Do you think we'll play Clementine in season 3?
Or do you think we'll branch off into a new story with new characters? I myself thought it would be interesting if this season sort of jumped around to Clementine and the 400 Days characters and you could pick which 400 Days character you wanted to be but I knew that would be difficult. What do you guys think? Are you fine with playing Clementine for the rest of the series or do you eventually want to play someone else?
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I want to bump this thread.
I think one season is enough to play as Clementine if you ask me, maybe urh... A new character we haven't played before, like Nick or Kenny or Lilly or Christa?
Would like to play as Kenny me :P
I think getting a new perspective of the zombie apocalypse through a little girls eyes is nice, it's refreshing. However, eventually it will get dull and I would like to play as a different character in Season 3. That being said, I don't really want for Telltale to get rid of Clementine completely. She provides some kind of connection from the first Season, and losing all of that for a new protagonist in Season 3 would be a bad move (that's just my opinion).
yes of course I'd rather play as Kenny Clementine or Christa
I don't know why someone disliked the thread considering it was an honest question and most of you seem to agree that it might get dull but anyway haha. Yeah I love Clementine and I think I'll have fun with her in season 2 but it might get stale playing as a child and I might honestly want to play someone else. Preferably in my age range. I don't necessarily want her to die though.
Will there even be a season 3? We dont know yet. I think it probably will considering how popular TWD is not only as TTG's game series but in other mediums too.
We could play and control Clem for as long as they would like if they just did a decent story for it, but if anything i would like Season 3 to be more than five episodes and let us play as different characters like in 400 days, cause if you play one character over and over at least i start to feel like the character is safe only cause you play him/her. Obviously Lee was a different story which was nice at the end, but as of right now i don't see them killing of Clem. The only other option for me would be to add other playable characters that you could switch around with and maybe your actions (how you play in fights with the dead and other choices) could determine how they die, at least that way they dont feel "safe".
Rick in the comic book and TV series has that problem cause he's the main character, and the story is supposed to follow HIM and HIS journey. Sure you played as Lee in S1, but most focus was on Clem.
IN short, i do think we will play as Clem in S3, but i also hope we get to play as others also, other characters we get attachted too, can play as and lose to make it seem like NO ONE is safe.
Trolls, mate. Some guy decides to downvote threads and/or comments. It's quite sad but the best thing to do is just ignore it or else we will be feeding them.
I want to play as Clem and no one else!!!
The only way I would want to play Clem again is if she's around 18 years old and that's 7 years off.
I like the sound of that.
if they make a season 3 and if Clems not in it i wont be buying it.
It doesn't matter who I play as, just as long as the characters I like are safe
It's odd how some people down vote things haha
I have to agree though, there's only so much Clementine I can take, I'd like there to be a new character that can be the protagonist. Preferably someone who isn't playing the daddy or the mummy for Clem because that's already been done. Personally I think it'd be good to introduce a new character once Clem is just a little bit older able to fully care for herself.
I don't think TellTale will repeat protagonists. It's possible that season 2 ends for Clementine like Kenny's fate, then everyone will go crazy if she died or not. Season 3 would be a neverseen protagonist or whatever and in the middle of she would appear.
I have no doubt a 3rd season and maybe even more will come. TWD is Telltale's BIGGEST series thus far. The official TWD facebook (now mind you mainly focuses on the show) has over 22 million likes and a good 15-20 thousand more each and every day even during the show's breaks. Also TWD Season 1 on Steam has 3,717 reviews (over 40,000 recommendations before the switch) that is more than all other Telltale games combined hell most games don't have anywhere near that amount (unless they are big named) Oh yeah did I forget to mention right now as I type this Season 2 has 1,127 reviews ALREADY in less than a week while Wolf Among Us has only 972. Now everybody don't take what I say to heart i'm just comparing the two franchise I like wolf ALOT but with all these sales TWD keeps having and all the profits they are getting off the media for it as a whole this series is sticking around for at least a few more seasons if not more after Season 2 bet on it.
I totally wanna play as her too! Especially now that she is much tougher and braver! She was soo cute when she younger and as she grows we can say the word pretty I guess. Besides if there is a season 3 with no Clementine and new characters, then it might as well not be called The Walking Dead anymore. Theres 2 choces telltale can do. Either kill Clemy this season, or make a season 3! Because she HAS to be in it!
I want to play as Molly in Season 3.
Or maybe just have it be a Season where each episode you play as a different person.
if there ever be a season 3 i would want it to be a whole new character to play and their own new story.... i really love Clementine but her story should be end at S2 as a child.... S1 and S2 is focus on Clementine's story. I be sad if Clementine does die at the end of S2 especially because she is a child it will be very controversial a child dying but it will add to the so much emotion to the story [there are some movies where children die in films like Pans Labyrinth very sad movie especially when the child gets killed at the end and she's been though hell, i cried at the end] i would cry if Clementine dies, but it's this we will never forget it will always stick in our minds. That is what makes it a powerful emotional game moments like that just like movies.
I only wanna play as Clementine if there is a Season 3
To me, it seems almost inevitable as of now that there will be a season 3 because twd is currently TTG's most successful franchise and if they stopped the game most likely they would be losing a big portion of their current profits.
Anyway, I think we may see Clem in a season 3, but of course it all depends upon how episode 5 ends and TT's intentions. I personally think it would be interesting to see her character develop even farther compared to that of S1
Guess I'm the only one that would say yes, I would like to play as Clem in another season, Maybe watch her grow into an adult. Clem has a certain connection to me (maybe because it's feels like I've been protecting her forever) and I would like to play as her again.
Yeah i think we'll see her for another season.
Humm, most of the fans want to play as Clem like, forever.
Personnally, I'd hope for a new cast, to freshen things up, I mean, Clem is a nice char, but a third season with her feels like we're falling in fan service, but hey, TTG may still be able to surprise us I guess.
I think Clem will die at the end of the season and the character will switch to someone else.
I'd give it a chance. They've already shown they're greatwith the IP
I wouldn't say fanservice. She's a protagonist after all
Then I would be done with the series, I just couldn't continue with some random character after spending 2 seasons with Clem. Plus, It would be hard for TT to replicate a character as well as Clem.
Seems like she's the true protagonist now. Season 1 was us/Lee preparing her for the future, and 2 (and 3) are the 'true' story.
That's if there even is a Season 3, we don't know yet. But I'd like to hope that Season 3 would be an all out war a bit like the Governor vs the Prison, with all the characters we've met along the way. (Kenny, Clementine, Christa, Luke, 400 days, Lilly etc.) That would be amazing.
I think Clem has become the Rick of the group, What I mean by that is she is the true protagonist and they aren't going to kill her off anytime soon, But will make her life as miserable as possible.
Yeah, that's what it seems like.
True. Examples of this include; Omid, Christa, Sam, the stitching-arm scene. Luke and Sarah will probably die, Rebecca will continue to be a bitch, etc.