The River Runs Cold?
Okay, so basically, I was playing the game earlier, and completely missed one core thing while she was in the river.
How in the hell, (excuse my language XD,) did she lose those pictures, and keep her hat?
She wasn't holding on to it at all, and I'm pretty sure it wasn't glued to her head.
Anyone else thinking the same thing?
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Actually SenhorCreeper i think it was found hidden files where Clem said, "How did he find my hat?" Referring to the dog, Sam. So originally it was meant for her to lose her hat and Sam would find it but Telltale decided to scrap the idea i guess :P
That's a really cool idea. wonder why they trashed it?
What pictures did she lose?
one of Lee and the drawing of Kenny
She probably didn't lose them. They most likely just got so wet they ripped
probably just to push out the episode right before Christmas
Her head has grown so it fits snugger. How do we know she lost her pictures? Arent they still in her pocket?
Hmm, Didn't really consider it. I never got the impression that they were lost. Probably just not needed anymore or at this time so why hog space on the side of your screen I guess
How/where do you figure she lost those pictures (where does it say she lost them)? Not saying it didn't happen but I wold like to know for me second playthrough (the one where I already know what's going to happen, so I always make the right choices :P )
That's what I was wondering.
i don't know to be honest. It's not in her inventory on the side so everyone just assumed she lost them. And yeah i like having a second play through like that too except mine got the "hard drive removed unable to save" glitch which made it unplayable and I lost all my data but it was kinda for the better because I don't know whats going to happen in the rest of season 2 based off my decisions so Im going to wait until all the episodes come out so I know exactly what I'm doing. Hope i helped
Might explain why the episode was so short, and why dialogue was severely lacking, really hope they take their time frmo here on out. I would rather have a 2 month overdue masterpiece than a 2 month early piece of ish.
As Shigeru Miyamoto once said,“A delayed game is eventually good, a bad game is bad forever.”
I think she still has Lee's photo.
When you try to burn it at the fire it skips to the next scene before you have a chance to.
You can however burn the drawing.
So I imagine the photo will turn up again later.
Oh ok, I'm guessing thats just a clear the screen mechanic since they weren't really being used or considered at the time, but I could be wrong.
I guess but it doesn't make sense why the watch you pick up in the house is in your inventory even though you don't use it but the pictures aren't.
A much more poetic version of the idea :P
Better to have one icon on your screen than 3, plus the watch was a much more recent item, maybe more 'on our minds'? Idk I guess I just hope I didn't lose my picture of Lee
(not to mention I want to give Kenny that drawing when I see him soon)
Yeah I really don't want that picture of Lee to be gone, nor the drawing of Kenny just in case Kenny turns bad and I have to convince him by giving him the picture of Lee and the drawing of his family.
I was actually more curious about how Clementine didn't get hypothermia. Or drown.
Her hat is a snapback if you look at it, it can 'extend' or 'fit' any shape. And when she put the photos in her pocket, it was in her inventory to the left, but when she washed up on land after the whole scene, they're not there.
She left her back at the camp fire. She didn't have it with her in the river.
I was thinking this. The inventory system in season one wasn't accurate at all, unless they changed it up (which I'm doubting because its kind of useless) I don't think she lost the pictures.
Yes she did. She took them out of her backpack, remember?
It is probably still in the back pack regardless. Because vidja games.
I don't remember her losing the pictures. Just because it's not on the inventory screen doesn't mean it's gone. As for the hat, maybe it fits her better now? Her head has grown. Could just be a developer oversight.
EDIT: Someone above said the dog was originally supposed to find the hat, but it got scrapped.
You try keeping your hat on while you go deep sea diving.
I feel bad for pushing them
1.They weren't in Russia.
Yeah, they probably just removed it from the inventory because it wasn't relevant.
Why Clem after she left the river didn't take all her clothes to dry them? That's totaly unrealistic, everyone knows that it's impossible to wear cold, soaking wet clothes, even in summer. You will get hypothermic shock and pneumonia.
Cuz it's rated M for violence and bad languages not that stuff
What the hell you doin here mister president?
well isnt it obvious guys???? the letter "D" on her hat stands for "detach". therefore since she didnt press it, the hat was unable to come off of her head. booyah. lol sorry ive been drinking tonight.....Modelos