The Thread for Molly Support because there are billions of Lily and Kenny threads
Molly for Season 2 please.
So, I'm hoping that this topic can be used as a way to talk about ideas for how Molly could be implemented into Season 2.
I'm quite fond of the idea that Molly is heading up north because Zombies have a harder time surviving, and she comes across Clementine, either with the new group or by herself, and Molly takes on a "big sister" role for Clementine. I'm thinking, that if Molly still wears an orange hoodie, that Clementine could give her the nickname "Orange," and this could further cement the idea of Molly being a big sister to Clementine.
Then, I dunno, Molly could die protecting Clementine? They could get separated? I wouldn't want Molly to full out leave Clementine. I would also love to see Molly teach Clementine some parkour skills. Or, Molly could live? I'm just thinking, some people don't want to see Molly return, and if there are a good amount of people who don't like her, I suppose it would be best to keep her appearance limited and not have her become a main character? But I mean, I would love it if Molly would live as a big sister to Clementine.
screw it! I'm gonna make my own support thread for chuck!
with whiskey and candies!
I want chuck back too
but he's dead fo sho
Hurray for this fanbase having the decency and intelligence to create one central thread instead of spamming 20,0000 seperate ones just cause "OMG MY THEORY IS REAL AND LEGIT AND INTELLIGENT GAIZ LISTUN"
We need a Mark Thread
"He no dye he pretund to be walkur and bit woman then got robotic leg from shed and became ulti-mark."
You know Molly could come back in episode 5 in that city. Although i could see TellTale just letting Molly never to be seem again
It cant be Molly because isnt it possible for her to get killed at Crawford? I know she gets surrounded by walkers.
Nope, she runs off screen. We never see her die.
I don't see how Clem would say 'i thought you were dead' to someone who, in most games, voluntarily left the group and didn't seem dead at all.
EDIT: But I'd personally prefer to see Molly back than Lilly or Kenny so I'll hope with you.
totally agree.. sadly i don't think it will be molly even though i'd be pretty cool if it was
Molly is hot and a badass, I hope she returns this season
actually I wasn't saying that I think the person will be molly, I'm just saying that I want Molly to turn up in Season 2.
I believe all three people (Kenny, Lily, and Molly) will probably turn up in Season 2 in some form.
To be honest, I always thought of Molly as a potential love interest for Lee. (I thought that about Lily too. Don't know about Carly, seeing as I didn't manage to save her in the first episode)
I liked Molly. I mean her character is obviously a bit unrealistic but she provided a cool storyline. She seemed pretty set on staying in Crawford or the town she was in. BUT she does have the type of personality who would join a group of bandits (which we assume is probably Carvers bandits or another group)
Really? She's too young. She acts like a 16 year old.
Really? Maybe that's just because she is still young? I'd say around 20-22.
But I mean, it's not that different from other members of the group.
Nah Molly was worst character in season 1, too much of a videogame character, telltale experimented with her and results where not good

If molly was in season 2 this would be my reaction.....

Not sure I understand what you mean here?
Was the reception to her not great? I feel like she has a personality that could be very interesting in terms of clashing with a group.
If you mean in terms of skill set.. well.. honestly, I'd be surprised if there aren't any people that can do what she does in real life. I'd seen a lot of videos of people who parkour and their skills are really impressive.
what does this add to the discussion?
I mean, there isn't really much of a discussion here anyway. But I need more for why people would be against her character than just "it's unrealistic."
Mostly because this is a fictional medium and seeing someone who is just a bad ass once in a while is pretty awesome. I mean, Molly doesn't need to become a permanent character by any means (although I would personally love that), I just want to see her return again for another episode.
Ugh these gifs are bothering me..
If Molly would appear in season 2, I think Telltale would have to change her character quite a bit, seeing as the majority of the fanbase didn't like her unrealistic badassness.. The only way to make her character more realistic and believable would be to give her some kind of physical disability which would take away her unbelievable climbing abilities.
She really wasn't that unbelievable though..
And the majority of the fanbase? I'm sorry, but these forums don't count as the majority of the fanbase. We'd need more hard statistics. A poll of at least 1600 votes on a site that a large amount of people would go on. I'd advise something like The Walking Dead wiki.
A videogame charatcer?
She's never shown to die or even be bitten.
I was gonna argue with you but then I got some sound advice....

Everyone is entitled to it's own opinion, It's just that I think yours is wrong(Molly is great!),
Flog the thing is the game is based in realism once you can suspend enough belief to imagine zombies are a viable possibilty, unrealistic characters like Molly damage the integrity of this dark drama based in "reality". Guys like you will never be able to comprehend that though sadly.
I swear, sometimes I think people on this forum haven't even heard of the comics or the characters in it before... Saying that Molly is unrealistic is just stupid. Who the fuck says a character in TWD universe NEEDS to be realistic anyway?? Theres a dude with a TIGER in the comics and a badass karate/kung-fu master calling himself Jesus. Also Michonne, which I suspect would be a more familiar name to the general population. She is a Katana wielding death train and yet she's perfectly awesome character.
Bottom line is, that TWD doesn't need super realistic characters to be good. It's based on a comic book series. Comic books tend to not be that realistic believe it or not.
But there are people in real life that can do what Molly does..
So it's easier to suspend disbelief about Molly than Zombies
I recon molly will appear with Kenny later in the game. think about it. the only way kenny could get out of both situations is if someone helped him. Molly works
No you don't understand, I remember I had a thread about Molly ages ago, can't find it in my profile maybe coz it was on old forums, just an example of one of many things for one was that twice Molly was able to pull Lee up onto a roof and this wasn't a helping hand this was supporting Lee's whole body weight with one hand with no help and she was able to pull him up without a bother, no way could a petite small girl be able to physically pull a grown man up by herself and not too mention the second time Lee was falling to his death so she had gravity to deal with,realistically Lee would have probably ripped her arm out of it's socket
I disliked Molly because she was so self-important and always saw everyone else as a burden. I hope she doesn't return in season 2. Also she looked like a 15 year old boy, but that doesn't make any real difference.
I didn't like her at first, but she kinda grew on me. Not sure if I need her in S2, but when I replay S1, I enjoy her character.
So, I guess I'd like her return, if done right.
A little support for Molly
Yea, I felt she was a bit self-centered as well, but she was still an enjoyable character. Characters like her can add tension to a story that keeps it going. But I also feel like she can grow into someone that cares about others. Would love to see her take a big sister role to Clementine.
Stop it, Crixus, you're making me want her to reappear even more, especially because you used a Nicholas Cage gif.
Personally, I think that Michonne is far more unrealistic than Molly or even Jesus. I mean it usually takes a professional katana master at least one decade before he can handle a katana well enough to be able to cut off a head without injuring himself, but Michonne just did it without prior experience in sword fighting and just took some random-quality katana from some weapon-nerd. And don't forget, she wasn't a karate master or police officer, only a lawyer. On the other side Molly can jump from roof to roof, something everyone who isn't fat should be able to do and she had probably enough time to completely master that kind of movement.
I apologize for making you want to see Molly :P
I don't really think any character in TWD is unrealistic. I don't see how parkour/freerunning(i don't know the diff) would be unrealistic. Or how Michonne handles her sword, how Jesus is good on hand-to-hand combat or how Ezekiel has a tiger. I mean, sure she was a lawyer and just picked up a sword but is she really that great? Is she? Also i do not enjoy her character and think she's overrated, but that's not the subject. Ezekiel had raised that tiger since it was a cub. Jesus is just trained. You see where i'm going with this?
I haven't read the comics or seen the show, but it sounds like there is some pretty crazy shit going down in The Walking Dead, so this makes me really confused when I hear complaints about realism in the game.
Like.. seriously?