Kenny theory: Another hint of him being alive.
So start off, this is my opinion/theory. Please don't bash on me or the thread if you don't like it and have something negative to say. Take that somewhere else, please. Thanks.
So, does anyone remember that shard of glass that Lee picked up in Savannah as he had his 'bada**' moment? That was near the building that Kenny saved Christa from. In buildings that are as tall as that one, there's obviously stairs. He could have made his way down the stairs and jumped out a window. Other than that, why would Telltale put a shard of glass on the floor? And we did hear him in pain, there's a chance that he was bitten on the fore arm area and cut it off, we've seen Hershel (TV show) survive from it. (But the reason why Lee didn't is because he cut it off too late depending on your decisions). As for the alley way, he could have done the same thing, broke a window, got to a building and broke another one to get out.
As a-bit 'un-realistic' as this sounds, I'm a Kenny fan. So you'll see why I made this post. lol
Anyone who says Kenny isn't definitely 100% unrefutably and undeniably in season 2 are just haterz who should be banned cause they are jelly. Kenny's back bitches!
I need this gif.
Erm... That was clearly down the street from where Kenny went into the hole. He didn't just come across five broken walls, or something crazy that would allow him to zip through hundreds of zombies and jump out a window.
So a shard glass the Kenny cut off his arm with no blood? Kinda strange but good thought
Best Gif ever made!
No no, lol. You've misunderstood. He could have cut off his hand later on, not with the glass shard. The glass shard was from him escaping.
Also, the reason Lee (or Allen from the comic, at least) didn't survive was because it wasn't treated in time, and they bled out. In the comic, Dale's leg is burnt to close off the arteries, allowing him to survive.
There's different paths to buildings, plus the sewers.
Put the following music @1m18s and watch that Kenny gif, awesomeness.
Hell yeah.
This is:
Yes, I know. I stated why Lee didn't survive it. Did you read the full thread?
He wouldn't have had time to go through that bullshit in the time it would've taken for Lee to get over to the street with "Armed With Death."
Lol it needs more Kenny though
Oh my God, if I knew how, I would edit Kenny behind whatsherface? Adele?
Lol now that would officially be the greatest gif ever!
The master piece of master pieces. ..The Kenny Chronicals: Zombie Slayer. Chapter one: Duck.
For the love of God, someone do that.
You said 'down the street'. It isn't that far and also, considering that distraction Lee did while he was in the sewers, Kenny would probably might have survived.
"Please dont disagree with me else you should just leave if you do because you can't have a different opinion"
And people wonder why I hate Kenny fans so much, the starting post and the first post are proof of whats wrong with the kenny community.
So what about the alley way death? did that just not happen? should my choice on that be rendered non-canon because of this?
also, noone in the comic (which the game is set in) survived a walker bite, regardless if they cut it off or not. Dale eventually died of his wound, but thats still up to debate on wether the bite took its toll and eventually kileld him regardless of it being cut, or the way the cut happend killed him.
So if Kenny got bit, he's pretty much fucked anyway.
Adele ain't no zombie. Not yet, anyways.
Yes I did. Plus, depending on travel times, Lee could've cut it off say, fifteen-twenty minutes from when he got bit. Dale took a while to lose his leg.
It was like two or three buildings, and keep in mind, it's unlikely for them to all just be big empty rooms. It's pitch black in there, and there's likely stuff and walls in his way.
I didn't say you can't disagree with me, I just said don't bring any negativity into this. But, I'm not going to fight fire with fire and have this be a civilized conversation. Theories are theories, they're opinions on what could happen next, just because it didn't happen in the comic book doesn't mean it can't happen in the game at all. Did you not hear when Pete said "We could take her arm off, I know that worked for a cousin down in Ainsworth. We could try that.". If you don't like the 'Kenny community' you can politely fuck off. Okay? okay.
I concede that it might be Kenny. But as Ive said before, I like Kenny. He brings a unique character to the group. BUT he SHOULD have died. In either scenario, there was no escape. You can say you don't see or hear him die, or he finds a window and you know what ? Telltale might say that he did. But I have watched both cases multiple times and there is no way especially in the alleyway he survives. If it is indeed Kenny, Telltale has done something that it hasn't done in the series before which is making the unrealistic the acceptable. Before you thumb me down, all I am saying is that the Walking Dead name is built off realism (obviously for a zombie apocalypse haha) but none the less realistic.
I'm not thumbing down your comment, you bring up a good point and not in a negative way. The voice actor for Kenny stated that when he was recording the death he was supposed to die, but it was just so open ended. He was originally recording more sounds like screams, gurgles, ect. But Telltale re-recorded it to make it less.. well, 'deathy'. (I have such a way with words). But yeah.
Not to mention, the namesake of the show.
And the reason you all feel justified on posting the 20,0000 kenny thread as a seperate thread and not making a central thread for all this is why?
and just cause I dislike the immature fanbase I should leave the forums? Fuck you dude. You're all a bunch of children.
Coming from you, it's not like we're a Duck fanbase. The Kenny fanbase is mature, we just joke around and have a sense of humor unlike you. And we don't need just one thread for the Kenny community, that's not what forums are about. So, as you misunderstood, politely fuck off of my thread.
You really don't like people disagreeing with you do you? No. I won't fuck off. At all. And a fanbase is MEANT to be together, not seperated. So No, you're not justified in flooding hte forums with the 20 billionth kenny theory. Ironic considering Kenny fanboys flame anyone who creates a seperate thread on another character. You're all disgusting. Your jokes aren't funny.
I meant to reply to the dude who was freaking out.
Isn't it past your bed time? You seem cranky. I don't know what kind of Kenny fans you've been interacting with but the ones in this thread are just fine. I personally love hearing theories and so do other Kenny fans, and you call us disgusting? Please, I love people who disagree with me, I see their point of view, but you? You're just looking for a fight. I hardly see any Kenny theories here on the forums. So, please do, fuck off. And stop being a stereotypical, irritable bitch. Thanks.
No he won't. He's dead after that.