The baby's name?

edited December 2013 in The Walking Dead

Ok so we all know by now Rebecca is not fat, she's having a baby. So i think what will happen is that (if the baby and Rebecca survive of course) maybe Clem delivers the baby and out of gratitude Rebecca lets her name the baby. If its a boy these would be the options I think : Lee, Omid, Kenny, Duck, or anyone else in the group that died before that point. If its a girl its most likely going to be: Christa, Molly, Lily, Katjaa, or anyone else in the group that died before that point. Idk its just a guess let me know what you think.


  • Or you could just directly Input a name.... Bitch McWhore Jr.

  • Speaking of names, was anybody else disappointed when you couldn't suggest Lee when Omid and Christa were discussing the name for their baby?

  • [keep silence] in memory of Lee

    Onmens posted: »

    Speaking of names, was anybody else disappointed when you couldn't suggest Lee when Omid and Christa were discussing the name for their baby?

  • I think it was more not trying to rub the loss of Lee in everyone's faces, the last thing anyone wants is to start off season 2 with Clem whining over Lee every chance she gets. Clem really misses lee but has to focus on surviving like he taught her too do.

    Onmens posted: »

    Speaking of names, was anybody else disappointed when you couldn't suggest Lee when Omid and Christa were discussing the name for their baby?

  • We should call him Joaquin.
    Because sooner or later he will be Joaquin Dead...hahaha....haha...ha...

  • You could be right. Though I feel it would have been more appropriate there than the "I miss Lee" comment to Christa at the fire.

    Kwoky91 posted: »

    I think it was more not trying to rub the loss of Lee in everyone's faces, the last thing anyone wants is to start off season 2 with Clem whin

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