Who I think clementine is talking about (Episode 2 preview)

Hey guys. I haven't been on this forum for a while, and recently played S2 episode one.
After choosing who I wanted to save, it shows me the episode 2 preview. What was intresting was that last part, where clementine (with a bit of a grim expression) says "I thought you were dead"

Alot of speculation is going around saying it's Kenny and Lilly and what not, but who is it to say it's not somebody Clementine and Christa met within their 16 months? It is a large time gap, after all.


  • Bump Any thoughts about this?

    Oh and by the way, somebody is apparently hacking into telltale files and kenny is going to be in episode 2 according to the files.

  • Alt text

    Bump Any thoughts about this? Oh and by the way, somebody is apparently hacking into telltale files and kenny is going to be in episode 2 according to the files.

  • Nah, I don't think it's someone they've met during the 16 months, we would have already been introduced to them. I don't think it's Christa either because Clem doesn't yet know if she's dead or not. We were still searching for her, right? It could be Kenny I guess but I'm not so sure...

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