Season 2 was overhyped
I just feel as if Episode 1 felt rushed. Not only for the two year skip out of the blue, but not being able to gather information at certain points. The peaceful time at the cabin presented a perfect opportunity for this,
but alas we just get a short conversation with Nick and Luke which leads to a pretty minor choice that turns our to be a major choice for the episode. It then skips over this entirely to the next day. Too me, it just seems the episode skips out massive amounts of time for little to no reason with which we could of used this time accordingly. Finding out more about our new favorite character for example, or finding out how Carlos managed to hide how grim the world is from his daughter for two frigging years. The obvious and not so obvious questions could of been answered now, instead of having to wait a few months to "Possibly" get the chance to ask them. I don't hate TWD or Telltale, I like/love their works. These points just disappointed me.
I agree to some extent, but all in all it's still a fun game, right?
Also, Lee or Carley? I think you mean Doug or Carley.
we got to chose whether to save Lee or Carley?..and at the farm we could save Doug or 'the other guy' did you play it?..Because if you replayed as recently as you said..or played it at all - you would know you play as Lee, and the choice on the farm is between shawn and duck.
It was overhyped, and I do believe that the first episode of S1 was better, but this is just the first episode. You can't expect a lot from 1.5 hours of gameplay. And I like the fact that the choices don't have an impact right away, makes it seem like my choices might mean more this time. You make good points though. They did the same thing with the release for TWAU, I had to wait over 5 hours to play it because I order directly from TT. Serious BS.
plot twist: we were playing as lee's ghost the whole time after episode 1.
Thank you for the correction.
Yes, but choices are supposed to matter. Your supposed to experience a different result then picking one path. That's what makes these games so fun. You can play it several ways. The end result was supposed to be different. At least in Ep1, playing it again. There wasn't many differences in choices you made, what resulted from it.
My personal opinion, is Season 1 had more choices, different results. It seemed last even longer then this one. As much they hyped this game, refusing to give us a release date, while handing out the game to PC company's. I feel it's not as intense as it could have been. That's all.
telltales first episodes are always the weakest of the seasons for me so i will not judge the whole of season 2 until it comes out.
Just because I can't remember the name of a guy that they used for 10 minutes before killing off. Doesn't mean. I didn't play the game. For love of everything that is nice.. After what I just written. Do you tunnel vision on that. If so. Why.
I agree, it's overhyped still good but overhyped . That's because people know Clementine now. So they feel nothing can go wrong when she's in the game.
I agree with this, still good first episode, but definitely not as good as S1E1 or TWAU.
Omid's death is still very comical to me, he turns at looks at the door? Really?
I'm not saying Season 2 sucks blah blah. I'm just explaining the huge differences. I play games because not of the walking dead stamped on it. I play because of the different results in the choices. That was the big theme, right choices matter. We got to import our Season 1 into Season 2.
That was a huge plus. Try playing the game again. The choices really didn't lead to any different path. Almost every choice. Kept the story line on the same result. I was expecting bigger choices, and even bigger impacts from what we made. They been working overtime to send this game out to every gaming company for good reviews. I believe they lost some focus in the results of choices.
But let's see how season ep2 turns out.
that was dumb, omid should have ran at her not look at the door like wtf
Hey man, I agreed with you, no need to write an essay for me!
I wouldn't say it was "overhyped" to an extent, but I just had glaring problems with the writing and plot structure in this episode.
Also, I think this was the first episode you had two "big" decisions happen within a minute of each other: Giving the bandit water, saving Nick or Pete. Wasn't a big fan of this.
So you compare two episodes from two season yet you still say "season 1 had more choices", while that is obvious as that season has 6 episodes (counting DLC) and Season 2 only has one.
You dont remember his name, but you thought it was Lee? You serious?
I agree. So I won't repeat myself. It was really aimed at other people, what I forgot to leave out of my opinion. Less aimed at you directly.
"A: Choice of distracting the thugs or leaving quietly. Regardless of choice they ended in the same result."
That you DON'T know, it might not have had an impact in this episode but it potentially could matter later on. I agree that S01E01 had more direct choices but i think what you do in this episode will echo into future installments.
I think this first episode is better than first season's first episode
I enjoyed it nonetheless. Plus I don't really think it's was Telltale fault for the hype I think some of that blame can go to the fans. Sometimes fans can hype themselves help without any help from the developer. Plus I'm not looking forward with how they'll release each episode. Remember last season and they originally said that each episode will be released once a month? I mean if they have to fix bugs that's perfectly fine but just don't announce a release date unless you know the finish product is ready
I feel like your just in this thread to distract and troll. With deep respect. I'm not going respond to that comment. As soon you jumped in this thread. You jumped at "Other Guy", who cares. Well you do it seems. Because your not actually trying have a conversation, so much as just troll for attention.
I never said he was lee. I mentioned the guy at the farm. I didn't think remember his name. Because it's not important. The big picture is the choices, not the names of the people. Your just getting sucked in by Rachel trolling now.
darn you -_- can you at least edit your post,so it's not confusing to try and work out who you're referring to? The first is Doug or Carley. The choice on Hershel's farm is Shawn or Duck.
I also thought that the "big" decisions this time around were a little odd. Not only were most of them incredibly easy (help Christa, kill dog, forgive Nick), except for the last one, they didn't really seem all that important. Personally, I thought the choices would include things like pinkie swearing Sarah or bringing up Rebecca's baby. But maybe they just don't want to make the significance of those choices so obvious yet.
I agree with you. Many of these choices may have impacts later on. I lowered it to impacts and choices from impacts could be seen right away in ep1 of walking dead season 1. Not so much in Ep1, just to judge the first ep1 side by side and not the others after.
Season 2 was heavily overhyped,and heavily overpriced for an episode that didn't even last for 2 hours,was badly written,yada yada....
Plus,we are going to have to wait at least 2 months for TT to release Episode 2.Cause,ya' know,TT still has to get back from their "well earned break".
How was it "badly written", just cause you did not like what was going on in the episode does not mean it's writing was bad, i for one enjoyed the episode very much.
It's the first episode! If you don't think Season 2 is good and is flawed, it's simple delete it and ignore the rest of the episodes.
stop whining
I'm pretty sure there would be the same result, Omid runs at her, causes a loud stepping noise, the girl with the gun panics and shoots, bam, Omid's dead.
Just joined the thread. :P
Maybe they are telling this season in a slightly different way. People know how the games work now and are familiar with this world so they are building the impact of the choices over the course of the season. It feels like an ongoing story to me. I don't feel like its been overhyped when we've only seen a small part of the story so far.
I'm comparing only Ep1 of Season 1 of Walking Dead, to Ep1 of Season Two of the walking Dead. I am not counting the epoisdes past that. Just the first ep1 of season 1 has more choices that resulted in more impacts on the story. While ep1 had several choices seemed have little to no impact at all.
I'm not comparing entire seasons, just the first ep.
I sincerely hope "Not Killing the Dog/ Giving the guy help/ Distracting Bandits/ Becoming friends with that girl etc has more impacts later on. Granted this is just ep1. Yet to compare the two, just alone on first ep1. Season 1 seemed have a ton more choices. Even in Wolf Among Us, seems to be better on the choices that mattered just my opinion.
That's exactly, what I'm saying. I like choices in a video game. I like to know every little choice will change the world in a massive way. We waited almost a year for this game to come out. Tell Tale has promoted their game on the walking dead touting the awards they got. I just feel their is actual lack of difference in choices you make so far.
It doesn't mean I think the season is doomed, to those who over react. I just prefer Ep1 of Walking Dead Seson 1 to Ep 1 Season Two.
After all Omid had been through. I wished he would have reacted quicker. His death was just so blah, after all they been through. It wasn't even an epic death. Like if you dropped Ben from Bell Tower. He was just shot in the chest once and down he went.
Overhyped? No, It's that people expected too much from it. I expected to be just as good as season 1 and guess what? It's just as good, maybe better.
But I'm not judging it based on 1 damn episode -_-
Maybe it has to do with the fact that you are playing as a little girl and that Clem has spent most of the time alone. She hasnt had as much chance to make big impacts with people yet.
Can you fault people for expecting more from it. They been promoting this game and all its awards. The game landed such success. They put off their next project, just to make DLC for this game and create Season 2.
I'll be first to admit. It's likely not best to judge based on one ep. In comparing that one ep to wolf among us and season 1. It lacks ...substance. Just my opinion.
A tad over reaction. I think it could be improved. I didn't buy it just for the walking dead. I bought it for the choices. I already put money down on it. Why because I am not praising it as some flawless design, should I not get be able to play the next one.
Because I have an opinion.