasn't he? But you proved throughout season 1 that the past doesn't matter; the present matters.
You do know what a conman is right
I had to go with Justin because I felt more comfortable running with a conman then a rapist. And the fact that Danny seemed reckless.
If Danny was a rapist in a world without laws, then yes I'd consider his crimes. If Vince lets him come with who knows how tempted Danny could be out there. What's Justin going to do? Run away? Scam someone? Better than Danny raping. Lee acted on impulse from rage in the heat of the moment. That's different to letting sexual desire force yourself on someone
I agree. But in the long run for me, i chose Danny because he maybe a rapist but I think like the character that i play and for me, Vince doesnt give a shit about the past, just to survive
...yes, why?
Lee was a murderer before the apocalypse.
Did he 'murder' someone again? Not in my opnion, no. Certainly not in my playthrough.
So why would those 2 repeat their crimes?
I based my choice on personality. And Danny dies with us, and Justin abandons you after you save his life.
Saved Justin because I'd rather be with a con man than a man that's waiting for me to drop the soap.
In my first and main playthrough I saved Danny and I stand by it. Despite being a rapist, he was better than Justin in all regards considering honesty, loyalty, and street smarts. For Vince, he was the better companion. However... I sure hope he doesn't come back in this season because I don't necessarily want him around Clem.
Both crimes are horrible but I said, Lee committed murder in the heat of the moment and clearly regrets it. What Danny did isn't a heat of the moment reaction and isn't worth the risk if he ever met Clem or anyone else. I never condemned anyone else for choosing Danny. I stated my reasons for deciding not to risk trusting him. If for instance we played as Danny I'd trust him, or if we played as Vince or Lee to keep an eye on him
I chose Danny.
Yes, he's a rapist, but I feel more "safe" with him. Justin seems for sane but Danny looked like he could be a better partner, and survive longer.
This is ironic since he died.
Because of some of the things Justin and Danny said, and then because of what Russell said, I believe Danny committed statutory rape. I don't think he forced himself on anyone. I think he slept with a willing teenager, which is still quite fucked up, so I picked Justin in my first play through and Danny in my second.
Oh, ok.
This sums up my decision to choose Danny. While I don't condone his crime, Danny is friendlier, more moral, and much more trustworthy than Justin. I would never put him within 30 feet of Clem though. I take Justin as a person that would betray you and not feel any guilt or remorse over it. That makes him much more dangerous as a traveling companion.
Totally agree!
I guess it doesn't even matter if you choose Danny because he died somewhere between when he escaped the bus with Vince and before Tavia appeared. You're playing as Clementine 16 months after Omid dies, 16*30= 480 days so it's impossible for him to rape her except for if Danny meets her and Christa within this timespan.