The decisions that you make in this episode changes the world or change Clem?
I mean they said about the decision of season 1 does not change the world of Lee .But changes Lee himself ,you are creating your own Lee.
Just like the wolf among us your choices make BIgby a different person it create your own Bigby .Is he calm, cunning,serious kind-hearted or viscous,stern and violent?
does this episode changes Clem perspective or the world around her?
Also my choices were:
I Save Christa i was selfless
I killed the dog i was mercifull
I gave water to the dying man i was generous
I accepted Nick's apology i had some humanity
I save Pete cause he is Pete
What were your choices guys?
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I chose All the same as you! This is a little bit strange...
I made the same choices...even thought Pete was obviously bitten. I guess we'll see where that leads..possibly Nick shooting his uncle
Everybody made those choices. :P
I hope it will in later episodes but for the first episode not much changes
my choices:
I tried to sneak away because I was scared and didn't really think Clementine would be able to do much anyway
I killed the dog for the same reason
I didn't give water to the dying man because he attacked Clementine at the start
I accepted Nick's apology because in my play through it was Rebecca's fault
I save Pete because I didn't want to be a hypocrite
It's kind of hard to not play Clem as a good person.
Would destroy everything Lee fought for in season one.
I didn't accept Nick's apology or saved Pete. Saw he was bitten and i panicked
everything else was the same.
I saved Christa... because Christa
Killed the Dog
Gave water because Clem is more awesome than he.
Forgave Nick
.....the only one I regret is going to save Nick instead of Pete... I saw the bite and figured he was a gonner anyway....
My choices;
Distracted scavengers to help Christa;
Mercily killed the dog;
I accepted Nick's apology;
I gave water to the dying man;
I chose to save Nick, thought that Pete was bit (looked like it) and thought he was as good as dead.
I saved Christa.She took care of me for months and i can't just leave him like that.
I killed dog.Mercy man,i couldn't let just suffer.
I accepted Nick's apology.He told me he have a bad experience once,after that it's understandable.
I gave the water to the dying man.I just wanted to know what happened Christa.
I saved Nick.When i needed to decide i just hearing that:He's bitten,no going back from there.
(If i wrote something bad that's because i am not english.)
Tried to save Christa
Let the dog bleed out (he was wounded, but still could bite, so why risk getting close......ok, ok, just wanted the bastard to suffer for attacking me)
I gave water to the dying man - wanted to know what happened to Christa, so tried to use Tit for tat strategy
Accepted Nick's apology
Saved Pete cause liked him more
I didn't save Pete.
The fact that the majority made the exact same choices is really.....boring? For me, that means they were not hard ones and telltale did not do good.
Duh, "Great minds think alike"...and that includes me XD
I made similar choices, but for different reasons.
I distracted the bandits since Christa was all Clementine had left. Killed the dog because I was merciful. Accepted the apology so I had lesser enemies. Gave the man water because I thought he would tell me about Christa. Saved Nick because I saw the Walker bite.
Rebecca - "Bitchy mc Bitch face" XD
Oh well. Don't play the game then.
I saved Christa, too.
I killed the goddamn dog, partly to end his misery and because things did go usually like that in my play through WD season 1. I killed Danny as Lee, and sided with Kenny in unfortunate turn of events with Larry.
I didn't give water.
I accepted Nick's apology, it seemed sincere, I didn't want another Ben to mess with another whole season so the first step was to make some sort of understanding and trust.
I saved Nick, initially because he seemed in much more danger, then seeing Pete bitten just sealed my decision because all the mess that happened to those who got bit, and Lee after all. I was really sorry in that situation, Pete seemed like someone reliable and really cool, he saved Clem, trusted her. Thinking around it, I do trust as well if I see people sincerely ask for it. Clem witnessed a walker biting Pete, not a dog.
All that Nick and Pete relation looked like Kenny going nuts about everything Ben did, and I did saved Ben when that was a matter of choice.
My decisions were as follows:
Distracted scavengers, in order to save Christa.
Let the dog (Sam) die slow and painfully (didn't kill him).
Did not accept Nick's apology. And told Luke, Nick was crazy.
I refused water to Victor and let him die thirsty.
I saved Pete, because Nick is crazy!!
Saved Christa
Killed the dog
Accepted Nicks apology
Didn't give water to that guy
Saved Nick.
Why wouldn't I? I just think the choices in the first episode was boring. Should I stop playing the game because of that? Wtf?
Why does everyone give water to the dying man? He's DYING. Water won't miraculously save him. Save it for yourself [insert evil laughter]
Also, I saved Pete. Cause Nick has an itchy trigger finger and anger problem. Those two don't mix LOL. I'd rather have a stable, old, bitten man than an unstable, young, spastic guy :P
Last season, I tolled Clem to trust no one. That advice morphed her into the hardcore survivalist I play her as now!
On a side note, could the dog turn? I chose to kill it because I thought it would turn, rip off the spike and haunt me for the rest of my days... The outbreak must be getting to me, IDK...
Sorry. I've just seen a lot of forums where players were "disappointed" for lame reasons like "Clementine's ridiculous strength"
Yes you're right. Pretty lame. That doesn't bother me. Just hope they turn it up a little in episode 2. Like the doug and carley situation. Tha was just like in your face.
Well I choose Pete in the end because he was the coolest guy in the game so far bite or no bite. Plus I'm really curious how the cabin survivors will react with Pete with a Walker bite on his leg. They didn't trust Clem at first (especially Rebecca) so I want to see how they'll react when one of their own is bitten.
Exactly my choices, with basically the same motives.
No, animals don't turn in The Walking Dead, the infection only applies to humans.
I distracted the bandits to help Christa.
I killed the dog out of revenge.
I appealed to Carlos as a doctor.
I refused to give the man water so he would suffer.
I blackmailed/threatened Rebecca.
I accepted Nick's apology.
I was friendly and forthcoming with Luke.
I saved Pete.
1st playthrough:
• hide (what Clem can possibly do?)
• left (don't wanna touch it)
• accepted (didn't care)
• gave (my thought was: there's a river right here, it's pointless to save water. It's probably from here anyway)
• Nick (Pete's bitten -> dead)
did exactly the same, and I'm interested in finding out what happens to Pete. He doesn't appear in the most part of the next episode trailer so I think something will happen to him in the early part. It will cause tension in the group because they will be afraid that Pete might turn and Nick will be put in a terrible situation where he has to decide if they let Pete go or put him down. Speculating over
And me
Honestly, i think this was the episode with the least difficult decisions. Only the go with Nick or Pete decision made me think. The percentages were pretty lopsided except for the last decision and i did the same things as the OP.
Help Christa was pretty instinctive, you have to protect your friends,
I put the dog down out of mercy
I accepted Nicks apology since i didn't wan't to aggravate the group any further.
I gave the dying man water, since i hoped it would help him tell me about Christa
Chose Pete because he was more sensible and needed help more.
I distracted the scavengers, because Christa was all I had left, and I couldn't afford to lose her.
I didn't kill the dog, because I will never have the heart to murder an animal, for better or worse, even if it is in a video game. No, I am not a vegetarian.
I accepted Nick's apology, because I understood that he made a stupid choice, and he did too. No use dwelling on it.
I gave water to the dying man, because he owed me some answers, and I couldn't get them if he was dead.
I saved Pete because, well, he and Luke saved me. Nick was closer to camp, and he could make a run for it - Pete couldn't.
Sneak away because it's either Clem or Christa
Killed the dog because it pissed me off and I wanted it to die by my own hands
I denied water to the man because he didn't want to answer my question
I accepted Nick's apology because I felt that he wasn't evil or anything like that, just stupid
I saved Nick because Pete lied about his bite and going with Nick seemed saver for me
Okey, my choices:
I Save Christa (i dont even thought about leaving her)
I killed the dog (it was really difficult but... it was mercy...)
I gave water to the dying man
I accepted Nick's apology (i like him a little. he's not a bad guy)
I save Nick (cause Pete was bitten... but it was hard too)