Come on guys it's obviously Kenny
Hey all of you Lilly believers is there any pictures or possible spoilers leading up to Lilly's appearance in season two I don't think so while as pictures having a slight possible image of Kenny and spoilers from season 1 like maybe he escaped from that alleyway then he went around the other side of the alleyway, rescued Ben and got themselves to safety and healing Ben is 1 possible outcome after for Kenny to appear in Season two with Ben and if u want to post a comment please feel free to do so.
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I'm pretty sure Ben is dead. Sorry.
Also why clem would think Lilly is dead ? Makes no sense
i also think and hope it's kenny, but ben is definitely dead, impaled through the stomach
rip ben, but kenny is in S2, i just know it!! #kennylives
Being seperated for years in a world filled with zombies would make anyone think that
That's because Kenny shot him.
Kenny put him out of his misery
It's the guy you had to give water to, and if you refused he will beat the $hit out of you.
no, clem will beat the $hit out of him.
Kenny Shoot Him -_-
but no one heard Ben scream when he got eaten if he did
why would Clem think Kenny's dead I'm just saying there are no signs of Lilly's appearance only possible of Kenny's return
Ben Is 100% Dead ... cuz it's impossible to rescue him from that thing went in his body ,, even though it's impossible for him to be alive if you let him die in the school
Omid and Christa probably told him.
The Ben thing I disagree with you the rest you said I do but when I see the proof that Ben is gone I will apologize to you all
'Him'?! O_O well, I guess we're all playing our clementines differently...
Telltale can't resist the Stache
Well ben stops screaming after the shot is fired so...
he only had one bullet in that alleyway and he used it on the zombies so how could he possibly use another bullet when he only had one left.
read my comment above ^^^
read my comment above ^ ^ ^
I apologize to you all I'm sorry
but Kenny's not stupid even if some people might think he's dumb of how he looks that's not the case he's smart and he would of got out of that alleyway alive
Lilly fans are going to be so wrong
Kenny used the bullet on the zombies
It's so totally going to be Kate Capsize... wait, what were we talking about?
haha I didn't see that good spotting @Flog61 lol
of course they all know the Kenny factor does not die and will return In season two
Believe what you want but Ben isn't coming back
He used that one bullet to kill Ben, play the episode and even Lee talks about how afraid of being eaten and killed Ben was. Kenny was being a nice guy by shooting him.
Dude ,, it was very obvious that Ben died ! ,, If you watched the scene again you would see Kenny's arm with the gun pointed at Ben !
Clementine saw Lilly left ,, Clementine didn't see Kenny died unless Omid or Christa told her
Look at that picture. Either you let him drop in the armory to die or he dies here, they tried to help him but he was STUCK and it hurt him pretty bad. Kenny put him out of his misery and did not let him get eaten alive by using the last bullet to kill Ben. Just play the the goddamn episode and you can notice even Lee talks about it to Omid and Christa.
I said I apologize to you all
there's no reason Clem would think Kenny is dead either, even though he is (or should be.) I think it will be the guy Clem has the option to give water to. If TT is dumb enough to bring characters back to life (Ben, Kenny, Lee, etc.) then they will ruin TWD game franchise.
Are you retarded ? They never show Kenny die and they said that they would explore his fate. What makes you think that he is dead ?
I know that @Rizefall I've played it
and I said from my previous comment I apologize so drop it okay?
@vivec is right they never show him die
The situation is the following: Ben is in an alleyway, impaled through his stomach. He can't move, and Kenny couldn't lift him off. Zombies come. Kenny has one bullet. Ben's screaming, bullet is fired, Ben stops screaming right that second.
You're saying that Kenny shot at a zombie, and Ben just happened to stop screaming at that moment, got off the spike he was impaled on and escaped from the zombies, which were on both sides of the alleyway?
It was made quite obvious that Kenny shot Ben. There was no way he was living through being impaled in that alleyway full of zombies. Kenny's fate, however, was left sort of open. He could have made a miraculous escape, Ben had no chance.