Who threatened Rebecca?
This bitch messed with the wrong kid .
she thought she could fuck with Clem and get away with it and she thought she could get away after what she is done NOT after i dropped the black mail bomb on her.
I don't think Alvin would be happy if he knew. I wonder what would happen in e2
Who the heck cheat on there husband in a fucking in ZA. seriously though
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I blackmailed her too but that was mainly because in my play through she was the reason Nick almost shot Clementine.
lori did
Only because she thought Rick was dead.
I did and it felt aaaaawesome.
Usually in RPGs I pick the super nice, concilatory option all the time out of general Neutral Good tendencies. It's a mark of how successfully immersive these games are that I find myself having much more authentic emotional reactions to the situation (in S1E3, I was legit mad at Lily when I kicked her out of the RV), and as Clem, I was getting pretty fed up with Rebecca. Playing the creepy kid who knows all your secrets was delicious.
Yea. I did. I don't feel bad about it. You guys ever watch Two Best Friends on YouTube? I hope Matt and Pat do this.
I didn't.It feels like i just becoming larry if i do that.I was good every people even if somebody being a dick.
(Sorry for my language i am not english.)
Amazing, wish I'd taken that option instead of just giving her the silent treatment.
Well at least that problem solved itself later on. I mean during the end of Episode 2 and the beginning of Episode 3.
On my first playthrough i told her Luke said i could stay as i was playing a nice and honest Clementine but on my second playthrough i asked who's baby is it and you should be nicer to me, the look on her face is priceless.
Why becoming Larry? Larry only threatened lee because he was a convicted murderer and saw him as a threat and because he is Larry. Clem threatened Rebecca cause she was acting a bitch to a little girl .
Because Lee did something wrong in the past,regret it and Larry still mock him for that.Rebecca did something wrong too (probably regret it) and Clementine threaten him for that.But that's not point in here,people do mistakes let's just forget it.
What if Rebecca was raped? Then wont you guys feel like dicks.
Also, hi. I'm new to the forums.
Holy Fuck?Raped?By the attitude and traits given for Rebecca, if Carver raped her she will rape him back and kill him.You can see she is sensible but with crazy HORMONESSSSS
watching the video of Clem blackmailing her freaks me out. The shot where she is in darkness, her head lowered, and face hidden by her cap is creepy.
edit: it also makes me think that in that uhhh..'timeline' ? Or however we refer to it, that Rebecca is right saying clem has everyone else fooled etc. It's evil Clem from the darkest timeline
It was so BADASS
I didn't threaten Rebecca, since I had the feeling that it would backfire terribly in later episodes in some ways.
I didn't like the other answers either, so I opted for silence for the first time in all of my Walking Dead playthroughs. I didn't want to give her the satisfaction of some kind of response from Clementine so I ignored her, and the look of utter contempt in Clementine's face as she glares at Rebecca was enough for me.
I didn't. Because it didn't feel like something my Clem would say (according to my decisions in the game (in both S1 and S2) so far. I choose her decisions as I did with Lee (honest and good, if I can), cause I think she would follow his example. I want her to be bada** when it comes to survival, not when interacting with other people. I barely knew Rebecca and I had very little idea what their group is really like, threatening her didn't seem like a smart choice, I might need her help at some point later, you never know, it's The Walking Dead.
I chose not to blackmail Rebecca and didn't promise to be best friends with Sarah. Want to stay on Carlos' side and blackmailing Rebecca would mean that she would have it in for Clem at the slightest opportunity which is too much of a risk. If any other ranch members found out, they would distrust Clem and might not look after her, possibly kicking her out. Plus, blackmail is NOT what my Clem does!
I told her off a bit, but I laid off a little near the end, realizing the gravity of what I had just said, and didn't need to prove my point any further.
I played through twice and blackmailed her both times. I considered maybe backing off because she would be a threat to staying with the group but decided against it. She is pregnant and relies on the group, not the other way around. Considering how the group thinks I can easily be more of an asset than her.
My Clem takes no shit (Lee taught her well) - draw your own conclusions.
We dont know that she cheated. It may not have been concensual. I didnt threaten her though. I wanted my Clem to be as nice and respectful and give people are little reason to not want her around as possible.
Yeah, and Rick understood and forgave her and that was enough for me.
If she was raped she wouldn't be angry all the time, she would have been sad and everyone would know that the baby would maybe be Carver's.
I gave her the "Whose baby is it" line just because I couldn't resist Followed it up with "Don't talk to me like that" & I think it's my favorite response. I mean the blackmail is interesting lol, but my Clementine isn't quite that manipulative and sneaky. She just doesn't take any crap. Plus the dialogue reminds me of the old Clem, "You should watch your language if you're going to be a mom." Awwwww. :')
I stole the watch so I think it is best to stay on good of terms as possible with everyone in the house until I find out who it belongs to and what importance it has.