Ugh... I don't like this new group.

Where have good characters gone to?! I was so excited to meet a new group but when I started playing, I was truly disappointed! Every character in season one (maybe except Larry) was likeable. But now... Ugh.
I wish there were decent females too. Rebecca? What a bitch. I miss Carley so much:/
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You see, you judge too fast. Actually they are not SO good because it only episode 1 besides i think Luke, Pete, and Alvin are amazibg and totally have my trust! The best is Luke. He reminds me of Lee. But there always has to be a bitch (Rebbeca) and Nick is kinda do then think dumb guy. And Carlos, well he is overprotective and that pretty much sumarizes it!
I liked everyone (except Larry) in the first episode and it didn't change much, really. I know it's not gonna change now.
i agree with JandroMan. There are some characters that are likable. There might not be as many as in season 1, but it's more realistic that in a random group, there are as many assholes as there are nice people.
Luke sat with Clem and listened to her story about Lee. That makes him great in my books. He and Pete sticking up for Clem is very likable. It could change easily
I think that these new guys will get more fleshed out in the next Episode. One thing Episode 1 really lacked was the chance to get to know these people, making them seem uninteresting to us. Personally, though, I'm interested to see what happens between Nick and Pete later on (assuming Pete survives), and what Alvin will do once the he knows the kid isn't his.
I don't really care about any of the others at this point.
I mentioned before that choices will be somewhat similer too season 1
and they were.
The group also seems to be similer to season 1.
You got the agressive "defending his daughter, you're the worstest piece of shit" - Larry "Typea guy"
The "Everyone has to listen to me now or you're an asshole" Kenny "typea guy"
The "Innocent" Child Duck "typea guy"
So on and so forth.
If you still dont believe me, compare the last choice of S1 Ep1 to S2 Ep1
and still tell me there's no similarities in choices..
he THREW clementine (a 11 year old girl) to the ground! there's no way he's gonna redeem himself! at least, not so fast.
Damn, you're right...
She was bitten. And if it weren't for him and Pete, Clem would be dead anyway so I think we can give him a pass on the knee jerk reaction. He seemed like a genuinely nice guy and was actually more likable to me than any of the survivors in the first episode of Season 1 (minus Clem and Lee, of course). He's pretty much the "Carley" of the new group, only probably not so bad with batteries.
Its two years into the apocalypse and trust is slow to come. Give the characters a chance. There were at least three likable characters that I saw, Pete, Luke, maybe Sarah and even Alvin as bullied as he was by his wife, is a nice guy.
Nick was just sad because his mom was bit and died. He apologized.
Alvin is nice if you go to his window and funny.
Luke cares about us and he's nice.
Pete also cares about us and trusts us.
Carlos can trust us but can also be rude.
Rebecca is a bitch yeah.
And Sarah wants to be are friend.
So you have your facts all wrong only 1 or 2 of them are rude...
luke he dont remind me of lee sorry
Well, what would you do if you saw that the person you were carrying had been bitten? I think his reaction was understandable enough, so I'm giving him a mulligan on this one. He's pretty cool for the rest of the episode.
Thats what you consider irredeemable?
I like 'em. They are written pretty well. But maybe I miss there nice woman, too
From shock. Its not like he had time to consider her. You realise you're holding someone who could've been bit who knows how long ago You'll probably freak out
Luke and Pete are okay. I guess that most of them will be killed off anyway. Hopefully some of the 400 days characters will appear instead as they're a bit more likeable.
I like Luke, Pete, Nick and Alvin (maybe Carlos). They're my bros xd. Fuck Rebecca being MEAN TO OUR CLEMMY CLOO!!!
To be fair, Luke seems a little dopey at times, it was a bad/stupid reaction. I say dopey because in that scene Pete mentions something about poker and Luke starts to trail off for a second about the game despite the seriousness of the situation going on.
I think Rebecca will change at a point but she's still a bitch for me too..
I dunno why but I cant trust these new people too
You guys need to remember that just because you don't like them as PEOPLE, it doesn't make them bad CHARACTERS.
I thought they were all well written, regardless of whether I liked them or not.
sorry fu*k you, i love rebecca she makes the game fun to play if everyone was nice it wouldn't be as fun
I'd say reserve judgment until they get fleshed out a little more. We've really only seen them reacting to Clem and her bite so it's pretty one-dimensional at this point. Wait and see what they do with them.
You love her being a total monster to a little girl? Not everyone has to be nice but she's a little too much like Larry for my taste.
I think it's more liking the character, even if it's in a bad way and what they bring to the table rather than thinking they're a good person. And I agree.
Exactly. So far of the new group, I only like Nick and Pete and I saved Pete because he trusted us completely about the dog bite. Felt we kinder owed him. The rest haven't really made an impression. Well aside from Rebecca that is.. I will also agree with Pete and Lee being more likable than the season 1 survivors except Clem, Lee AND Carley.
Luke wasn't good at all?
I miss Lilly
Derp. I actually meant to put Luke and Pete. I'm neutral about Nick at this stage. ^^;
Based on the first meeting, I like this group better than Lee's first group.
Lilly was bossy and yelling in my face from the moment I got in the door, and seemingly would rather have left Lee and Clem out in the street with zombies. Larry, of course, was just a giant douche.
Kenny was alright at that point, though later on in the game he never has Lee's back when he needs it. (But I don't count that 'cuz I'm talking purely about the first meeting). Katjaa is a perfectly nice lady. Duck gets next to no character development until later in the game.
Doug and Carley are alright, though Doug's a little bland personality-wise. Perfectly valid as a character because some people are, but I feel that the members of Clem's group stand out more.
And, of course, Glenn doesn't really count 'cuz he's really just a comic series cameo who's gone in the first episode no matter what.
The only people I really dislike in Clem's group are Carlos and Rebecca, and unlike Larry both seem pretty redeemable. I feel like Carlos especially could be convinced to let up on his daughter if it's drilled into his head hard enough that she needs to learn to survive. Rebecca will probably become more sympathetic as the Carver plotline unravels.
Luke drops Clem, but he seems like a bro from the moment Clem gets to the house onward. Pete is an awesome, fatherly guy. Alvin is totally whipped, but seems nice and compassionate. Nick freaks out at first, but he apologises - which takes some balls - and he mainly just seems like a true asshole around Pete. Finally, Sarah seems like a perfectly earnest, lonely girl.
All of them don't take Clem's bite very well at first, but it's understandable considering the Nick's mom fiasco.
I think you're judging them too quickly.
Alvin has barely said more than a few sentences,Rebecca may seem like a bitch, but considering she's pregnant and it may turn out that the baby is not Alvin's stress might be getting to her.Luke and Pete seem alright,so what that Luke dropped Clementine he simply panicked because of the bite.
Nick may turn out to be likable,i mean seeing his own mother turn and then seeing her get killed must have affected his personality.Carlos is pretty hard to read, he seems like the mysterious and honorable type.Sarah seems to be an alright person as well although i get the feeling that she'll turn out to be a little childish and naive.
My point is that you should wait to get to know the characters a little better before assuming that all of them are unlikable.
Ben might have a different opinion about how much season one's group was more likeable.
Imagine playing as him. You would even hate Lee.
Lol yeah I thought I was the only one who noticed that
Yeah your basically in a "Ben" position thrust into a new group where no one really cares
Agreed. It felt like fish out of water. Feel bad for Ben now
Thing is in episode 2 you meet a new group. Not sure if some of the members will join Clem's group but we will see.
Fave character of Season 1, really hope she comes back!
I really want Lilly back next episode. Could you imagine a Lilly vs Rebecca bitch war? Sparks will fly!
Let's wait and see if Clem gets half of them killed before we decide how we feel about Ben.
I still stick by my thought that optional dialogue with the characters after they bring Clem in would have been a good move.