Why would telltale put "They will remember that" and then..?
Lol why would they say Carly will remember that and then kill her off 0.o? Are they playing with us? I just find this funny...
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Lol why would they say Carly will remember that and then kill her off 0.o? Are they playing with us? I just find this funny...
possibly reply related in later conversations, before actually killing them off.
To Troll everyone "Carley will remember that" 5 seconds later Blam"
Heh, yeah, that was certainly trolling.
True lol
Or to make people think that they can actually save Carley if they replay the game and use different options.
They're evil people, that's for sure.
I did that.. I tried and tried but.. Damn it Lily!
Please remember to add spoiler tags to your post and not reveal stuff in the thread title. Hard as it may be to believe, not everyone here has played the game yet.
As for me... it's possible Carly may come back in a later episode. Or it could just be Telltale trying to sucker punch us. Either/or.
How is it possible? Carley was shot to the head, and in 400 days we see her dead body.
With Russell, if you decide to hide from the approaching car.
you do? where exacly?
It will be Doug.

ah shucks it never crossed my mind that it's Carly!
Still missing too much of these references I think.
In my second playthrough I picked Doug tho, is he lying there then or a randomised body?
EDIT: just looked it up, yup, Doug body...excellent!
Or it is something for the new gamers - like a tutorial - to show them, how the things work in the game - people will remember how You react and what You say
They did it to make the death of Carley more of a shock.
And it worked.
You really think TellTale would do that?
(head turn)
Just go into the UI and tell lies?
Telltale uses the (?) X will remember that a lot as a Red Herring (aka a false/misleading statement) when it comes to characters "remembering" something and soon being killed off. I think they just use that as a general immersion thing for particular choices, although some people think that message appears for all the "big choices."
"No she won't."
It varies, but in occasions I believe it ticks a game-variable that can be used later by the writers when dialogue or scenes have to reflect on previous choices.
A lot of it is there just to make the illusion, but as with Bioware games you have to take it with a grain of salt when Telltale fools you into thinking your choices actually matter. By that, I simply mean that a lot of things that seem like important decisions don't really change anything and on just one replay anyone should see how little impact every choice actually has. Every player will see largely the same story no matter what, but give or take some characters and some choice-specific dialogue.
I don't think scenes were entirely different at any point in TWD S1 either.
It would be good if they make an option to disable those annoying "X will remember that". I don't need that.
That's one of the most fundamental elements of the game. It's what makes you aware of the intense choices you pick, to make sure you're choosing the right one. If you take that off, you'd likely get into a lot of crap you could have avoided.
^^ This.
It's a great storytelling technique.... so long as it's not overused.
Basically anything you say that's meaningful to that character tells you that they'll remember it. If they die shortly after, they would've remembered it if they hadn't died