Accepting Nick's Apology



  • Eh, it was a group decision, and the majority of the group decided to put her somewhere where she couldn't attack them if she turned into a walker, just for one night. Honestly, I don't think Clementine would have died had she stayed in the shed. The would was bad but infection doesn't really kill someone in one day. I still think her actions of stealing supplies from them and stitching her arm her self instead of waiting for them to help her were justified actions, because she may have stopped the would from getting infected and possibly killing her. Or she may have lost her arm or something. But I don't think one day with an untreated wound would be too bad with a professional doctor and medical supplies around.

    Godwalker posted: »

    Clem owes her life to Pete and luke, She doesn't owe Nick, Carlos or any of the others anything. If not for Pete and Luke, clem would be dead

  • Closure for both parties, I reckon. As long as there is still some ill-will lingering for either party, true forgiveness can't be given.

    Westduo posted: »

    It's closure for the other person EDIT: Doesn't necessarily have to mean closure for myself..

  • Honestly, I just thought that Nick was a fairly cool guy.

    Of course, I didn't personally experience a gun going off next to my body.

  • That's what most people say....until they are actually PUT into a situation that truly tests their morals.

    Jexx21 posted: »

    I would rather die than let go of my morals.

  • edited December 2013

    The scene didn't give me that impression. They all seemed to be casually walking over. And unarmed on top of it.

    And the thunder and rain were probably too loud to make out any other sounds.

    Godwalker posted: »

    Im guessing they all heard the loud, piercing screams from Clem and the ruckus outside and came to check out what it was

  • If i was Clem I would have accepted his apology too for the only reason of not making him an enemy, Clem is the new in the group after all and she needs people on her side. But deep down inside i would have been mad at him, words are wind.

  • Luke and Pete, despite not completely believing that Clementine was bit by a dog, were friendly to her. Uh....the black guy, I don't remember his name, is fairly friendly, he sticks up for Clementine when the group is arguing over what to do with her, and you can convince him to help get you supplies. If you do that, he gets you a juice box that I don't think you can get otherwise. A JUICE BOX MAN. Carlos if I recall is nice to you if you agree with him, Nick doesn't really dislike Clementine, he was just worried based on a past experience. Sarah REALLY wants to be friends with Clementine. Rebecca's an ass and I was an ass to her.

    I accepted Nick's apology because it seemed I already had one too many enemies among this new group without creating a few more on my own. I w

  • edited December 2013

    aruba, jamaica, i really wanna take ya.......

    Godwalker posted: »

    So, in real life, someone almost shoots your face hour later says sorry...and you are perfectly cool with it huh? Wow, you must be a real saint.

  • Yeah, but considering the situation Clementine is in, I'd say it doesn't matter, as long as Nick is happy. Happy Nick = Less chance of him being a danger to Clementine or any other group member for that matter.

    Godwalker posted: »

    Closure for both parties, I reckon. As long as there is still some ill-will lingering for either party, true forgiveness can't be given.

  • Ya, but I still feel that there's just something really...OFF about every single person in that group.

    Luke and Pete, despite not completely believing that Clementine was bit by a dog, were friendly to her. Uh....the black guy, I don't remember

  • Well, they're zombie apocalypse survivors who have had bad experiences with bitten people before. If a person who is bitten by something comes to them, it is reasonable that they do not greet the person with open arms. Though whether or not they are hiding something will be revealed in future episodes. For now, it only seems like they may be hiding information about some past group of theirs from Clementine....

    Godwalker posted: »

    Ya, but I still feel that there's just something really...OFF about every single person in that group.

  • Well...lets put it this way then....getting shot at close range by a hunting rifle...regardless of whether or not it's in the face...would result in a very, very bad thing happening. Let's put it that way....genius. Chest, neck, arm, leg...MAY result in death.

    aruba, jamaica, i really wanna take ya.......

  • Yeah, thats true. I thought the opposite too...I was worried by accepting his apology, the game would "interpret" it as, i want to get close to him and trust him. The game doesn't know WHY we chose what we did. So, I did it because I want the game to know I don't like him and I dont want clem to get close to him.

    Westduo posted: »

    Yeah, but considering the situation Clementine is in, I'd say it doesn't matter, as long as Nick is happy. Happy Nick = Less chance of him being a danger to Clementine or any other group member for that matter.

  • i misread your comment, sorry for the assholish remark

    Godwalker posted: »

    Well...lets put it this way then....getting shot at close range by a hunting rifle...regardless of whether or not it's in the face...would res

  • I don't play by that rule, but I accepted his apology. He seemed to be sincere, plus I didn't need more enemies. What with that doctor, and pregnant lady after me.

    Godwalker posted: »

    I was wondering the same thing. I refused his apology, in the sense that, he'll have to earn it first. I think most people play by the "be nice to everyone," rule.

  • You'll have to earn my forgiveness :)

    i misread your comment, sorry for the assholish remark

  • haha nice:)

    Godwalker posted: »

    You'll have to earn my forgiveness

  • You'll be dead within the first 3 days of ZA then..

    Jexx21 posted: »

    I would rather die than let go of my morals.

  • I just didn't say anything because I was still kinda annoyed at him. I coudn't be bothered to whine to him about how he nearly killed me, sometimes silence works better.

    Godwalker posted: »

    I was wondering the same thing. I refused his apology, in the sense that, he'll have to earn it first. I think most people play by the "be nice to everyone," rule.

  • I'm fine with that.

    Crixus posted: »

    You'll be dead within the first 3 days of ZA then..

  • Yes, the survival instinct.

    Some things mean more to me than survival, and if I can control my instincts, well.

    Godwalker posted: »

    That's what most people say....until they are actually PUT into a situation that truly tests their morals.

  • Thats ok then if your fine with it, just letting ya know

    Jexx21 posted: »

    I'm fine with that.

  • Thats admirable in some respects, I see you like a Dale, I'd be more of a Negan-Esque type without a shadow of a doubt

    Jexx21 posted: »

    I'm fine with that.

  • At that point in the game, I was treating the group as a whole since I really didn't know anyone there and they were deciding what to do with me collectively. It's true that Clem doesn't owe her life to anyone but Pete and Luke, but she was still an outsider who was saved by the actions of members of the group, so I felt it was appropriate for me to be passive and placating when dealing with the group and give them a much wider berth than I would have otherwise.

    I'm certainly not saying that Nick had any right to do what he did, only that it's hard for me to be angry about being mistreated when I had just been saved from being eaten alive moments before. And having been through what she's been through, I feel like Clem's humanity bar was sufficiently lowered to the point where she was just glad they weren't psychos, rapists, or cannibals. Nick was willing to suck it up and offer up an earnest apology for being an aggressive prick. I think Clem would find it in her heart to forgive him.

    Godwalker posted: »

    Clem owes her life to Pete and luke, She doesn't owe Nick, Carlos or any of the others anything. If not for Pete and Luke, clem would be dead

  • edited December 2013

    I accepted his apology because:

    • It was an accident.
    • His mother was zombie food for someone who they tried to treat previously.
    • Refusing someone's apology when they recognize they were in the wrong is a dick move. You may have reservations about that person from then on regardless of the apology, and understandably so, but throwing an apology in someone's face when they are seemingly genuine in their remorse is just an asshole thing to do.
  • I accepted it, cause I thought it was the only rational thing to do (also becase I pissed of Carlos few moments earlier and needed to make some friends :) I think ZA or not, having him NEARLY kill me (I think I wouldn't accept his apologies if he wolud :) wouldn't make me act any differently if it were real life - would have to really think about it a lot more than a few seconds the game gives us, but the conclusion would be the same - to forgive him was the most rational thing to do at that time.

  • It's nice to find somebody who thinks die like good man much better than surviving the apocalypse by making some terrible choices.(Sorry for the bad english,that's not my language.)

    Jexx21 posted: »

    I would rather die than let go of my morals.

  • Will you swear as much as him? He's got to have some kind of quota.

    Crixus posted: »

    Thats admirable in some respects, I see you like a Dale, I'd be more of a Negan-Esque type without a shadow of a doubt

  • The thing is, he didn't mean to do it. Nick's just an idiot who has no idea what "Trigger Discipline" is. Personally, I'm kind of mad at whoever thought it was a good idea to give someone THAT incompetent a gun in the first place. Besides, accepting his apology makes him slightly more likely to like you, and stick his neck out for you later on.

    If it happens AGAIN, though...

    Reivur posted: »

    Its a good rule. I just don't think its a rule I would extend towards someone who nearly shot me in the chest while I was helpless. There have

  • edited December 2013

    Like the walking dead season 1 did?

    I never let go of my morals there.

    Godwalker posted: »

    That's what most people say....until they are actually PUT into a situation that truly tests their morals.

  • edited December 2013

    Lee held on to his morals, and he survived a while.

    Clementine hasn't let go of her morals, and she's survived like two years.

    Crixus posted: »

    Thats ok then if your fine with it, just letting ya know

  • Accident my ass!

    I accepted his apology because: * It was an accident. * His mother was zombie food for someone who they tried to treat previously. * Re

  • Yet acting like an asshole leaves you with no friends to back you up to. Either that or people kill you because of it. I'd rather make friends than enemies

    In the ZA that rule also gets you killed. You just can't be nice to everyone, it's not just black and white like that.

  • Dale wasn't. Hershel wasn't. Doug. Mark, Omid and Christa. They all managed a long time into it

    Crixus posted: »

    You'll be dead within the first 3 days of ZA then..

  • My Lee killed Danny and Andy and for me that was a turning point for him, I think Clem still hasn't had her big turning point yet. Maybe I should rephrase you won't last long if you're not willing to break your morals unless you're in a big group so that you're protected

    Flog61 posted: »

    Lee held on to his morals, and he survived a while. Clementine hasn't let go of her morals, and she's survived like two years.

  • I could fucking swear all fucking day my fucking friend :P

    Rock114 posted: »

    Will you swear as much as him? He's got to have some kind of quota.

  • How do you know what they're morals where plus they were in groups where they had other people doing the things that had to be done to protect them

    Kryik posted: »

    Dale wasn't. Hershel wasn't. Doug. Mark, Omid and Christa. They all managed a long time into it

  • Negan has alot of men backing him up. "Better to be feared then loved".

    Kryik posted: »

    Yet acting like an asshole leaves you with no friends to back you up to. Either that or people kill you because of it. I'd rather make friends than enemies

  • In my first playthrough there was nothing strategic about my decision. I forgave him because he seemed sincere. I was trying to put myself in Clem's POV, not a strategic gamer, and I didn't see any reason Clem wouldn't have accepted his apology in the circumstances. The way I played it, the way it happened was Rebecca said "You should have shot her right there" and then Clem freaked out & tried to run so Nick made a shot as an automatic reaction. Doesn't mean it was ok for him to do that, but Clem might have overreacted a bit too in that situation so it seemed fair to forgive him. I might have felt differently if I had chosen the dialogue options instead. But then he also was the only one in the group who initially didn't believe her but later admitted they were wrong, so more points in his favor there as well.

  • ....That's a video game that can only end one way REGARDLESS of how you played...I mean...REAL life...and/or a video game with multiple endings...even I, who was probably more ruthless than you, received the very same ending as you...and will receive probably receive the very same ending as you this season. Evaluating the importance of morals using a linear video game is....well...I don't think it is the best approach.

    Flog61 posted: »

    Like the walking dead season 1 did? I never let go of my morals there.

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