"I thought you were dead" 4 Main Suspects Explained.



  • It's hard to tell if Clem is scared or shocked so gives me 2 ideas in my head good and bad options. Good it's christa, Kenny or at a long shot omid which I doubt. I rule out Lilly as she never died and would of moved onto the governors story line in the comic. Kenny may of been bitten and had to cut a body part off you don't know.

    Bad only 1 person the 1 lee beats up in the dairy farm as he only punches him to death so could easy of got up and away eventually.

  • Really, all this speculation/arguing on who this mystery person is will only end once episode 2 comes out. It could be Kenny or maybe Christa. Heck, at this point, it could be Omid or Clementine's Ex-boyfriend.

  • Telltale said Kenny's fate would be explored in Season Two. While this is not confirmation that Kenny is alive and well, we'll certainly have the answers to what happened to him.

    Ermagerd why does everyone think Kenny is alive if he is I'm sorry for wasting your time but there is no evidence that Kenny is alive. He Is probably just as alive as Lee

  • It's Ben. He finally got that badass upgrade he needed and his scruffy stubbles have graduated into a full-on beard.
    Oh, and he's duel-wielding shotguns.

    Nah, I think it's either Kenny, Lily or Christa. I would prefer if it was either Kenny or Christa and I can totally see it be Christa considering she lost just about everything except Clementine and she strikes me as a person, who wouldn't just let up then again, she might just be out for revenge on people like the bandits, who steal from people since that girl robbing Clementine lead to Omid's death and the people in the woods might have seemed like just regular bandits (If they weren't connected to Carver, that is)

    Since Lily is no longer the same as from the comics, she another likely candidates in my mind.

  • I don't hate Kenny that much, but you do essentially hear him die in the Christa version of the scene.

    If he did survive throughout those (presented) impossible odds, then it will be a tad of a stretch and Telltale will need to provide an amazing explanation for it.

    I agree though, I think it is Kenny. I wish it was one of the other three, but what can you do.

    Crixus posted: »

    Lee 100% did, Kenny=??????

  • Wait, since when was Lilly a bandit?

    In MY play through she attacked bandits to save the group in episode 3, maybe that's different for other people.

    zeke10 posted: »

    Ain't the person with bandits? if so i'd say lily

  • Thing is they said they would explore Kenny's fate, and if he isn't a walker (how would a walker get to North Carolina) then he must be alive.

    Yeah, it sucks, but we have to deal with it. Kenny is most likely alive. I just hope he isn't forced down the throats of those who didn't like him like he was in season one.

  • I'm just gonna say. It could be Glenn :3

  • edited December 2013

    Telltale have confirmed that kenny's fate will be explored and i don't think walker kenny would have made it all the way from Savanah to where clem is now but if he's alive he could have met a new group

    Ermagerd why does everyone think Kenny is alive if he is I'm sorry for wasting your time but there is no evidence that Kenny is alive. He Is probably just as alive as Lee

  • It's got to be hershel

  • edited December 2013

    If someone goes off, and doesn't come back she probably just assumes they're dead. Except Chuck..who's chuck?..People say she sounds angry,so it's someone she does't like. To me it sounds closer to disbelief..and it can change either wayafter "I thought you were dead" to relief and hugs or anger etc.

  • It came across like disbelief rather than anger to me as well. I just hope it isn't going to be a bait and switch sort of scenario where it was just one of the people from the house, who'd been lost earlier and showed up. That would be a jerk move. I honestly can't imaging Telltale NOT expecting players to anticipate it being someone from our old group. I hope we get to decide how we react after the "I thought you were dead" line because I'm going to want to hand out a lot of hugs!

    If someone goes off, and doesn't come back she probably just assumes they're dead. Except Chuck..who's chuck?..People say she sounds angry,so

  • Kenny has to be dead. There's no getting out of it.

  • Prolly Kenny.

  • Clementine has NO reason to think Molly is dead, unless you leave Molly at Crawford by not shooting the walker/shooting Molly.

    Clementine doesn't really have a reason to think Lilly is dead either, especially if she takes the RV, and it's not like Clem knew that the RV was going to run out, I don't think she knew anyway. Maybe if you abandon her Clem may think she's dead, but I don't really see that either.

    Clementine has a good reason to believe Christa is dead, but the issue with that is that Clementine would react a LOT better if it was Christa. She'd be a lot more happy than her reaction in the trailer. So I don't believe it's Christa.

    She has a very good reason to think Kenny is dead though. She probably asked Christa & Omid what happened to Kenny(And Ben) and Christa & Omid probably said that "we don't think he made it Clem..." so Clem probably thinks Kenny is dead. It makes the most sense. I guess you could argue why would any of these characters go to North Carolina, but they have the same chance as in the TV Show Rick meeting up with Morgan or with his own family which is very unlikely, but it happened.

    I think It's Kenny, but if it's not Kenny, then I guess it's Lilly. But my prediction is Kenny.

  • My opinion:
    1)Kenny: I still don't get why people are assuming he's dead. Telltale promised to "explore his fate", and after replaying the first season, I believe he's still alive. Reason: the two possible "death scene" of him involves hordes of walkers that, if Kenny did died, his flesh would be fully eaten by those walkers. Thus, his fate can't be explored at all. There's no way he'll turn up as a walker in season 2 if this scenario happens.
    I don't think it's Kenny though. Clem still had the drawings with her, so I assume she'll react more positively when she sees Kenny.
    2) Christa: Same reason as Kenny. She won't be so negative towards her
    3) Molly: Molly and Clem is on good terms with each other last time. So nope.
    4) Lily: Perfect candidate.The last thing Clem remembered was that Lily shot Doug/Carly. So Clem's reaction kinda makes sense. Besides, Lily had a military experience and she's stone cold. She can easily become a leader of a bandit-like group.

  • I thought it was the guy you left for dead at the end of the episode. It makes the most sense.

  • I'd say it's a toss up between Lilly and Kenny. It wouldn't be Christa...it's just far too early to reintroduce her and it would cheapen the effect. Even a half-decent writer knows that would be a mistake. It's like reading a book in which chapter one kills off an important character and then, in chapter 2, brings them back. That would be absurd and TT knows better than that. Assuming the TT writers haven't lost their touch, it's nearly impossible for it to be Christa.

    Christa odds-10%

    Many people mention the thirsty bandit. That's the most unlikely scenario. When we met the bandit, he was damn near close to death and his eyes were of the colour yellow, a symptom of the fever taking hold-meaning, he was VERY near walker state. He's dead...simple as that. He could barely speak. To see him along with the bandits alive and fairly well would, again, be ABSURD. Not only that, but wouldn't the fans feel cheated if they discover that after ALL this waiting, the mystery character turns out to be someone we don't even care about. Too cheap, and TT wouldn't do that. Plot-wise, it would be horrible.

    Thirsty bandit odds-0%

    Molly is an outside chance. I do agree that Clem wouldn't have the reaction that she had had if it were Molly,but you never know...although I highly doubt she would join up with bandits considering that she was a loner and seemed that she despised people as such. Plot-wise, it wouldn't be bad but nothing great either.

    Molly 20 %

    Lilly is highly plausible. If you left her alone on the highway, (like I did,) she runs off into the woods alone. I dunno about you, but that would give ME a reason to think she was dead. If you chose to take her with you, she'd drive away with the RV which didn't have much fuel left anyways, although, if you hadn't seen someone in at least 16 months in such a world, I wouldn't rule it out of bounds for Clem to think she was dead, though again, maybe she wouldn't have that reaction if THAT happened. Although I'd rule it unlikely that Lilly would join up with bandits as she seemed to have a moral code, despite her often cold attitude. The look she gave me when Kenny had told her I had let the walkers eat the girl so we could gather supplies peacefully definitely showed that she cared about people-even strangers. Although, one could argue that after losing her father and considering that she had the gall to steal our RV, may show a devious side to her and/or perhaps she was pushed a bit too far. She has nothing left to lose and yes, it wouldn't be too early to re-introduce her. She'd definitely join with a group of ordinary folks though. Plot-wise, it would be good/great. the fans would be happy to see her and what she has become and how she'd survived.


    Kenny also seems likely, I'm damn near sure it's him. We didn't see him die, so there's room to bring him back. TT said it themselves that they will explore his death a little more in this season, which gives an extra boost to his likelihood of returning. I can fully see TT transforming his character into something that we didn't expect. A ruthless, murderous bandit. As I mentioned before, losing all reason to live and all your moral foundations built upon family can drive any man/woman to that low level. I wouldn't be surprised to see him return as an antagonist, actually. It would be GREAT plot-wise and a nice turn of events if they can properly explain how he managed to survive. Also, no matter WHICH scenario you chose in season 1, ALL outcomes led to his probable death and would lead to Clem having her reaction in season 2, whereas, Lilly only had ONE scenario where it could lead to cleam's current reaction. The only thing stopping me from FULLY believing Kenny has returned is that, in my opinion, it's too early to re-introduce him-I'd wait till episode 3. Plot-wise, it would be great, especially if they transformed his character. Everyone, whether Kenny or Lilly fan, would feel something upon seeing him. Everyone would wonder how the Hell he got out of that situation...and if he's the same person we remember.


    That's my two cents. I do expect both Lilly and Kenny to return at some point, however. As for next episode...well...my gut says Kenny. I won't even acknowledge that it may be some season 2 guy we haven't met, Lee, or the guy who got his legs chopped off (can't remember his name.)

  • edited December 2013

    Christa seems most likely. It fits with the story arc at the moment. Clementine even admits to Luke that she doesn't think that Christa made it.

    Then again, I'm fine with it being anyone from Season 1. It seems too soon to bring Kenny back. I'd rather see him around episode 4. We need a healthy No-Kenny period as he was last in Episode 5. It'd be better if they made us think he wasn't coming back in an episode then surprise us all.

  • edited December 2013

    clem's look is of horror and shock, and I don't think she was ever afraid of Kenny or Molly. She witnessed Lily kill someone so it seems logical that it's her. I agree with some that TellTale is intentionally misleading people about the whole Kenny mystery. A lot of ppl are saying he would have turned into a monster and not be the Kenny before, but his last recorded moment was him forgiving Ben and doing good in an impossible situation. In fairness, we never hear anyone screaming, but when Lee looked down you could see the zombies were closing in on both sides into the middle of the alleyway. If Kenny did escape, surely the zombies woulld have turned around and gave chase.
    If it is someone from the first season, it has to Lily no doubt about it. Maybe she just assumed she was dead

  • Actually, I will acknowledge the guy with the legs chopped off. Remember the walker that bit into Momma at the top of the stairs in season 1 episode 2, and led to her demise? That WAS guy with his legs chopped if you look closely...so...irrefutably, it cannot be guy with his legs chopped off. How did some of you miss that?

  • Ya...there's a chance it's her...but again, why so early? And why wouldn't clem be ECSTATIC to see her?

    JakeSt123 posted: »

    Christa seems most likely. It fits with the story arc at the moment. Clementine even admits to Luke that she doesn't think that Christa made i

  • I'd didn't get the impression that she was horrified...shocked yes...but horrified no. If she was horrified...perhaps it's because the person she is seeing has radically changed his/appearance or is covered in blood or something. Remember, we're missing context, we can ONLY see her reaction. Perhaps she just witnessed something we weren't shown. Like...the person he/she is with are HORRIBLE people. Or maybe she just witnessed him/her beat someone savagely to death, It's VERY likely it could be anyone...regardless of whether or not they were afraid of each other in season 1.

    Megaman27 posted: »

    clem's look is of horror and shock, and I don't think she was ever afraid of Kenny or Molly. She witnessed Lily kill someone so it seems logic

  • We don't know what the Bandits have done to her. She could be maimed or injured... Clementine might just be shocked to see what happened to her.

    Godwalker posted: »

    Ya...there's a chance it's her...but again, why so early? And why wouldn't clem be ECSTATIC to see her?

  • I'd think her reaction would be different in that case...instead of being a solemn "I thought you were dead," it would be a "MY GOD! WHAT HAVE THEY DONE TO YOU!"

    JakeSt123 posted: »

    We don't know what the Bandits have done to her. She could be maimed or injured... Clementine might just be shocked to see what happened to her.

  • "if Kenny did died, his flesh would be fully eaten by those walkers. Thus, his fate can't be explored at all."

    Finding his half eaten corpse walking or just laying on the middle of an alleyway IS exploring his fate. That said for some reason i think that telltale kept him alive.

    My opinion: 1)Kenny: I still don't get why people are assuming he's dead. Telltale promised to "explore his fate", and after replaying the fi

  • edited December 2013

    Let me just clear up something beforehand. I would rather the person alive be Molly, and I have no problem if it's Christa or Kenny. Fuck Lily though. She killed one of my favorite characters. :< (No, not Cookie Dough. I saved....it's been so long I can't remember her name. D: )

    Essentially the same thing happened to Kenny and Christa. They were both surrounded by hostile enemies and we didn't get to see either of them die, so it is possible they are alive. Christa is more likely since she wasn't surrounded by zombies and she tried to run, but Kenny is still a possibility.

    He could have lived if he tried to save Ben in the alleyway the same way Lee lived when he was closed in on walkers in an alleyway, by going down a manhole. Just a guess. He could have lived if he saved Christa by either running away, possibly down stairs or maybe out a window, or by falling through the floor, since the house looked kind of old in my opinion and the houses in that area are shown to be old and unsturdy multiple times in the last two episodes(The reason Omid and Christa got separated from Lee, the reason Kenny has to save Ben).

    I'm not saying Kenny is alive, I'm saying he could be. I think some people are saying too strongly that he is alive and it is him, and some people are saying too strongly that he is dead. We do not know what Telltale will do with Kenny. We know they are not afraid to kill off characters, even the main characters, so Kenny is definitely not immune to being dead. On the other hand, it seems reasonable to believe that since they said his fate will be explored and Clem has seen someone who she thought was dead, it is reasonable to believe it could be Kenny, among others.

    So stop the arguments please. D:

    TL:DR, Kenny might be dead, he might not, Telltale will decide, stop arguing.

  • I doubt that it is Molly. On most playthroughs, Molly simply leaves the group and goes back to surviving solo. If you didn't bring Clem to Crawford and failed to save Molly from the walkers, her status is "presumed dead". Molly played a very minuscule role and didn't heavily impact Clementine, so it would seem odd that Clem would have such a strong reaction when seeing her. And again, she is not presumed dead on every player's game.

  • well it definitely can't be that something crazy just happened, cos she just casually pushes her way through the cabin ppl to look at the person. but yh get your point

    Godwalker posted: »

    I'd didn't get the impression that she was horrified...shocked yes...but horrified no. If she was horrified...perhaps it's because the person

  • Well. I mean he wouldn't have much meat on him to trade.

    Rock114 posted: »

    Agreed. While we don't know exactly what happened to him, I'd assume that he got taken by the St. Johns and cut up for meat. I'm gonna guess that he's dead.

  • think it would be Lily or possibly Molly, but not Kenny, his fate will be explored through another way i think. Also, this is pretty random but what if this person she sees is a red herring? Might be anyone who has a striking resemblance to one of the previous characters, similar to how Nick looks like Kenny, but not them. That would be pretty crazy, and I wouldn't put it past TellTale because they are professionals and know how to play us

  • I think it's Kenny.

  • Me too Santa me too :D

    santa cIaus posted: »

    I think it's Kenny.

  • i agree with your reasoning, my #1 suspect is kenny as well

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