Damn, To change a thread title and all your posts to make it look like you're praising TT games instead of the original thread must have meant you felt extremely stupid for creating a thread like that.
Damn, To change a thread title and all your posts to make it look like you're praising TT games instead of the original thread must have meant you felt extremely stupid for creating a thread like that.
Lol Zombie is right I did not want anybody to get banned because the mods are strict Lol. Example this guy posted he found Kenny in season 2. He posted a photoshopped pic and the mod got pissed and gave him a warning lol. I just want to make things fair and give the banned person I was defending another chance. It seems nobody wants this person back.
Lol Zombie is right I did not want anybody to get banned because the mods are strict Lol. Example this guy posted he found Kenny in season 2. … moreHe posted a photoshopped pic and the mod got pissed and gave him a warning lol. I just want to make things fair and give the banned person I was defending another chance. It seems nobody wants this person back.
Lol Zombie is right I did not want anybody to get banned because the mods are strict Lol. Example this guy posted he found Kenny in season 2. … moreHe posted a photoshopped pic and the mod got pissed and gave him a warning lol. I just want to make things fair and give the banned person I was defending another chance. It seems nobody wants this person back.
Yeah, I saw that post. It was @Omid that posted that. I was surprised that the mod threatened a user for something so mediocre.
Notice thes… moree are things @puzzlebox would have no problem with most likely. It's just the normal mods that seem to be abusive.
Yeah, I saw that post. It was @Omid that posted that. I was surprised that the mod threatened a user for something so mediocre.
Notice thes… moree are things @puzzlebox would have no problem with most likely. It's just the normal mods that seem to be abusive.
They really are. My personal belief is that mods shouldn't intervene at all unless to post "actual" rules, to give advice, and to prevent severe bullying. Not to ban people for heated discourse.
These mods completely stifle opposition and debate. In one instance I wasn't even considering making an account, but some of you people looked really fun to be around.
Yeah, she was like:
Tale Tale games are fun
Then someone replies:
She still is annoying as all hell and deserves to stay banned.
WTF? And yea, I was one of the few who knew what this thread was all about XD
They really are. My personal belief is that mods shouldn't intervene at all unless to post "actual" rules, to give advice, and to prevent seve… morere bullying. Not to ban people for heated discourse.
These mods completely stifle opposition and debate. In one instance I wasn't even considering making an account, but some of you people looked really fun to be around.
I wish had that feeling. I was attacked by @shaundi in her "luke is so cute!" thread. I asked if she could stop and it all went to hell from there. I don't get why people get so upset on this forum sometimes. It takes a lot to make me personally attack someone. Nonetheless, I've met some pretty cool people otherwise.
They really are. My personal belief is that mods shouldn't intervene at all unless to post "actual" rules, to give advice, and to prevent seve… morere bullying. Not to ban people for heated discourse.
These mods completely stifle opposition and debate. In one instance I wasn't even considering making an account, but some of you people looked really fun to be around.
Yeah i just saw that. She got pretty mad pretty quick for not much reason lol. You get people like that every once in a while. I think people are so attached to the game it screws with them mentally and if you dont agree with them they will verbally murder you on the third degree lol
I wish had that feeling. I was attacked by @shaundi in her "luke is so cute!" thread. I asked if she could stop and it all went to hell from t… morehere. I don't get why people get so upset on this forum sometimes. It takes a lot to make me personally attack someone. Nonetheless, I've met some pretty cool people otherwise.
Yeah i just saw that. She got pretty mad pretty quick for not much reason lol. You get people like that every once in a while. I think peop… morele are so attached to the game it screws with them mentally and if you dont agree with them they will verbally murder you on the third degree lol
Contact tell by email. Write them on FB.
Eh, I'm going with they thought they would get banned for the original concept.
Or. This was the single most creative and amusing act of trolling I've ever seen on this forum.
Or worried about revenge.
Lol Zombie is right I did not want anybody to get banned because the mods are strict Lol. Example this guy posted he found Kenny in season 2. He posted a photoshopped pic and the mod got pissed and gave him a warning lol. I just want to make things fair and give the banned person I was defending another chance. It seems nobody wants this person back.
It wasn't actually trolling but i guess it seems that way since i edited this post XD
Nobody did want "this person" back
Yeah, I saw that post. It was @Omid that posted that. I was surprised that the mod threatened a user for something so mediocre.
Notice these are things @puzzlebox would have no problem with most likely. It's just the normal mods that seem to be abusive.
Tale Tale?
Yeah i thought this was a new thread but then i saw people saying keep her banned and i was like wow she changed it to this lol
Yeah you just cant give some people power
Do you think they are taking away the fun in the community by banning posts they don't like? Why are the mods so strict Lol.
They really are. My personal belief is that mods shouldn't intervene at all unless to post "actual" rules, to give advice, and to prevent severe bullying. Not to ban people for heated discourse.
These mods completely stifle opposition and debate. In one instance I wasn't even considering making an account, but some of you people looked really fun to be around.
Same! But i was also one of the few to notice she said Tale Tale not TellTale lol
Ha I'm glad I made an account because a lot of the people on here are really chill and funny and feel like friends
I wish had that feeling. I was attacked by @shaundi in her "luke is so cute!" thread. I asked if she could stop and it all went to hell from there. I don't get why people get so upset on this forum sometimes. It takes a lot to make me personally attack someone. Nonetheless, I've met some pretty cool people otherwise.
Yeah i just saw that. She got pretty mad pretty quick for not much reason lol. You get people like that every once in a while. I think people are so attached to the game it screws with them mentally and if you dont agree with them they will verbally murder you on the third degree lol
I'll remember that important fact for the next user I disagree with
Ha i'd say you, Viva La Lee, SenhorCreeper, and Zombies Are Awesome are probably the most chill people i've had a convo with!
Well, thanks
You're pretty laid back as well.
Dont mention it
I wonder what was up with that?
Wtf one guy just decided to down vote everyones comment
Just thinking that. I was going to ignore it, haha.
Lol I noticed that too. Someone is purposely downing comments
Yeah it's usually better to ignore it actually, if you call it out everyone will dislike your comment lol
I have no clue
Lol guys it's okay