Omid and Christa, parents of the year award
Anybody else a little annoyed that all this happened in s2 because Omid and Christa couldn't keep it in their pants. I mean seriously "Hey clem I gotta rub one out so go to that scary abandoned bathroom and if I hear anything ill wait to put on my clothes walk around the building and then ill have your back derpa derp."
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I was thinking that when I was playing it hahah
the words "Vegas weekend
" followed by "umm uhh boing hey clem why don't you go wash up in the other restroom"
didn't give you enough of a hint? what was the point of them using different restrooms to see if there was any water there? S2 happens all because somebody wanted a little bow chicka wow wow.
Didn't know they were at it.. haha.
Uncle Omid is the best
so a persian and a african walk into a toilet....hmm cannot think of a punchline just aint got the heart to come up with one
well Omid I hope you and Christa at least got to finish before you died Lmao XD im going to hell lol jk
Oh no you didn't!
Wait... I just... Uhm... Wat?
Is this REALLY what you think? This flew right past me on my playthrough
Play the beginning again, it pisses you off knowing whats about to happen. Youd think that with all the bad luck from s1 and especialy being attacked in a bathroom in e1 of season 1 that clem wouldn't agree with omids retarded lets separate plan
What? Omid was gone for two minutes.
What did he do in the other minute and a half?
Bow Chicka Wow Wow
There was no toilet paper to clean up the mess
Heheh. See you in hell, brother
Omid goes too fast.
Omid is a minute man.
Okay I didn't think he was white or completely white at least with a name like Omid. Honestly I never heard that name before this game.
Shhh! Don't tell anyone
LOL i thought he was Persian! Omid is definitely a Persian name!
there was the picture of kennys family, im sure clem wouldn't mind XD see you sooner rather than later omid
Persia doesn't exist anymore
The place you are looking for is 'Iran'.
its ok you took that secret too the grave.... unless christa likes too talk to little girls about her sex life
'Persia' doesn't exist but persian(s) do. I'm half Persian and immediately i knew Omid was middle east or Persian.
haha that's my dad's friends name
Yup, the whole situation was absurd.
But at least he had some fun before he died. xD
In fairness Omid and Christa have kept Clem alive a hell of alot longer then Lee. nearly 2 years into apocalypse now, Lee kept clem alive for 3 months... so bit of perspective here people
Lee seems like such a badass till you realize he only lasted 3 months and people like Bonnie Wyatt and Russel outlived him.
Yeah but Lee had it way harder then them, you don't have to be a badass to survive, you just need to be a lucky son of a bitch.
Yeah that was a bad call. Let's just say if Lee was alive and found out-- Omid would have ended up dead anyway.
It was obvious. Even christa gave "lets do it
" look before she opened the door
He's like glen! He gets in and out fast. 0-0
no more like 4 months....
In some play throughs I did in s1 it feels like my lee feels like he's surrounded by a bunch of idiots that want to get themselves Benned I mean killed. Its a combination of being an asshole and being morally right. And in another play through Clem treats my lee like an idiot. So I blame the group for killing lee.
"Omid can you hear me? Omid!? WE WEREN'T DONE!!!"
.......... ive noticed something common in twd. If your a 3rd wheel you will live. Bonnie, Clem, Rick....... sorry guess lori liked shane better
but he was taken down when he was in a panic about saving Clementine and wasn't able to analyze his surroundings
i.e. he was taken out in a moment of weakness, and he still managed to prevail despite that
Dat look
if you want to be technical its like 3 months 2 weeks 5 days. Its easier to say 3 months cause the only place they tell you how much time has actualy passed without saying the word "about" is in the beginning of e2.
well I..... heard.... that when you die..... your... ok I really don't want to say this but read at YOUR OWN RISK. when you die you void your bowels and if your a man your man sausage becomes erect for a little bit. so she could finish XD im sorry I have a very warped sense of humor.
Sorry didnt mean to reply