I'd prefer the companionship of animal, sure it was not to be trusted but we dident know we couldn't trust the dog. I'd rather have more reasons to live than food..
And I could not eat a dog because I always grew up with them..
I wouldn' t keep others from not eating it in such situation, still it is not something I could do myself..
I'm just curious and I don't mean to come across rude as I would like to see your reasoning, I'm not here to start an argument, but why is eating a dog, if you're starving, something you don't think you could do?
I understand
And I could not eat a dog because I always grew up with them..
I wouldn' t keep others from not eating it in such situation, still it is not something I could do myself..
You can't compare eating a chicken (like we do in our socicity) and hamburgers to skinning a dog and eating it. Totally different, even more so for a little girl who hardly even knows how to do it in the first place.
So you only eat chicken, and hamburgers when you're on the virge of starvation? Also I don't see why you need to get insulting over my opinion… more in this fake survival situation. Maybe you need a hobby?
Or.. Perhaps blowing innocuous posts out of proportion is your hobby?
Also, considering that in the walking dead world, everybody turns when they die. If the wound would have gotten heavily infected and she would die from it.. Ye. It would trick them.
Also saying he'd check clem in the morning to see if fever set in and, if it had, that meant it was a walker bite. Cus an untreated, uncleaned… more bite from a dog that's probably been eating walkers, left on an arm overnight in a cold, dirty shed outside won't cause a fever at all.
Would it really be good to eat the dog considering what he got stuck in? For all we know those things were all dirty and his wounds would get infected.
Well, whichever one she is on about why would you be so interested in seeing a kid eat a dog? is this a fetish she has or something?
Dude, i offered her a chance to calm herself down. She obviously can't get a guy with her fucked up fantasies so why not try one?
either that or she's on her rags.
You can't compare eating a chicken (like we do in our socicity) and hamburgers to skinning a dog and eating it. Totally different, even more so for a little girl who hardly even knows how to do it in the first place.
Well, whichever one she is on about why would you be so interested in seeing a kid eat a dog? is this a fetish she has or something?
Dude, i … moreoffered her a chance to calm herself down. She obviously can't get a guy with her fucked up fantasies so why not try one?
either that or she's on her rags.
i ask my self the same question raindoc have you checked out mr walto69 posts here http://www.telltalegames.com/community/discussion/comment… more/897186#Comment_897186
and the irony of mr walto 69 calling me pathetic/pissweak... and he posts shit like this..
GREAT JOB hypocrite...
You know, i was actually thinking that too. I mean it's been atleast half a day and a full night that clementine hasnt eaten. And she eat like 5 beans from that can. But yeah, eating the dog would have been a little too extreme.
Little bit of fridge brilliance for you that only just occurred to me.....
This new group seems to be extremely sheltered and cut off from the world. Assuming they've been there the entire time what if they don't know that dying makes you turn period? Granted the doctor still seems a bit off to me but if they don't know this fact they it could easily explain the mindset. Plus had Clem died from infection/blood loss and they found her as a walker the next day then they honestly might not put two and two together and would likely assume "Well she lied....it was a walker bite."
Also, considering that in the walking dead world, everybody turns when they die. If the wound would have gotten heavily infected and she would die from it.. Ye. It would trick them.
no need at this rate the mods will ban you anyway for yet another insult which is totally uncalled for..
the comment about 'china eating dogs is still there.. as a reply, do you not realise you have to click on a spoiler marked post to show them ?
i didn't call anyone a cynic i called MYSELF a sceptic... facts dude you should take note of them..
i didn't actually stalk you at all, it just so happened that once again you have gone out of you way to insult someone with yet another different opinion to your own....i can't delete comments only flag report them to mods as 'to be deleted' but no you think otherwise..
and i see once again you've replied to that other thread with yet more pointless raging, great job dude..
Of course eating the dog was what she should have done,you don't survive for very long in the ZA if your not willing to eat fresh meat, now if it was friendly i'd let it live and keep it as a companion but once it attacked it was like "Bitch it's on, I'm gonna eat you!". Gotta be a hippie to not want to eat it when it was dead.
Uncalled? you're the biggest hypocrite i've seen. You call this uncalled for yet how come when i asked a question regarding a release date you had to be a smart ass and Insult ME? that was called for was it?
Funny, because i'm looking at the discussion now, yet no spoiler comment. Stop bullshitting dude, it's becoming sad.
Haha your bullshit is not fooling me buddy. Last year when i first came on a post you were on, i asked about release dates of 400 days, i got a reply from a guy who told me nicely the date and that it was on previous pages, then i got you insulting me about not looking back of previous pages, then when i said People saved Carley because they wanted romance you called me a cynic and you know it's true.
Sure you didn't dude haha strongstalkingskills/10.
It's funny how you're crying about insults yet you insult people more then anybody haha Insults people, sooks when others insult him or others, logic ?
Yeah was a great job, cheer dude.
laying the "smackdown" on you Milobar
If you're smart (which you're not) you'd know where i got that comment.
Something along the lines of you talking shit after i got banned? typical nerd behind a screen, packs shit when someones replying to him, talks shit once they're gone. slow clap congrats you're a deadseat faggot
no need at this rate the mods will ban you anyway for yet another insult which is totally uncalled for..
the comment about 'china eating do… moregs is still there.. as a reply, do you not realise you have to click on a spoiler marked post to show them ?
i didn't call anyone a cynic i called MYSELF a sceptic... facts dude you should take note of them..
i didn't actually stalk you at all, it just so happened that once again you have gone out of you way to insult someone with yet another different opinion to your own....i can't delete comments only flag report them to mods as 'to be deleted' but no you think otherwise..
and i see once again you've replied to that other thread with yet more pointless raging, great job dude..
Yeah. Plenty of people freak out about the idea while ignoring that pigs are eaten by the millions despite potentially being smarter than dogs, but I suppose that's all part of a different debate.
As for Clem's situation, I think there's a difference between simply choosing to eat dog, and having a child trying to salvage raw meat from one. And even if she was the type to consider it, I think her wound was putting a halt on a lot of things.
when i insulted you and other stupids that was because a) i wasn't aware of how sensitive mods were about it on the old forums (even now i can't tell some spam poster to chill the f out). i understand it makes the forum mostly fun and enjoyable with some exceptions..
b) you came back and pretty much didn't learn your lesson i was merely joking with you and being sarcastic,
c) as vain said to me you still haven't learned,
oh sure i'm the bad guy here cos you were too lazy to look through a few pages of a topic, heck even reading the first post/op which i reckon was updated when ever new confirmed info was released, but no you enter a release date thread and ask the same question other less informed people do, but you demand the info, you shout and complain it's not anywhere thats not clear to you, when it so clear it practically had neon signs pointing at it, then you got all bent out of shape and insulting, just cos i didn't kiss your ass..because there is only so much stupid i can take, i mean seriously dude the world does not revolve around you, the world has billions of people in it, and yet you think you are somehow the only person to ask these questions ?
the carley thing yeah cos it was cynical ?! i am a bit of a romantic and yet i chose carley because i interacted with her more than doug, doug was very limited in his interactions merely a way to get the keys in ep1 and his dialogue was a little creepy at first, (the robots) plus socks and sandals is such a fashion faux pas..bottom line carley offered much more the gun, smarts, a bit silly with the batteries which could be considered leverage, and always getting involved with stuff and offering advice, and in the following episodes doug built a fence alarm wow, oh and he then scoffs all the buns from the farm...and almosts blinds lee with a lazer pointer, carley shows up and saves lee by actually shooting..
oh the only insult i have done on this 'new forum' if you can call it that was telling freddie to chill the f out and i got banned for that from vain..
vain is keeping a pretty close eye on me so i am trying to show him i'm better now..
What annoys me is when i am insulted they get an infraction or nothing, but i get insta banned ? how is that fair ? Oh sure i have been banned 4 times for these reasons but it's kind of a double standard, they allow some users to go unpunished for ages but eventually they cross a line..like one dude critiqued my fan fic started of ok and then he used insanely personal insults and was banned,. but i guess holiday season will take up their time.
i think the downvoters are on to something. i'm out..
Uncalled? you're the biggest hypocrite i've seen. You call this uncalled for yet how come when i asked a question regarding a release date you… more had to be a smart ass and Insult ME? that was called for was it?
Funny, because i'm looking at the discussion now, yet no spoiler comment. Stop bullshitting dude, it's becoming sad.
Haha your bullshit is not fooling me buddy. Last year when i first came on a post you were on, i asked about release dates of 400 days, i got a reply from a guy who told me nicely the date and that it was on previous pages, then i got you insulting me about not looking back of previous pages, then when i said People saved Carley because they wanted romance you called me a cynic and you know it's true.
Sure you didn't dude haha strongstalkingskills/10.
It's funny how you're crying about insults yet you insult people more then anybody haha Insults people, sooks when others insult him or others, logic ?
Yeah was a great job, … [view original content]
when i insulted you and other stupids that was because a) i wasn't aware of how sensitive mods were about it on the old forums (even now i can… more't tell some spam poster to chill the f out). i understand it makes the forum mostly fun and enjoyable with some exceptions..
b) you came back and pretty much didn't learn your lesson i was merely joking with you and being sarcastic,
c) as vain said to me you still haven't learned,
oh sure i'm the bad guy here cos you were too lazy to look through a few pages of a topic, heck even reading the first post/op which i reckon was updated when ever new confirmed info was released, but no you enter a release date thread and ask the same question other less informed people do, but you demand the info, you shout and complain it's not anywhere thats not clear to you, when it so clear it practically had neon signs pointing at it, then you got all bent out of shape and insulting, just cos i didn't kiss your… [view original content]
the irony here we used tact and you simply read between the lines and then sent us blatant personal venom.. like your doing again, it is called subtlety you should google it... Seriously...
I feel like this 'conversation is a broken record' you admit you skipped to the end of a release day thread...right ok so i was a bit harsh and you got an answer bully for you..still the fact you skipped ahead without reading says everything about you..(asking a question no one else could possibly of asked before you) hence you being an egotist and then repeating yourself twice ? u mad bro ?
While in any real normal world view i would be against eating a dog, it would be a nasty and despicable thing to do, but storywise, zombie apocalypse wise, it would still be a very upsetting thing to do, just the thing Telltale would have us do :P. So yeah, it would be a nice thing to see something like being forced to eat a dog to survive.
Don't understand all this panic? And why it's weird? It's just surviving. I sure that Clem didn't even think about eating a dog, but, if I would be on her place, I'd eat. By the way, I hate this dog, I left him to die (didn't finnished)
Actually, many Americans do eat dogs (not just Asian Americans, either, before anybody accuses me of being an Asian dog-eating cunt). Most of the time, now, though, they're used for companionship (obviously). The main reason we don't eat carnivores (like dogs, cats, bears, etc.) is because they're a) used for companionship and/or b) they taste awful compared to herbivores. In any post-apocalyptic situation, food is gonna be hard to come by, so those domesticated animals will be the first to go. But, like many of you have said, she was too injured and ill-prepared to prepare the meat for cooking or start a fire. I was nowhere near "disappointed" when she didn't eat the dog, but it might've been a good decision, given different circumstances.
It kind of shocks me how most of the Walking Dead fandom doesn't bat an eye at the St. Johns' cannibalism, but starts flipping tables when people suggest that she should've eaten Sam.
You can't compare eating a chicken (like we do in our socicity) and hamburgers to skinning a dog and eating it. Totally different, even more so for a little girl who hardly even knows how to do it in the first place.
I actually never gave it any thought until i read your thread.hhmm no i wouldnt want Clem to eat it but even though it attacked Clem i felt an immense amount of pity when it got impaled....
Don't understand all this panic? And why it's weird? It's just surviving. I sure that Clem didn't even think about eating a dog, but, if I wou… moreld be on her place, I'd eat. By the way, I hate this dog, I left him to die (didn't finnished)
Wainting for your dislikes ))))
Im pretty sure Clementine has no idea how to properly skin an animal. Especially while running low on blood and being on the verge of passing out. Also don't forget that she's a little girl still. I, a grown man, would rather eat tree bark than skin a dog and eat it (actually in a survival situation I'd eat it but most likely wouldnt be able to skin it). Then she needs to build a fire, again, wounded. She'd die of infection before getting the fire started and cooking the meat.
I think she probably knows how to skin an animal, surely Omid and Christa has thought her and remember at the start of the episode we were having a skinned weasel so she's surely seen it done enough times
Im pretty sure Clementine has no idea how to properly skin an animal. Especially while running low on blood and being on the verge of passing … moreout. Also don't forget that she's a little girl still. I, a grown man, would rather eat tree bark than skin a dog and eat it (actually in a survival situation I'd eat it but most likely wouldnt be able to skin it). Then she needs to build a fire, again, wounded. She'd die of infection before getting the fire started and cooking the meat.
I think she probably knows how to skin an animal, surely Omid and Christa has thought her and remember at the start of the episode we were having a skinned weasel so she's surely seen it done enough times
I'd prefer the companionship of animal, sure it was not to be trusted but we dident know we couldn't trust the dog. I'd rather have more reasons to live than food..
I understand
And I could not eat a dog because I always grew up with them..
I wouldn' t keep others from not eating it in such situation, still it is not something I could do myself..
That's perfectly understandable, thanks.
You can't compare eating a chicken (like we do in our socicity) and hamburgers to skinning a dog and eating it. Totally different, even more so for a little girl who hardly even knows how to do it in the first place.
Also, considering that in the walking dead world, everybody turns when they die. If the wound would have gotten heavily infected and she would die from it.. Ye. It would trick them.
Would it really be good to eat the dog considering what he got stuck in? For all we know those things were all dirty and his wounds would get infected.
I can see why she would if it was a choice.
But maybe like me, it didn't cross her mind. I would probably forget about being hungry after getting attacked so suddenly.
Well, whichever one she is on about why would you be so interested in seeing a kid eat a dog? is this a fetish she has or something?
Dude, i offered her a chance to calm herself down. She obviously can't get a guy with her fucked up fantasies so why not try one?
either that or she's on her rags.
i ask my self the same question raindoc have you checked out mr walto69 posts here http://www.telltalegames.com/community/discussion/comment/897186#Comment_897186
and the irony of mr walto 69 calling me pathetic/pissweak... and he posts shit like this..
GREAT JOB hypocrite...
china eats dogs all the time... big wup...
I was actually pissed she doesn't eat the beans. She just had a battle for those beans, now she doesn't eat them?! WTF?!
You know, i was actually thinking that too. I mean it's been atleast half a day and a full night that clementine hasnt eaten. And she eat like 5 beans from that can. But yeah, eating the dog would have been a little too extreme.
Little bit of fridge brilliance for you that only just occurred to me.....
This new group seems to be extremely sheltered and cut off from the world. Assuming they've been there the entire time what if they don't know that dying makes you turn period? Granted the doctor still seems a bit off to me but if they don't know this fact they it could easily explain the mindset. Plus had Clem died from infection/blood loss and they found her as a walker the next day then they honestly might not put two and two together and would likely assume "Well she lied....it was a walker bite."
no need at this rate the mods will ban you anyway for yet another insult which is totally uncalled for..
the comment about 'china eating dogs is still there.. as a reply, do you not realise you have to click on a spoiler marked post to show them ?
i didn't call anyone a cynic i called MYSELF a sceptic... facts dude you should take note of them..
i didn't actually stalk you at all, it just so happened that once again you have gone out of you way to insult someone with yet another different opinion to your own....i can't delete comments only flag report them to mods as 'to be deleted' but no you think otherwise..
and i see once again you've replied to that other thread with yet more pointless raging, great job dude..
Of course eating the dog was what she should have done,you don't survive for very long in the ZA if your not willing to eat fresh meat, now if it was friendly i'd let it live and keep it as a companion but once it attacked it was like "Bitch it's on, I'm gonna eat you!". Gotta be a hippie to not want to eat it when it was dead.
Are you being serious?
She probably lost her appetite what with the horrible pain of the dog bite and having to just kill the creature that bit her.
You don't lose you appetite when you are starving
In a world like ours I could totally see that, but not this one.
Uncalled? you're the biggest hypocrite i've seen. You call this uncalled for yet how come when i asked a question regarding a release date you had to be a smart ass and Insult ME? that was called for was it?
Funny, because i'm looking at the discussion now, yet no spoiler comment. Stop bullshitting dude, it's becoming sad.
Haha your bullshit is not fooling me buddy. Last year when i first came on a post you were on, i asked about release dates of 400 days, i got a reply from a guy who told me nicely the date and that it was on previous pages, then i got you insulting me about not looking back of previous pages, then when i said People saved Carley because they wanted romance you called me a cynic and you know it's true.
Sure you didn't dude haha strongstalkingskills/10.
It's funny how you're crying about insults yet you insult people more then anybody haha Insults people, sooks when others insult him or others, logic ?
Yeah was a great job, cheer dude.
laying the "smackdown" on you Milobar
If you're smart (which you're not) you'd know where i got that comment.
Something along the lines of you talking shit after i got banned? typical nerd behind a screen, packs shit when someones replying to him, talks shit once they're gone.
slow clap congrats you're a deadseat faggot
Yeah. Plenty of people freak out about the idea while ignoring that pigs are eaten by the millions despite potentially being smarter than dogs, but I suppose that's all part of a different debate.
As for Clem's situation, I think there's a difference between simply choosing to eat dog, and having a child trying to salvage raw meat from one. And even if she was the type to consider it, I think her wound was putting a halt on a lot of things.
when i insulted you and other stupids that was because a) i wasn't aware of how sensitive mods were about it on the old forums (even now i can't tell some spam poster to chill the f out). i understand it makes the forum mostly fun and enjoyable with some exceptions..
b) you came back and pretty much didn't learn your lesson i was merely joking with you and being sarcastic,
c) as vain said to me you still haven't learned,
oh sure i'm the bad guy here cos you were too lazy to look through a few pages of a topic, heck even reading the first post/op which i reckon was updated when ever new confirmed info was released, but no you enter a release date thread and ask the same question other less informed people do, but you demand the info, you shout and complain it's not anywhere thats not clear to you, when it so clear it practically had neon signs pointing at it, then you got all bent out of shape and insulting, just cos i didn't kiss your ass..because there is only so much stupid i can take, i mean seriously dude the world does not revolve around you, the world has billions of people in it, and yet you think you are somehow the only person to ask these questions ?
the carley thing yeah cos it was cynical ?! i am a bit of a romantic and yet i chose carley because i interacted with her more than doug, doug was very limited in his interactions merely a way to get the keys in ep1 and his dialogue was a little creepy at first, (the robots) plus socks and sandals is such a fashion faux pas..bottom line carley offered much more the gun, smarts, a bit silly with the batteries which could be considered leverage, and always getting involved with stuff and offering advice, and in the following episodes doug built a fence alarm wow, oh and he then scoffs all the buns from the farm...and almosts blinds lee with a lazer pointer, carley shows up and saves lee by actually shooting..
oh the only insult i have done on this 'new forum' if you can call it that was telling freddie to chill the f out and i got banned for that from vain..
vain is keeping a pretty close eye on me so i am trying to show him i'm better now..
What annoys me is when i am insulted they get an infraction or nothing, but i get insta banned ? how is that fair ? Oh sure i have been banned 4 times for these reasons but it's kind of a double standard, they allow some users to go unpunished for ages but eventually they cross a line..like one dude critiqued my fan fic started of ok and then he used insanely personal insults and was banned,. but i guess holiday season will take up their time.
i think the downvoters are on to something. i'm out..
the irony here we used tact and you simply read between the lines and then sent us blatant personal venom.. like your doing again, it is called subtlety you should google it... Seriously...
I feel like this 'conversation is a broken record' you admit you skipped to the end of a release day thread...right ok so i was a bit harsh and you got an answer bully for you..still the fact you skipped ahead without reading says everything about you..(asking a question no one else could possibly of asked before you) hence you being an egotist and then repeating yourself twice ? u mad bro ?
clearly you can't let go... time you did dude..
'presses 'A' console'
While in any real normal world view i would be against eating a dog, it would be a nasty and despicable thing to do, but storywise, zombie apocalypse wise, it would still be a very upsetting thing to do, just the thing Telltale would have us do :P. So yeah, it would be a nice thing to see something like being forced to eat a dog to survive.
Don't understand all this panic? And why it's weird? It's just surviving. I sure that Clem didn't even think about eating a dog, but, if I would be on her place, I'd eat. By the way, I hate this dog, I left him to die (didn't finnished)
Wainting for your dislikes ))))
Actually, many Americans do eat dogs (not just Asian Americans, either, before anybody accuses me of being an Asian dog-eating cunt). Most of the time, now, though, they're used for companionship (obviously). The main reason we don't eat carnivores (like dogs, cats, bears, etc.) is because they're a) used for companionship and/or b) they taste awful compared to herbivores. In any post-apocalyptic situation, food is gonna be hard to come by, so those domesticated animals will be the first to go. But, like many of you have said, she was too injured and ill-prepared to prepare the meat for cooking or start a fire. I was nowhere near "disappointed" when she didn't eat the dog, but it might've been a good decision, given different circumstances.
It kind of shocks me how most of the Walking Dead fandom doesn't bat an eye at the St. Johns' cannibalism, but starts flipping tables when people suggest that she should've eaten Sam.
I actually never gave it any thought until i read your thread.hhmm no i wouldnt want Clem to eat it but even though it attacked Clem i felt an immense amount of pity when it got impaled....
I'm sure the fictional dead dog appreciates you white knighting for it. Keep it up Walto.
"Waiting for your dislikes"
Sorry. All I have is upvotes.
Im pretty sure Clementine has no idea how to properly skin an animal. Especially while running low on blood and being on the verge of passing out. Also don't forget that she's a little girl still. I, a grown man, would rather eat tree bark than skin a dog and eat it (actually in a survival situation I'd eat it but most likely wouldnt be able to skin it). Then she needs to build a fire, again, wounded. She'd die of infection before getting the fire started and cooking the meat.
I think she probably knows how to skin an animal, surely Omid and Christa has thought her and remember at the start of the episode we were having a skinned weasel so she's surely seen it done enough times
But, but, the barbecue had a hole in it.
Good point, but still she wouldn't do that in her condition.
I made JOKES about it, before finding the beans, but I never really expected her to.
Telltale would probably include this, but think about the haters,PETA...
People still care about what PETA thinks?
saw the avatar and thought it was vain the mod..